Monday, January 25, 2021

GOP Sen. Josh Hawley wrote a column in defense of the Oklahoma City bomber when he was 15

GOP Sen. Josh Hawley wrote a column in defense of the Oklahoma City bomber when he was 15
Republican Sen. Josh Hawley, who backed former President Donald Trump's voter fraud claims following the 2020 election, wrote a column in which he defended the Oklahoma City bomber when he was 15 years old, according to a report from the Kansas City Star.

These Republicans are monsters, pure and simple. They're not patriots, they are perverts.

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Now, Josh Hawley Complains About Democratic Senators Complaining About His Incitement Of A Riot...

Mitch McConnell prayed that he would not be the biggest asshole in Kentucky, so God created Rand Paul. - Andy Borowitz


Republican Shenanigans

Rudy Giuliani needs a lawyer that is better than Rudy Giuliani. - Jeremy Newberger



Pray That Arkansas Doesn't Elect This Lying Fool

If Sarah Huckabee Sanders says she’s running for governor of Arkansas, does that mean she’s not running for governor of Arkansas? - Middle Age Riot


Betsy DeVos Warns That Biden Will Pick Education Secretary with Background in Education. - Andy Borowitz


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Republicans had no trouble spending $2 trillion on the Iraq war or tax cuts for the rich. When it comes to keeping Americans from starving they get frugal. - Andy Borowitz


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Business/Tech News

Shrinking QAnon to Merge with Elvis Conspiracy Theory. - Andy Borowitz



Deep apologies for the shortened edition today but an opportunity for a ride to Santa Cruz arose and I had to take advantage of that!


St. Patrick's Cathedral is such a surprising visual respite in busy New York City.


Friday, January 22, 2021

Trump impeachment article being sent to Senate Monday

Trump impeachment article being sent to Senate Monday
Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said on Friday that the House will deliver an impeachment article against President Trump to the Senate on Monday.

I won't be fully satisfied until I hear the clink of cold, steel cuffs on trump's tiny wrists. - Brooklyn Dad tweet


The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

White House Seized By Adults. - Andy Borowitz 

Mitch McConnell Trying To Throw Around What Little Power He Has Left
Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) proposed on a call with Republican senators Thursday that former President Trump’s impeachment trial be delayed until February to give him enough time to mount a defense.

It is nice to have a president with a soul again. - Stephen Colbert


Republican Shenanigans

Is it just me who is finding it difficult to agree to unify with the people who bellowed f*ck your feelings for the last 4 years?

Newt Gingrich Says Democrats Want To Exterminate Republicans.  LOL Didn't Newt Notice Republicans Have Exterminated Themselves?


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Rock The Voter News

Unchained Fauci Recites Entire Periodic Table of Elements at White House Briefing. - Andy Borowitz


AOC Doesn't Feel Safe On Capitol Hill, For Good Reason!

Hey, if we women can wear bras and high heels all our lives, you can wear masks for just 100 days

Woman up, folks! - Lindy Li



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I can't be the only one who won't have a fully productive work day until he's convicted of something. - Randi Mayem Singer

Fox News Obtains Damning Video of Biden Talking to Scientists. - Andy Borowitz

Uh Oh. Ford Recalling 3 Million Vehicles

I’m looking forward to sweating the small stuff again. - Conan O'Brien





The Baron Kelch\mansion in St.Petersburg, Russia. Amazing woodwork and that stained glass window is stunning.


Thursday, January 21, 2021

Biden inheriting nonexistent coronavirus vaccine distribution plan and must start 'from scratch,' sources say

Newly sworn in President Joe Biden and his advisers are inheriting no coronavirus vaccine distribution plan to speak of from the Trump administration, sources tell CNN, posing a significant challenge for the new White House.

So, Hunter Biden isn't in charge of handling the administration's pandemic response? What about one of their in-laws? No? Weird. - Corey Richardson


The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Fauci a Little Weirded Out by People Suddenly Listening to Him. - Andy Borowitz


I've been asleep for the last 6 hours, so I'm not sure if I missed it:

Has Biden fired a cabinet secretary via Twitter yet? - Stonekettle

Karl Rove Reminds Us That's He's A Racist Republican
Karl Rove is the latest Fox News personality to be "offended" after President Joe Biden decried white supremacy in his inauguration speech on Wednesday.
"Whether it's COVID, the economy or racism, why are they talking everything down?" Fox News host Bill Hemmer wondered during a segment with Rove on Thursday.

I’d say Fox News has made clear that their priority is protecting white supremacy and white supremacists. Democrats should feel no need to take them seriously. - Adam Parkhomenko

Facebook And Twitter Need To Ban The Orange Liar Permanently 

Mike And Karen Pence Leave White House Aboard Tandem Bike. - The Onion


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Horrified Biden Family Discovers Rotting, Months-Old Corpse Of Jeff Sessions In White House Executive Residence. - The Onion


Yay! We're Fighting Against Cyberattacks Again!
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) on Thursday rolled out a new public awareness campaign to push back against the plague of ransomware cyberattacks that have increasingly targeted governments and the nation’s education systems.

Biden Restores Obama-Era Spelling Rules. - Andy Borowitz


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Business/Tech News

Exactly four years ago... people tend to remember only Spicer’s obvious lie that Trump had the biggest inaugural crowd size. But it was also the day the Trump admin began attacking members of the press from the WH briefing room. - Jim Acosta, CNN


Rolling Stones Rolling Out Chocolate Candy Bars!

There will be prosecution for members of Congress who aided and abetted Capitol Hill rioters. - Speaker Pelosi




Today is gonna be a good, good, day!


Sunrise this morning at the White House. We are going to be alright, people, we are going to be alright.

Peace and love.