Wednesday, September 4, 2024

House GOP leaders weigh options as Trump pushes for a government shutdown fight

Donald Trump is pressuring Republicans to shut down the government at the end of September if Congress doesn't pass a citizenship election bill.

REMINDER: Every government shutdown within the past 30 years has been started by a Republican House. - DCCC

The World Is A Safer Place Without Trump

If you want to get guns out of schools, get Republicans out of office. - John Collins

Remember how John McCain was brutally tortured in a prison camp and yet still preserved our war secrets, and then how Donald Trump came along years later and freely handed classified documents to our enemies for personal gain?

Pretty clear why those two didn’t hit it off. - Al Cappuccino

Democrats are held to impossible standards while Republicans are held to no standards. - Matt Murphy

If Russians are interfering in an election to help your candidate he's not pro-American. - Michael Little

Trump Pleads Not Guilty To New Jack Smith Indictment. Not Guilty, My Foot.

It is kind of crazy we didn't just throw trump in jail immediately after january 6th. - vanillaopinions

Republican Shenanigans

Trump letting his campaign handlers mute him during the debate so that he behaves like a good boy has got to be the most Beta move in memory. Maybe they should add a shock collar or leash. - Tim Miller

SHOCKER: Barron Trump To Attend Liberal Woke NYU
Barron Trump is headed to the business school at New York University (NYU), according to former President Trump...Barron Trump, with a backpack swung over his shoulder, was seen entering NYU Wednesday accompanied by a security detail.

The beltway media is lazy, entitled, and wants a horse race.
Arlington? No follow up
Assassination attempt medical report? No follow up
Bribes from Egypt? No follow up
Age? No longer discussed.
Pardoned murderers? Nothing.
Did Kamala Harris actually work at McDonalds? “SCANDAL!” - Steve Marmel


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Rock The Voter News

Biden dropped out of the race and has a much busier campaign schedule than Trump. Biden has three campaign events this week. Trump has zero.
--Judd Legum

Everything's Bigger In Texas, Especially The Ability To Not Register Voters
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (R) is suing the Democratic stronghold of Bexar County over a plan to send unsolicited voter registration forms to eligible, but unregistered, voters.

Maybe public support for the press would be higher if the press asked questions that the public is interested in. - Richard Stengel 


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Business/Tech News

Well, Donald Trump's Truth Social stock is officially under 18. Better keep Matt Gaetz away from it. - Alex Cole

SHOCKER: Musk Complies With Brazil's Ban on X

"Unions have been the only powerful and effective voice working people have ever had in the history of this country."
~ Bruce Springsteen

Notice how MAGA is entirely silent after the school shooting today.

You people are sick. - aes



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
- Emma Lazarus


1 comment:

  1. Had to look up tempest-tost to discover tost is an archaic version of tossed. I think Ms Lazarus uses it because it accentuates the rhythm of the poetic line. Then I had to look up rhythm because I couldn't remember how to spell it. Whew! I feel learnt now.
