Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Today is World AIDS Day

AIDS timeline: Four decades but still no silver bullet
With hopes of eradicating AIDS badly hit by the coronavirus pandemic, we look at the fight against the deadly condition since its emergence 40 years ago, as the planet marks World AIDS Day on Wednesday.

In 1986 two of my friends died of AIDS six months after being infected, one was gay and one was straight. Both felt abandoned by society who feared them and by the Reagan administration who made jokes about them. Republicans are just cruel, pure and simple. 


The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Gunowners who fail to secure their weapons so that they are not accessible to unauthorized users should be charged with Criminal Negligence.

When a death results, they should be tried for Negligent Homicide. No exceptions

There are NO accidents with guns, only negligence. - Stonekettle tweet

Apparently, Social Distancing Worked at the 2016 Presidential Debate
Former President Donald Trump tested positive for Covid-19 before a debate with his 2020 opponent Joe Biden, according to a forthcoming book from former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows.

Attempting to infect a Presidential candidate with a deadly disease has to be some kind of federal crime right? - BlackKnight10K tweet

Republican Shenanigans

Only in America can you be
Pro-Death Penalty
Pro Drone killings
Pro-Family Separation
Pro-Global Gag Rule
Pro-cutting WIC & SNAP
Pro-Lying abt vaccines
Pro-Presidents who lie abt a pandemic
& still call yourself  Pro Life. - John Fugelsang

There is not a single f*cking country that’s ever reduced gun deaths with thoughts and prayers. - David Hogg

Ooo, Ooo, The Wizard of Oz Is Running For The U.S. Senate!
The celebrity doctor Dr. Mehmet Oz, who has promoted questionable health advice to a national TV audience, has announced he is running for a U.S. Senate seat in Pennsylvania as a Republican.

Mark Meadows watched Trump test positive for COVID, was quiet as Trump carried on with debates and events, watched Trump nearly die from COVID, and then was quiet as Trump continued to downplay the virus. No one should buy a Mark Meadows' book, they should throw the book at him. - Jeremy Newberger

Where are all the media pundits praising Democrats for FLIPPING 48 local seats in Georgia this year? - Aaron Parnas

GOP's 20 Millionth Attempt To Overturn Abortion Rights
When should a Supreme Court justice’s deeply held religious beliefs require recusal — that is, that the justice not participate in a particular case? A difficult question, to be sure, but one that Justice Amy Coney Barrett has already answered for herself. And her answer requires her recusal in abortion cases.

Hillary Posted This on Facebook this morning.

I wish Susan Collins had a heart or a conscience. Both would be actually concerned today. - Adam Parkhomenko


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Business/Tech News

Jobs are being created at SIXTY TIMES the rate under President Biden than under the last three Republican presidencies. --Jon Cooper

Weird, Facebook's CEO Is A Jew Who Spreads Holocaust Denial
Holocaust denial content remains on Facebook despite a ban the platform put in place last year, according to a report published Wednesday morning by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). 

One of my commitments is to promote human values based on common sense and scientific findings. What we need is more self-confidence, which comes from concern for others' well-being. The real source of inner strength and self-confidence is warm-heartedness. - Dalai Lama tweet

A viewer sent me this today. 
Thank you, Meg, that means a lot to me especially
since I am known to use a few curse words now and then.


Good News, Bad News.

The bad news first, termites have invaded my front and back door frames. The front door frame was replaced last Friday, hence my absence from AHNC. The back door frame will be replaced this weekend. No more pine frames. The repairman built a frame from termite resistant wood. 

The good news is that it is AHNC's Birthday Month.
AHNC will be 21 years old on December 14! How time flies!

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Marjorie Taylor Greene and Nancy Mace Throw Down in Brutal Twitter Feud Over Boebert’s Racist Comments

Marjorie Taylor Greene and Nancy Mace Throw Down in Brutal Twitter Feud Over Boebert’s Racist Comments
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) are going after each other on Twitter over a fellow House Republican Lauren Boebert’s (CO) anti-Muslim attack on Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN).

