Thursday, August 29, 2024

US Army Issues Rare Statement Defending Arlington Employee 'Unfairly Attacked' By Trump Team

The US Army defended the “professionalism” of the Arlington National Cemetery employee they believe is being “unfairly attacked” by the Trump campaign.
The statement comes as fallout over the reported incident continues days after former President Donald Trump attended the site to mark the anniversary of the 2021 Kabul airport terrorist attack that claimed the lives of 13 U.S. military personnel during the Biden administration’s withdrawal from Afghanistan.


He can’t even visit our national military cemetery and pay respect without using our fallen heroes as a prop. 
He makes me sick!


Let’s please just have a POTUS who doesn’t start a fight in a cemetery. That’d be nice. Small things. - jfreewright

The World Is A Safer Place Without Trump

John McCain is not just a war hero, he's a political hero. I have insurance because of his THUMBS DOWN to Trump's attempt to destroy ObamaCare. - Morgan J. Freeman

I'm not trying to brag, but New Yorkers loathed The Donald long before it was in style. - NotHoodlum

Of Course, She's Scared. Trump's Thuggery Has Consequences.
An Army spokesperson said Thursday that a female Army National Cemetery official was "abruptly pushed aside" during a dispute with the Trump campaign over political activity and photos on the grounds earlier in the week, but the employee has decided not to press charges. 

How many reporters fear Trump and his fans the same way that Arlington employee does? - Sam Youngman

Vance: “You’re acting like Donald Trump filmed a TV commercial at a gravesite. He was there providing emotional support to brave Americans who lost loved ones and there happened to be a camera there.”


If a convicted felon awaiting sentencing commits a new felony in a cemetery, can Merrick Garland hear him? - LincolnsBible

Trump Is Just Plain Vulgar, Always Has Been, Always Will Be.

Vance Attacks Cats Who Do Not Have Kittens. - Andy Borowitz


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Rock The Voter News

Interesting that nothing is Bidens fault anymore. It's like Kamala is already president. - Ginger Spice

HaHaHaHaHaHaHa. Moses Got Trump Into Arlington!
The Republican Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, reportedly pulled strings to get Donald Trump into Arlington National Cemetery, amid what has become a scandal and a crisis for the ex-president's campaign to re-take the White House and once again become Commander in Chief. Despite federal law that prohibits using the hallowed resting place of 400,000 of the nation's service members for political purposes, on Monday the Trump campaign photographed, filmed, and released video across multiple social media platforms showing the one-term president and convicted felon awaiting sentencing participating in a wreath laying ceremony followed by him standing in a sacred section where photography is highly-regulated, and standing by several headstones, grinning, in his famous "thumbs up" pose, which was widely condemned.

TRUMP: (desecrates the final resting place of fallen United States soldiers)

MEDIA: Kamala Harris Didn’t List Her High School Job at McDonald’s on Her Resume to Be a Law Clerk. - Ben Wexler

Republicans Change Party Symbol From Elephant to Severed Whale Head. - Andy Borowitz


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Business/Tech News

I saw Boar's Head was trending and my first thought was to wonder what Kennedy did this time. - S.R. Miller

Penn Wharton issues study that Trump plan would bankrupt the USA. 

His own college. - Pesach Lattin

Trump Stock Tanks While Kamala Soars
CNN’s Matt Egan and Rahel Solomon roasted former President Donald Trump’s “tanking” Trump Media (DJT) stock as Vice President Kamala Harris’s rise and Trump’s own actions affect the price — and an important deadline looms.

Media was fine letting Trump use Arlington Cemetery as a photo op until NPR, to its credit, worked sources to get the story. Trump's team lied about *every relevant fact* of what happened and now the Army's involved. Trump is who he is but the media failures are glaring. - scarylawyerguy

Stranded Astronauts Celebrate Five More Months Away From Trump. - Andy Borowitz


  1. I'll be dancing on the political grave of Donald Trump this November. And, just like the meme you provided, I will someday be smiling and giving a thumbs up on his real one!! 😃👍

  2. The Trump campaign is doing damage control over the cemetery incident. He will be visiting a holocaust site with his entourage and they will be carrying just a few "Trump" signs so they know who is visiting with such respect. That will up the Jewish vote for sure.

  3. Yeah, sure, Anyone have a babka?
