Monday, September 23, 2024

Monday, Monday

I need a few sick days or should I say pain days. You know how old injuries come back to haunt you in old age? That's where I'm at.

When I awoke this morning I could barely walk. 

As I explained this to my daughter a few moments ago she noted that, on Saturday,  I was squinting in pain as she drove us to go shopping.

Here in Guanacaste province, 80% of the side roads off the main roads are pothole filled dirt roads during the rainy season.  Actually, a helicopter would solve that problem.

I just need rest to heal.

HGTV, here I come.

See you soon. I hope.


  1. Feel better very soon! I enjoy your blog SO much - I will miss you.

  2. If I wake up in the morning and nothing hurts, something will by noon. Been like this since my 50s, I"m 77 now


  3. You have been such a trooper for so long I'm not surprised you need some downtime. You rest and we'll pray for you.

  4. All in all, we're all just happy you're still here after nearly 25 years of AHNC.

  5. CR potholes do have the upside of controlling speeding and discouraging driving while intexticated.

  6. Please enjoy your downtime and get healed up. We'll see you when you're up and about. :)
