Monday, June 10, 2019

Pompeo’s Solution To Dealing With Climate Change: ‘Move To Different Places’

Pompeo’s Solution To Dealing With Climate Change: ‘Move To Different Places’ 
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s got a solution to avoiding the harms of climate change: Just live somewhere else.
Pompeo gave an interview to the Washington Times on Friday, during which he addressed the Trump administration’s approach to combating global warming.

There is no Republican Party. There's a Trump party. The Republican Party is kind of taking a nap somewhere. - John Boehner, former Republican Speaker of the House

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Been waiting for Trump's statement condemning a Russian destroyer nearly colliding with a US warship.  And I suppose that's the point.  Russia wanted to gauge his reaction, or non-reaction and they got it. - Amy Siskind tweet

French Friendship Tree Dies While Held In Quarantine
A sapling planted by the French and US presidents on the White House lawn, meant to symbolize friendship between the two nations, has died. It had been living in US quarantine for the last year.

Once you realize the migrant concentration camps at the border turn a profit as private prisons it all starts to make sense. - Nathan H. Rubin

Republican Shenanigans

Actual bullets fired at US forces on D-day: 360,000,000 
Actual bullets fired at Bill Barr: 0 - NueroPsychoPhD

The people who always told us "Reagan won the Cold War" are now the ones trying to give the trophy back to Russia. - John Fugelsang

Glad To See This Story Is Getting Legs
Under Elaine Chao, the Transportation Dept. designated a special liaison to help with grant applications and other priorities from her husband Mitch McConnell's state of Kentucky, paving the way for grants totaling at least $78 mil for favored projects.

Evangelicals have to constantly tell you they're Christian – because otherwise you'd never guess. - Mrs. Betty Bowers


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I think the words I’ve come to hate the most are “Democrats have reached a deal with DOJ.” Keep trying to kick that football, folks. I’m sure Lucy is a completely different person now. - Adam Parkhomenko

Rock The Voter News

David Axelrod Is A Democratic Divider Not A Uniter. He Mocked Biden & He Constantly Mocked Hillary In 2016. 
CNN's David Axelrod mocked a tweet from former Vice President Joe Biden to former President Obama celebrating "Best Friends Day," with the former Obama-Biden campaign chief strategist asking if it was joke.

Vote your conscience in the primaries. 
Vote for our survival in the general. - Douglas C. Perera tweet

Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, he'll contribute to the global over depletion of the ocean. So give him a salad, maybe. - TheTweetofGod


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Call me crazy but I'm starting to suspect that the lying liar who lied about crowd size and lied about his wealth and lied about his racist wall and lied about bone spurs and lied about ten thousand other things might be lying about this stupid f*cking imaginary deal with Mexico. - Jeff Tiedrich

Business/Tech News

Twitter is fun because you get to be like, “Ducks are good” and someone in your mentions will go, “Um, I’m sorry but my brother is married to a duck scientist and this is a harmful view” and then someone else pops up going, “Your silence about horses is extremely telling” - Mike Drucker tweet

N.R.A. Must Be Having A Sad
The U.S. Supreme Court turned away challenges to a federal law that requires registration of gun silencers, the accessory that has drawn new scrutiny after it was used in a mass shooting in Virginia.
The justices, without comment Monday, left intact the conviction of Jeremy Kettler, a Kansas man sentenced to one year of probation after a jury found him guilty of possessing an unregistered silencer.

Time Magazine, 51 years ago this week, 
after Robert Kennedy’s assassination.

Good news, I just got my Fast Pass for Mount Everest. - Conan O'Brien



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Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Krka National Park, Croatia. Who trims those round bushes in the falls?


Friday, June 7, 2019

Trump supporter arrested after making 2000 phone calls over 3 years threatening Democrats

Trump Supporter Arrested After Allegedly Threatening To Kill Members of Congress
Scott Brian Haven of Utah is accused of making over 2,000 phone calls to the U.S. Capitol over a three-year period about Democrats threatening Trump’s presidency.

If you say the President deserves to be in prison, but you don’t want to impeach him, ain’t you part of the problem? - Tea Pain

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

I thought I was talking to a plant, said Prince Charles . - Andy Borowitz

Dangerous Naval Encounter Between U.S. and Russia.
The United States and Russian navies are at odds over an apparent near collision in the Pacific Friday with each side blaming the other.
The US and Russian warships came somewhere between 50 feet and 165 feet of each other, according to the two opposing reports, with both sides alleging their ships were forced to perform emergency maneuvers to avoid a collision, which can be seen in video and a picture of the event obtained by CNN.

Flashback: This meme is 2 years old today. It aged well.

Republican Shenanigans

Mr. President, it's completely disrespectful to call @SpeakerPelosi names while on the hallowed grounds of Normandy. These political attacks were not only disrespectful, but they were wrong. The memory of America’s heroes deserve better—our country must be better than this. - Rep.Elijah Cummings tweet

Possibly A Double Agent?
In a key finding of the Mueller report, Ukrainian businessman Konstantin Kilimnik, who worked for Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, is tied to Russian intelligence.
But hundreds of pages of government documents — which special counsel Robert Mueller possessed since 2018 — describe Kilimnik as a “sensitive” intelligence source for the U.S. State Department who informed on Ukrainian and Russian matters.

Trump floated the idea of a six-figure payment to silence Pelosi during a closed-door meeting in which he asserted that he had done “a million of these deals.” - Andy Borowitz


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It's kinda weird for left-wing pundits to drag Biden for flipping toward the positions they wanted him to adopt. - Nate Silver

Rock The Voter News

Remember, Trump was impeachable one minute into his inaugural address without divesting himself of his business under the constitution’s emoluments clause.   His DC hotel is a bribe hole and MAGA & the GOP will never ever ever care because standards and morals are for losers. - John Fugelsang

Trump Impersonator "Can't Do It Again"
Alec Baldwin says he’s “so done” with playing President Trump on “Saturday Night Live.”...“I can’t imagine I would do it again. I just can’t,” he said. “They should find somebody who wants to do it.”


