Thursday, August 16, 2018

The Revenge of the Trump continues...

John Brennan Hits Back in Scathing Op-Ed: Trump’s Claims of No Collusion ‘Hogwash’
Former CIA Director John Brennan fired a shot back across the bow of the Trump administration in a scathing op-ed piece published in the NY Times today. This is a scathing retort less than 24 hours after the White House announced that President Donald Trump had ordered the revocation of Brennan’s security clearances, a move that many saw as a symbolic threat designed to silence critics of this administration.

How surprised would you be if you found out Vladimir Putin had a security clearance? - Wrath of Khan tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

How soon until Trump starts talking about revoking President Obama's security clearances? - Roland Scahill

Pompeo Hates The Disabled, Too.
State Department diplomats who have children with disabilities and mental health issues say U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has been ignoring their pleas for help in a struggle they’ve been waging for more than a year now against the erosion of their medical and education benefits.

Mourning the loss today of Aretha Franklin who shared her spirit and talent with the world. She deserves not only our RESPECT but also our lasting gratitude for opening our eyes, ears and hearts. Rest in eternal peace, my friend. - Hillary Clinton 

Doing my makeup on the train this morning and a random man told me he likes women to have a more natural look. I told him I like men to have a more silent look. - Amy Fowler

Republican Shenanigans

By November, Republicans will be saying that it’s ok to collude with a hostile government to get elected, that it’s fine to use the n-word in everyday conversation, and that dogs are horrible and should be fired. - Roland Scahill

Putin Must Be So Proud Of Himself!
FBI agents in California and Washington, D.C., have investigated a series of cyberattacks over the past year that targeted a Democratic opponent of Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA). Rohrabacher is a 15-term incumbent who is widely seen as the most pro-Russia and pro-Putin member of Congress and is a staunch supporter of President Trump.

Omarosa played a recording of Trump’s chief of staff John Kelly, firing her in the White House Situation Room. Experts said, “Nobody’s ever made a recording in that room.” Then one guy said, [Russian accent] “That you know about.”- Jimmy Fallon

In 1994, at a pro-tobacco rally in Kentucky against the universal health care plan my mother @HillaryClinton was championing, someone doused an effigy of my mom in gasoline and lit it on fire. A band played in the background. The local Republican Congressman was in attendance. - Chelsea Clinton tweet


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Him: They're Rapists, Murderers, Animals, Lowlifes, Low IQ, Liars, Dogs...
Public: [crickets]
Her: They're a basket of Deplorables.
Public: HOW DARE SHE!! - 
George Takei

Rock The Voter News

"Obama set race relations back" sounds better than "Obama really upset all us racists." -John Fugelsang

Trump Seems To Be Doing Everything He Can To Allow Russian Hacking
President Trump has reportedly rolled back a series of Obama-era classified rules on how the U.S. government can launch cyberattacks on foreign targets.

Black Unemployment Reaches 100% at White House - Andy Borowitz

Senator Sanders says he wants to transform the Democrats into a party for workers. But like a scab, he won’t join the union, won’t pay dues, won’t put in the work, but still thinks he’s entitled to union protection. Is that who we want representing workers? - Jason Haddix


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Business/Tech News

So Trump wants to yank Sally Yates’ clearance because “national security.” Recall that Yates warned Trump about Michael Flynn’s ties to Russia. As did others, who also noted his work for Turkey. Trump then gave Flynn *the most sensitive national security position in government.* - Radley Balko

They are breeding

This May Be The Next Person To Be Fired By Trump
A federal judge has ordered the government to conduct a full environmental review of a new route for the Keystone XL pipeline in a blow for the Trump administration.
Reuters reported that U.S. District Court Judge Brian Morris in Montana made the ruling in favor of the Indigenous Environmental Network and other groups challenging the pipeline.

Crazy how nature does that

Good morning friend in the Twitter. What has happen to my life? I wish I stay in Slovenia where as girl I have pony. - Rogue Melania tweet



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The size of our Moon compared to USA. A very interesting perspective.


Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Today is Mother's Day In Costa Rica

It is a national holiday every August 15. Women are considered an asset here,  not a liability.

I completely forgot about the holiday until my friends stopped by this morning. They brought me a beautiful blouse as a gift.

We feasted on fried chicken at Pollolandia in Villarreal. I love that name. It is a great take-out joint, too. Then we hit a few grocery stores that were open and packed with native tourists holiday shopping.

It is a happy time here.

