Tuesday, November 27, 2018

What would Jesus do? Hmmm?

Contradicting border chief, Trump claims 3 officers ‘very badly hurt’ by migrants
President Donald Trump, back on the campaign trail for the first time since the midterm elections, made a slew of dubious statements Monday about Central American migrants at the southern border

Some call parents w/kids in caravan, “reckless”. Many of my Cuban friends were sent here alone as kids -to live w/strangers in a foreign land. Castro wouldn’t let adults flee. Others brought kids in rafts. Many died on journey. Loving desperate parents will do desperate things. - Ana Navarro

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

So let me get this straight:
  • Manafort joins Trump campaign March 2016
  • Manafort secretly visits Wikileaks Assange in Ecuador, spring 2016
  • Trump elevates Manafort to Campaign Manager June 2016
  • In June and July 2016, Wikileaks releases Democratic emails
  • But...no collusion? - George Takei

Trump Wants To Compete With CNN. LOL.
President Donald Trump on Monday suggested the United States should create a "worldwide network" to combat the "unfair" way the country is treated by the media, saying CNN doesn't have enough competition overseas.

Donald Trump reminds you Paul Manafort is a fantastic individual who's been treated horribly & the real criminals are the women & children fleeing crime by legally applying for asylum at our border. - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

Why is that Hemorrhoid threatening to shut down the Government over a Wall budget? What happened to “and Mexico is gonna pay for it”??!!#ineversaidthat #yesthefuckyoudidmotherfucker - Samuel L. Jackson tweet

Trump's Mar-a-Lago Golf Buddies Under Investigation
The Government Accountability Office will investigate whether individuals connected to President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago club in Florida have had inappropriate influence over the Department of Veterans Affairs, according to a letter sent to Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts.

Look, if Mueller was breathing down your neck and a lifetime of greed and theft and laundered Russian mob money and paid-off sex partners was finally catching up with you, and all your sketchy henchmen were pleading guilty and/or cutting deals, you'd probably be in a bad mood too. - Jeff Tiedrich


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Rock The Voter News

I guess it makes me a bad Christian but I would gladly pay a few more dollars in taxes if it meant our government would try and help those people in need instead of tear gassing toddlers.- Alt Fed Employee

Trump Resembles Elvis? Yep, You Heard That Right.
President Trump said at a rally Monday night that people said he looked like Elvis Presley when he was younger, “except for the blond hair.”

Trump: under investigationDon Jr: under investigationAssange: sealed indictmentManafort: in prisonPapadopoulos: in prisonCohen: awaiting sentencingFlynn: awaiting sentencing
Hillary: enjoying a nice walk in the woods, probably
Me: laughing at all you "lock her up" morons - Jeff Tiedrich


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Very disappointed with General Motors and their CEO, Mary Barra, for closing plants in Ohio, Michigan and Maryland. Nothing being closed in Mexico & China. The U.S. saved General Motors, and this is the THANKS we get! We are now looking at cutting all @GM subsidies. - Donald Trump tweet

Business/Tech News

Apple v. Microsoft.
Microsoft briefly overtook Apple to become the world's most valuable company on Tuesday, according to data from Refinitiv. Microsoft's rise is fueled by continued traction with cloud computing and its ability to avoid the disappointing earnings results and increased regulatory scrutiny that have plagued many of its big tech rivals recently.

Scientists have identified a virulent strain of humans who are virtually immune to any form of verifiable knowledge.- Andy Borowitz


It Will Be AllHatNoCattle's Birthday

Thank you so much.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Another stunning sculpture by Mother Nature at Litlanesfoss Falls, Iceland.


Monday, November 26, 2018

Trump tear gassed asylum seekers

U.S. Agents Spray Tear Gas At Migrants,  Close Tijuana Border 
U.S. agents fired tear gas at a group of migrants on Sunday as they tried to cross into the United States from Tijuana, Mexico.

Of course the ‘right to life’ party has no problem with gassing babies who have already been born. - Roland Scahill

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Folks are acting as though we had no choice but to use tear gas at our border. But we have known about this group approaching for weeks. We could have had buses and agents ready to process people in an orderly and humane way. Instead, Trump closed the border and gassed them. -  George Takei

I Wonder How The CIA Feels About Trump Lying About Their Report
The ranking Democrat on the Senate Armed Services Committee accused President Donald Trump of lying about the CIA report on journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s murder.

I'm just not seeing how tear gassing children makes America great but unfortunately I've been cursed with a brain and a heart and a functioning moral compass and a well-formed sense of right and wrong so maybe one of you racist Deplorable f-ckfaces can set me straight here. - Jeff Tiedrich

Republican Shenanigans

On this day 1940, Nazi Germany began walling off the Jewish ghetto in Warsaw. - rishygirl

I Am SOOOO Looking Forward To The Next White House Press Briefing
A political reporter for The Guardian said Sunday she doesn't believe White House reporters have agreed to guidelines set out by the White House for future press conferences following its controversial decision to revoke CNN correspondent Jim Acosta's credentials.