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For all of the money we are spending, NASA should NOT be talking about going to the Moon - We did that 50 years ago. They should be focused on the much bigger things we are doing, including Mars (of which the Moon is a part), Defense and Science! - Donald J. Trump tweet

Business/Tech News

I don't wanna go to the Moon! 
I wanna go to Mars!!

As JFK famously said, “We choose to go to the Moon not because it is easy, but because it is Mars" - Jason O. Gilbert

In WWII The Sikhs In India Aided My Father, An Army Pvt. Truck Driver Who Was Disguised As A Sikh To Deliver Messages. He Admired Them And Their Culture. 
Sikh airman Harpreetinder Bajwa became the first active airman permitted to wear a turban, beard and unshorn hair after the United States Air Force granted him a religious accommodation.

This evening, Trump will claim that he didn’t say the moon is part of Mars. - Roland Scahill



My garden gate being assembled from leftover wood!

My counter front just needs a coat of polyurethane.

Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A house in a Dolomite mountain in Italy.  Does it have a back door or an elevator?


Thursday, June 6, 2019

75 years after D Day

Border Patrol is confiscating migrant kids' medicine, U.S. doctors say
For the past year and a half, Dr. Eric Russell has been traveling from Houston to McAllen, Texas, every three months or so to volunteer at the Catholic Charities Humanitarian Respite Center, a first stop for many asylum-seeking migrants who’ve been released by U.S. Customs and Border Protection in the Rio Grande Valley.
During his most recent visit to the clinic in April, when he saw more than 150 migrants, he noted a troubling new trend: a number of people reported that their medication had been taken from them by U.S. border officials.

D-Day: when we fought tyrants instead of electing them. - Middle Age Riot

Winston Churchill Wannabe

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Donald Trump came down harder on Bette Midler for tweeting than he did on Saudi crown prince Mohammad bin Salman for literally killing Jamal Khashoggi. - Andrea Junker tweet

Today I do not think of politicians, or even generals. I think of the men on those beaches and the millions back home who knew their names as brothers, sons, fathers, friends and loved ones carrying the fervent hopes of  freedom into the hell of battle. - Dan Rather

Apparently, Trump's "Get Tough" Policy At The Border Isn't Working
U.S. border officers apprehended more than 132,000 people crossing from Mexico in May, an increase over the previous month and the highest monthly level since 2006, reaching what U.S. officials said on Wednesday were "crisis" levels.

Wonder what would happen if Mexico decided to put a tariff on all American products until the US did something about illegal drug usage among American citizens, a problem that directly causes massive crime and violence in Mexico. - Stonekettle tweet

When I look at this picture I see desperate people with little more than the clothes on their backs fleeing from horrible conditions mostly caused by the USA's thirst for drugs. My heart breaks for these people because when they reach our border their families will be separated, medication confiscated and who knows what the hell else happens in there. We've fallen a long way from D Day.

Republican Shenanigans

Morning Joe thinks the ability to read from a TelePrompTer is transformative. If you want to know how things got so dumb in this country, those idiots are a good place to start. - Adam Parkhomenko

I'm Praying Pelosi Is Using The Old Bait & Switch Strategy
During a back and forth with Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) Tuesday night, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) pushed back against his request to start an impeachment inquiry, exclaiming: “I don’t want to see him impeached, I want to see him in prison.”
According to Politico, Pelosi meant that she wanted Trump defeated in 2020, then prosecuted for his many alleged crimes.

Don Jr. Hopelessly Lost Somewhere In Buckingham Palace - Andy Borowitz

Trump's dancing toupee


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Rock The Voter News

[Trump shoots someone on Fifth Avenue]Deplorables: "BEST PRESIDENT!"Barr: "we'll be prosecuting the person Trump shot"Hannity: "tonight: a look at all the people Hillary killed"Maggie Haberman: "not since Teddy Roosevelt have we had a rugged leader unashamed to hunt big game" - Jeff Tiedrich

Uh Oh. Michael Flynn Fires His Lawyers.
Fired Trump national security advisor Michael Flynn has fired his defense lawyers for reasons that are not immediately clear.
Attorneys Robert Kelner and Stephen Anthony said in a motion to withdraw on Thursday that Flynn had notified them of their firing.

Nancy Pelosi declined to criticize Trump while at Normandy today: “I don’t talk about the president while I’m out of the country. That’s my principle.” - Jim Acosta, CNN


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In Case you forgot:
Mexico:  no deal
China:  no deal
North Korea:  no deal
Iran:  no deal
Venezuela:  no deal
new NAFTA:  no deal
trade with EU:  no deal
trade with Japan:  no deal
immigration:  no deal
infrastructure:  no deal

Business/Tech News

Welcome to America, where even though the Civil War's been over for 150+ yrs we still have poor whites fighting for rich plantation owners. - John Fugelsang

Trump telling Piers Morgan that semi-automatic guns are for entertainment is grounds for impeachment. There are thousands of parents grieving and he calls guns entertainment. I can’t wait to elect a strong leader who has the courage to stand up to the NRA. That will be a leader. - Chelsea Handler

Great Gizmodo Correction
CORRECTION: Gizmodo originally stated that drug company Mallinckrodt had jacked up the price of an anti-seizure medication from $40 in 2000 to over $40,000 today. A spokesperson for Mallinckrodt emailed to request a correction that the drug costs $38,892. 


Fabulous Fundraiser


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
My Bamboo Orchids are blooming!
