Israel was the U.S. ally whose intelligence President Trump shared with Russian diplomats in the Oval Office, according to a report.
It didn't start last week. This Administration has been off the rails since Spicer went to the podium to complain about inauguration totals. - Sen. Chris Murphy
The World Is A Safer Place Without
- Sally Yates: Russians had 'real leverage' over Michael Flynn
- Russian President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman on Trump intel story: “We don't want to comment on nonsense fakes.”
- Kremlin news agency that was in the Oval Office for Trump-Russia meeting brags to Russians about leaked intel
Media: Trump leaked classified info
White House: No he didn't
Trump: Yes I did
GOP leadership: *crickets*
Deplorables: Hillary killed a guy
- Jeff Tiedrich
Uh Oh Is Sean Spicer Being Replaced?
Fox News host Kimberly Guilfoyle is in talks with members of the Trump administration to replace Sean Spicer as White House press secretary, The Mercury News reported Tuesday.
Oh I think yesterday's LEAKER has been found, you Godless clot of congealed spray-tan goo. - John Fugelsang
Republican Shenanigans
- 48 percent of voters support impeaching Trump
- McConnell on report Trump shared classified info with Russians: We need 'a little less drama' from White House
- CNN panel asks the fundamental question: ‘Is Donald Trump competent enough to be president?’
- Family blasts right-wing media for spreading ‘fake’ news story about slain DNC staffer
- ‘First Lady Ivanka Trump’: Local Fox anchor apologizes for mistaking Ivanka for Trump’s wife
- 'Morning Joe' Hosts: Conway Said She Needed A Shower After Defending Trump
- Conway: I didn't defend Trump for "the money" because I didn't earn that much
- 'Obama' Is Trump's Magic Word on Twitter
President Trump’s approval rating has sunk to near-historic lows. According to a new Quinnipiac poll, his approval rating is down to 36 percent. If it gets down to the 20s he might start dating it. - Jimmy Kimmel
Trump's Lawyer Channels Trump
Michael Cohen, President Trump’s high profile personal attorney, posted a black-and-white photograph of his daughter Samantha Blake Cohen wearing only black stockings and a lacy bra to his 218,000 Twitter followers Sunday evening.
Pic of missing spine of most GOP elected leaders should be on side of milk cartons. Last seen Oct 2016. Abducted by a man wearing red tie. - Anna Navarro
Turns out, Hillary's email server was more secure than Trump's mouth. - OhNoSheTwitnt
Rock The Voter News
- Obama joins private golf club in Virginia
- Hillary Clinton would be impeached if she leaked classified information to Russia, says Republican strategist
GOP Chickens
Republicans in Congress are calling for briefings and pleading for "less drama" at the White House following revelations that President Trump shared classified intelligence with Russia — but most are muted in their criticism of him.
McMaster falls on sword for Trump; Trump says "hey nice sword!" & takes it as a souvenir as McMaster bleeds out. - John Fugelsang
Yes, Trump revealed highly classified info to the Russian foreign minister; but in fairness it wasn't via email & he doesn't have a vagina. - John Fugelsang
Biz/Tech News
- Oil prices end lower after 4-session climb
- Dollar slides on housing data, political turmoil; stocks flat
- Millionaire tells millennials: If you stopped buying avocado toast, you could afford a home
- Ex-coal CEO fresh from prison urges Trump to probe the 2010 mine blast that killed 29 people
We can't underestimate how easy Trump thought being president would be because a black guy did it. - LOLGOP
The Chicago Sun Tribune?
Rival Chicago newspapers are poised to come under the same ownership, after the parent company of the Chicago Tribune announced its intent to purchase the parent company of the Chicago Sun-Times.
Honest to God, I'd make a better President than this guy, and I'm about clueless! At least I'd have the good sense not to blab to the enemy! - Bette Midler
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