So Ted Cruz’s father was granted political asylum in America, Marco Rubio claims his parents fled Cuba because of a dangerous country, yet both approve of caging kids and firing off tear gas at people trying to achieve the American dream they brag about. - irishygirl


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What if instead of sending 5k troops to the border, we had sent 5k caseworkers to review + process visa applications? - Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Rock The Voter News

Hey Out There: Ambulance Chasers Wanted!
The new White House counsel will need to hire at least a dozen new attorneys to handle the coming Democratic House majority — but first he needs to start working.

Even more important than the warmth and affection we receive, is the warmth and affection we give. It is by giving warmth and affection, by having a genuine sense of concern for others, in other words through compassion, that we gain the conditions for genuine happiness. - Dalai Lama


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For I was a stranger & you tear-gassed meI asked for asylum & you stole my children
I fled violence in my country from your drug war & you called me 'illegal'
But maybe the next time evangelicals vote they'll read the Gospels 1st instead of electing f*cking CaligulaAmen. - John Fugelsang

Business/Tech News

I don’t need to buy anything on Black Friday, I just want to get in a fistfight at Bed Bath and Beyond to feel alive.- Conan O'Brien

This Is What It's Like To Work For The President Of The United States
Axios reporter Jonathan Swan told MSNBC’s Kasie Hunt Sunday that the president has a tendency to break into an irrational rage when he’s told something is against the law, and thus he can’t do it.

Used to live in Silicon Valley, now I live in Silicone Valley. - Elon Musk


AllHatNoCattle Will Be 18 Years Old

Thank you so much!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

This is a 5 MB hard disk in 1956. The cost was $3200. The weight was 1000 Kg. I guess there was no laptop option.


Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Trump convinces base that rich Saudi Muslims are good

Trump says US stands with Saudi Arabia despite journalist Khashoggi’s killing
President Donald Trump on Tuesday said that the U.S. stands with Saudi Arabia in the wake of the slaying of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
In a lengthy statement — punctuated with eight exclamation points — Trump said that “we may never know all of the facts surrounding” Khashoggi’s death, but “our relationship is with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.”

Calm down, everyone, Saudi Arabia just murdered a journalist, it’s not like they did anything really evil like kneeling during a song. - OhNoSheTwint

Did you ever think you’d see the day that an American President would attack the architect of the Bin Laden raid but go out of his way to defend the foreign nationals that beheaded a US resident?
No. You didn’t. - Bryan Behar

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

America First*
*after Russia and Saudi Arabia. - Mrs. Betty Bowers

Trump Has Spies In The Caravan
The Trump administration has been paying undercover informants in the migrant caravan moving toward the U.S. border in an effort to gather intelligence, NBC News reported Tuesday, citing two Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officials.

Maybe just one time Trump could collude with America. - Jeff Tiedrich

Republican Shenanigans

Every day Trump finds a new way to denigrate, degrade, and debase the country he swore to preserve and protect. It’s sickening. - Stephen King

Thank God, A Sane Republican!
It is extremely rare for a Supreme Court Chief Justice to criticize a sitting president. But John Roberts has just done it.
In a statement put out as a response to a query from the Associated Press, Roberts condemned the comments of President Donald Trump — who, yesterday, blasted a Ninth Circuit judge who ruled against his administration’s asylum policy.

If you're watching the news, Justice Roberts just stood up for an independent judiciary.
If you're watching "Hannity," Justice Roberts just outed himself as an open-borders Venezuelan-style socialist who hates our troops and is coming for your guns. - John Fugelsang

Right now the only Trump that’s not in serious trouble is Eric, right? Can you imagine if the Corleone family’s last best hope was Fredo? - Ken Olin


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Rock The Voter News

For those of you forced to sit with Trump-supporting relatives on Thursday, when they bring up migrant caravans or witch hunts or Brett Kavanaugh or anything else that Twitler spews, just smile and say, “Looks like Nancy Pelosi will be Speaker soon. Would you pass the gravy?”- George Takei

Is This Legal, Mr. Mueller?
President Donald Trump asked White House counsel Don McGahn to prosecute Hillary Clinton. When McGahn put him off, it didn't end. Trump hired Matt Whitaker...


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Oil was at 53$ when Obama left office, and he didn't need to thank any murderers. - Bruno Amato

Business/Tech News

I love how the guy flying on a jet to a gold resort for the holidays (instead of volunteering at a food bank) is the one the “Christians” love. - Mikel Jollett

Oopsy. Amazon Exposes Customers Info.
Some Amazon customers received an email from the company telling them their names and emails had been exposed due to a “technical error.” Several customers shared the emails on social media Wednesday.

BREAKING NEWS: Trump balloon removed from Thanksgiving Day Parade. Organizers unable to find enough hot air to fill it. - TDP tweet


I want to take a brief moment before Thanksgiving to express immense and sincere gratitude for all of you. You’ve made every day this year and the past 17 years easier. Thank you for being a part of my every day.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

These were all the airplanes in flight around noon today. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
