Monday, September 9, 2024

How Trump plans to attack Kamala Harris at Philadelphia debate

Former President Donald Trump is going to make Vice President Kamala Harris answer for her record as district attorney and VP at the Tuesday night debate,...

Memo to the moderators on Tuesday: The quest for balance is a trap. Treating rival assertions in a debate as equal when one is demonstrably false is not fairness but malpractice. There aren't two sides to a lie. Lies are never acceptable and must always be corrected. - Richard Stengel

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Just a reminder: The Russians didn’t funnel millions to LEFT-WING American media voices to spew Russia’s divisive disinformation & propaganda. They funneled millions to RIGHT-WING American media voices.
There’s a reason for that. - Joe Walsh

Trump May Have To Imprison Himself According To His Latest Claim. LOL.
Former President Donald Trump, who makes frequent false claims that the 2020 presidential election was stolen through rampant fraud, warned Saturday that he would try to imprison anyone who engages in "unscrupulous behavior" during this year's race.

New York Times wrote 3562 articles about Clinton’s emails in 2015-16

Now they’re pushing pro-Trump polls

Washington Post is running hit pieces against Harris

Politico is spreading MAGA propaganda

Univision made a secret deal with Jared Kushner

Media is screwing us over AGAIN. - Lindy Li

Republican Shenanigans

‘Pro Life’ would be 20 Sandy Hook students starting college this Fall. - The Other 98%

Florida Went From Great Men As Bill Nelson, Bob Graham, Lawton Chiles to Sickos As Ron DeSantis

If someone had actually shot at Trump:
1. He would sue that family. 
2. He would sue the Secret Service. 
3. He would tweet about it every day.
4. It would be in his stump speech. 
5. He would blame Biden. 
6. He would blame Hunter Biden and Hillary. 
7. … 

You get my drift. - HeidiOCanada

Is it too early to call Kamala Harris’s debate performance a disappointing failure? - New York Times PitchBot


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Rock The Voter News

Trump is proposing altering the 25th Amendment so that it can impeach Vice Presidents. Well, I guess that’s an improvement over his previous proposal, which was to hang them. - Andy Borowitz

Claiming there's fraud in an election without proof in hand should be treated as an act of fraud in itself. - Alex Cole

You Know Trump Is Jealous Of This...
A group of 10 retired top U.S. military officials endorsed U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris in a letter made public on Monday, saying she is the only presidential candidate fit to serve as the nation's commander in chief and calling her Republican rival Donald Trump "a danger to our national security and democracy."

The fact that Dick Cheney doesn't want another four years of Trump is amazing given his history of being pro-torture.  - Andy Borowitz

Trump took an illegal $10M campaign contribution from Egypt’s president in 2016.
If that’s not a pyramid scheme then I don’t know what is. - Captain Obvious


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Business/Tech News

Elon Musk came to America and mooched off our tax dollars to get rich. Now he's in bed with Vladimir Putin and he's trying to kill our democracy so he and his oligarch buddies can have their authoritarian government. 

Musk is an enemy of democracy. - MayoIsSpicyy

Stanky Janky

Trump is now claiming that Kamala Harris is an illegal alien.

Does that mean that Tuesday’s debate will be Alien vs. Predator? - Captain Obvious

The Fraternal Order of Police @GLFOP endorsing the white felon and not the prosecutor of color tells you everything you need to know about how systemically broken it is and how much work this nation has to do to repair it. - John Pavlovitz





Tomorrow I will be taking the day off to celebrate three quarters of a century on this incredible planet.

I hope I don't burn my house down with all those candles.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
I wonder why I am always fascinated with the mountains of Patagonia. They are so scary.



  1. Have a happy birthday Lisa! I am a long time lurker of AHNC since Bush 43. You are one of the first blogs i visit daily ❤

  2. Cheers Lisa! Have yourself a fantastic birthday.

  3. Have a great Birthday. I love your blog.

  4. HBD2U
    Thanks for the smiles and laughs over the years.

  5. Happy birthday Lisa. Keep on blogging!