Hey Lauren Boebert, maybe not a good idea to call a colleague a terrorist when you’re the one who brings a gun to work. - Andy Borowitz

How many calls from Mar-a- Lago do you think Mark Meadows got in the past few hours? - Chris Hahn

Trump Lawyers Are Apparently Running Out Of Excuses For Trump
All three judges on the appellate panel Tuesday that's hearing former President Donald Trump's case seeking to block release of his January 6 documents signaled that they had skepticism about the arguments his lawyer was making in the case.

Republican Shenanigans

Powerful Variant of Stupidity Identified in Texas. - Andy Borowitz

Florida Republicans Redraw Congressional Maps In Their Favor
The Florida House released its proposed congressional maps.

Gaetz must be so bummed that he can’t hire the Arbery defendants as interns. - Andy Borowitz


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*Kamala Harris buys a cooking pot*
wingnuts: NOT LIKE THAT
- Jeff Tiedrich

Rock The Voter News

The difference between us and Trumpers is we want EVERYONE who engaged in lewd acts with Jeffrey Epstein to go down! We don't care what political party they identify with. Who's with us?  - Meidas Touch tweet

The Problem Here Is, Blood Is Thicker Than The Truth

life hack: avoid the stress of following the government lifting/reinstating of mask mandates by ignoring them and wearing a mask regardless. - shaun tweet


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Business/Tech News

Jack Dorsey is stepping down as CEO of Twitter and will be replaced by Steve68939285. - Tony Posnanski

Texas Dude Who Bought Lamborghini With PPP Funds Sentenced To 110 Months 

Electricians installing power lines on the Navajo Nation reservation. $11 billion of the infrastructure bill has been allocated for Indigenous communities, some have been without electricity for decades — your vote played a part — your vote really does matter. - Lakota Man tweet

Monday, November 29, 2021

The Ahmaud Arbery case and Linda Dunikoski’s victory

When on Thanksgiving eve the three white men accused of murdering Ahmaud Arbery as he ran through their Georgia neighborhood were found guilty,...

If America really meant "All Lives Matter" we wouldn't need A Black Lives Matter movement. - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

After 4 years of the complete sh*tshow that was the trump admin, the job the media is doing reporting on the Biden admin successes is horrendous. - Brooklyn Dad tweet

Another Subpoena Shunner...
A House committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection will vote Wednesday to hold a former Justice Department official in contempt, seeking criminal charges against a defiant witness for a second time after holding former White House aide Steve Bannon in contempt last month.

Republican Shenanigans

Could one of the disease-ridden South Africans currently streaming across the Texas border please bring Greg Abbott a geography book. or maybe even a f*cking map. - Jeff Tiedrich

Will Ghislaine Maxwell Go Quietly Into The Night? LOL.
A jury was selected on Monday morning in the sex-abuse trial of Ghislaine Maxwell, who is accused of recruiting and grooming underage girls for late financier Jeffrey Epstein to abuse.
U.S. prosecutors have said that between 1994 and 2004, Maxwell - a former employee and romantic partner of Epstein's - gained the girls' trust by taking them to movies, sending them gifts such as lingerie and discussing sexual topics, according to a 2021 indictment.

Chris Christie’s new book sold just 2,289 copies during its first week of release, making it one of the biggest flops in history despite nonstop coverage on every cable news network. Have a nice Monday! - Meidas Touch tweet


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Social Security recipients get a 5.9% RAISE. Medicare goes up over 14% and is taken out of our checks. That's how Seniors get screwed. - Sharon Brooks

You know what? If anything, Hillary Clinton UNDERESTIMATED just how DEPLORABLE the “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic and Islamophobic” Republicans are.  - Jon Cooper


Beto O'Rouke Proclaims: Alright, Alright, Alright!

Howard Stern says if Trump runs in 2024 he will have to run against him and he will put all unvaccinated people in a leper colony. - Tim Hannan

Pretty certain Le Crueset is having a bang up sales surge thanks to faux Republican outrage. - Barbara Malmet

It's OK - Monday hates you, too. - John Fugelsang