My friends dropped me home then they went fishing at Playa Potrero with a bag of chicken wings and legs, and of course, tortillas. I won't fish in the afternoon heat because I would die.

Mea culpa dear viewers, I will return tomorrow with a new edition of AHNC.

Thank you for visiting.

I won't leave you empty handed!

What is it with these men? Trump and the Republicans ignoring pedophiles, in fact, supporting them. And even worse, over 1000 children were sexually abused by Catholic priests in Pennsylvania. My God, Vatican, you know full well "What Jesus Would Do," he'd grab a whip and drive them out just like he did to the moneychangers in the Temple.


Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Trump Won't Follow Congressional Directives on Russia and Crimea

Trump Won't Follow Congressional Directives on Russia and Crimea
President Donald Trump objects to an effort by Congress to prevent his administration from recognizing Crimea as part of Russia. Crimea is a region in Ukraine ..

Trump will listen to anyone who likes him. TRUMP I LOVE YOU RESIGN. - Seth MacFarlane

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

John McCain refused to be released early from captivity so other POWs captured before him could be released first. Trump would throw on a dress if he was on the Titanic if it meant he was rescued faster. @SenJohnMcCain Thank you Senator - irishygirl

45 years ago  John McCain was released after being held captive for over 5 years.

Hey Trump, Russia Says It Wants To Devalue The U.S. Dollar
Russia has been discussing for some time the possibility of using national currencies to settle bilateral trade deals with Turkey, China and Iran, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on a visit to the Turkish capital....Lavrov, speaking at a news conference with his Turkish counterpart, said over time the role of the U.S. dollar as the currency of global trade will decline. 

Sen John McCain was so gracious to greet me & a group of prominent pastors during their visit to the Hill last year. We're sending him our prayers & best wishes. Though we may at times disagree on policy, I share in Sen. McCain's pride for our country & constitution. He is a hero. - Rep.Maxine Waters

The President is feuding with his former reality TV contestant employee and claiming he doesn’t know a racial slur the day after he posed for pictures with Neo-Nazi bikers. 
I am so tired.- Peter Yates Sexton

Republican Shenanigans

The majority of voters chose a woman but a minority of voters elected the cast of Mean Girls. - John Fugelsang

Omarosa & Trump Are Cut Out Of The Same Cloth
Omarosa Manigault Newman released a new recording to CBS News featuring a collection of Trump campaign staffers discussing the potential release of a tape of Donald Trump using the N-word.
Manigault Newman claimed this week that there is a recording of Trump using the N-word during his time hosting The Apprentice on NBC News.

When it comes to evil rodent-like fascist advisors, Stephen Miller is the Gerbil Goebbels.- John Fugelsang

Peter Strzok is fired from service to our country for sending personal text messages about a president who has sold out to Russia. - Alt Fed Employee


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Donald Trump said he doesn’t like John McCain because he was captured, had staff members mock him dying of cancer, and did not name John McCain after signing an act named after John McCain...
But please Meghan McCain...go on about how much you hate Hillary Clinton. - Tony Posnanski

Rock The Voter News

A real dog waiting for a real President. - Pete Souza

The Next President Must Have Political & Diplomatic Experience To Clean Up This Mess
The man known to most Americans as a porn star's lawyer may never formally enter the presidential race. But as he dipped his toe into the 2020 waters here this weekend, Michael Avenatti may have at least jump-started a debate that could prove critical to the party: To beat Trump, how much do Democrats need to be like Trump?

In the midst of the #Omarosa flap, one does have to admit, #Trump has achieved great depths; he has brought in the tackiest, seediest, shabbiest group of chiselers the American people have ever had to pay their hard earned tax dollars to. - Bette Midler

For everyone celebrating the firing of FBI Agent Peter Strzok right now, I’m sure you’d be just as overjoyed if every GOP government official who privately expressed a negative opinion of Hillary Clinton during the election was fired for their “deep-state bias.” If not then STFU. - Andrew Wortman


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Business/Tech News

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Unable To Answer Any Questions About Administration After Signing Non-Disclosure Agreement - The Oniom

Paul Manafort Counting The Days Till He's Pardoned
Paul Manafort’s defense rested Tuesday without calling any witnesses — including Manafort himself — a decision that will send the tax- and bank-fraud trial into its final stages.
Closing statements will begin Wednesday, with jury deliberations to follow.

Report: We Don’t Make Any Money If You Don’t Click The Fvcking Link  - The Onion



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Cappadocia, Turkey. What a cozy ancient neighborhood.
