Wednesday, May 17, 2017

The Plot Thickens

House Speaker Paul Ryan said Wednesday that people are trying to harm President Trump and that Congress would continue to gather facts.
“We need the facts,” said Ryan at his weekly press conference. “It is obvious there are some people out there who want to harm the president. But we have an obligation to carry out our oversight regardless of which party is in the White House. And that means before rushing to judgment, we get all pertinent information.”

Nation Allows Itself 5 Minutes To Believe This All Going To Be Over Soon - The Onion

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

I don't ask for much. All I want is for Trump to be caught committing a crime while on his Middle East trip and then put on trial under Sharia law. - Andy Borowitz

Jail The Messengers Before Shooting Them
Trump said Comey should consider jailing reporters for publishing classified information, a Comey associate said

Trump and Turkey's authoritarian strongman, Erdogan, met yesterday. Both had a son-in-law advising at the meeting, in official positions. - Brian Klaas

Trump's Russian Connection?
A new report in the Wall Street Journal reveals that a Trump-branded hotel in Toronto received an urgently needed cash injection via a deal financed by a Russian state-run bank.

Republican Shenanigans

Messenger Suppression Before The Shooting
CNN’s Jake Tapper said today that the network was asked by the Trump administration not to share information that President Trump reportedly shared with top Russian officials last week.

The man who spread a massive conspiracy theory about the president's birthplace is complaining that he, as president, gets unfair treatment. - Sam Stein

Mar-a-Lago's Sloppy Wireless Security
Two weeks ago, on a sparkling spring morning, we went trawling along Florida’s coastal waterway. But not for fish.
We parked a 17-foot motor boat in a lagoon about 800 feet from the back lawn of the Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, and pointed a two-foot wireless antenna that resembled a potato gun toward the club. Within a minute, we spotted three weakly encrypted Wi-Fi networks. We could have hacked them in less than five minutes, but we refrained.


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You know how many times I've heard Obama or Hillary complain about how unfairly they were treated? ZERO. - OhNoSheTwitnt‏

Rock The Voter News

President tells Coast Guard grads: "look at the way I've been treated lately, especially by the one's been treated worse"

The Long Tentacles Of PTSD
Nearly two-thirds of the 91,764 U.S. troops who were separated from the military for misconduct in a recent four-year period had been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress, a traumatic brain injury or another condition that can lead to misconduct 


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Biz/Tech News

A 101-year-old man recently became the oldest person to sky dive. At least that’s the explanation coming from United Airlines. - Seth Myers

The Trump Effect
U.S. equities fell sharply on Wednesday as investors fretted over the latest news coming out of Washington. Traditional safe havens, in turn, caught a bid as the benchmark 10-year yield fell to about 2.23 percent.

Parents at a Florida school are reportedly outraged after a video surfaced of students in a classroom twerking and giving lap dances. Or as it’s called in Florida, Career Day. - Seth Myers


Is anybody out there?


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Green Pit Viper: It's not easy being green.


Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The White House Is In Meltdown Mode

Israel was source of leaked terrorism intel Trump told Russians: report
Israel was the U.S. ally whose intelligence President Trump shared with Russian diplomats in the Oval Office, according to a report.

It didn't start last week. This Administration has been off the rails since Spicer went to the podium to complain about inauguration totals. - Sen. Chris Murphy

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Media: Trump leaked classified info
White House: No he didn't
Trump: Yes I did
GOP leadership: *crickets*
Deplorables: Hillary killed a guy
- Jeff Tiedrich

Uh Oh Is Sean Spicer Being Replaced?
Fox News host Kimberly Guilfoyle is in talks with members of the Trump administration to replace Sean Spicer as White House press secretary, The Mercury News reported Tuesday.

Oh I think yesterday's LEAKER has been found, you Godless clot of congealed spray-tan goo. - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

President Trump’s approval rating has sunk to near-historic lows. According to a new Quinnipiac poll, his approval rating is down to 36 percent. If it gets down to the 20s he might start dating it. - Jimmy Kimmel

Trump's Lawyer Channels Trump
Michael Cohen, President Trump’s high profile personal attorney, posted a black-and-white photograph of his daughter Samantha Blake Cohen wearing only black stockings and a lacy bra to his 218,000 Twitter followers Sunday evening.

Pic of missing spine of most GOP elected leaders should be on side of milk cartons. Last seen Oct 2016. Abducted by a man wearing red tie. - Anna Navarro


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Turns out, Hillary's email server was more secure than Trump's mouth. - OhNoSheTwitnt‏

Rock The Voter News

GOP Chickens
Republicans in Congress are calling for briefings and pleading for "less drama" at the White House following revelations that President Trump shared classified intelligence with Russia — but most are muted in their criticism of him.

McMaster falls on sword for Trump; Trump says "hey nice sword!" & takes it as a souvenir as McMaster bleeds out. - John Fugelsang


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Yes, Trump revealed highly classified info to the Russian foreign minister; but in fairness it wasn't via email & he doesn't have a vagina. - John Fugelsang

Biz/Tech News

We can't underestimate how easy Trump thought being president would be because a black guy did it. - LOLGOP

The Chicago Sun Tribune?
Rival Chicago newspapers are poised to come under the same ownership, after the parent company of the Chicago Tribune announced its intent to purchase the parent company of the Chicago Sun-Times.

Honest to God, I'd make a better President than this guy, and I'm about clueless! At least I'd have the good sense not to blab to the enemy! - Bette Midler



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Walter Botts, the man who modeled for the Uncle Sam pose for J.M. Flagg's famous poster


Monday, May 15, 2017

Former FBI Director Comey Benefited The Russians In The End

I believe James Comey should have been fired last year. I was disappointed Obama didn't fire him for interfering in a presidential election.

Comey's last public testimony before the Senate was disturbing. One of the scenarios he painted was about skirting his obligation to inform the Attorney General of his decision to have a press conference about Hillary days before the 2016 election.

Comey said he did not inform the AG Loretta Lynn because she met with Bill Clinton. Say what? I say Comey made himself judge, jury and executioner of Hillary Clinton.  Power unchecked.

I suffer from mild nausea.
Comey is not a stupid man. Anyone in their right mind would know it would affect the election. But he did it anyway behind his boss' back.

But why? Was it because he believed that Hillary's emails were more dangerous than Trump's ties to Russia which was also under investigation? It sounds as though Comey's judgement may have been compromised through blackmail.

Then Trump fires Comey! Wow. Trump fires the guy who gave him the election. Then Trump invites Russians to the Oval Office the next day and keeps out the American press. My GAWD, how many more dots need to be connected?

I feel as though I am in the setting of a Tom Clancy spy novel with the script written by Elmore Leonard.

The video clip below popped into my mind when Trump turned conservatives into comrades last year. This is the scene where Cedric the Entertainer says "I mean Russians, Russians?" It is from the movie BE COOL. I love this movie. Elmore Leonard wrote the script.

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on Sunday said American institutions are under assault. He said, "And I think as well our institutions are under assault internally." "Internally as the president?" asked Jake Tapper. Clapper replied "exactly."

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Putin will chew Trump up and spit out his hair. We may be in the chewing stage now and Comey was just the appetizer.
