Thursday, August 21, 2014

Election Season: Republicans Dust Off Nuclear Fear Manual

Conservative Group Tries To Revive Barry Goldwater With 'Daisy 2'
It’s always mushroom clouds with these guys. Secure America Now, a 501c4, has released a sequel of sorts to Lyndon Johnson’s infamous Daisy ad that equated electing Barry Goldwater with nuclear Armageddon. Daisy 2 accuses Barack Obama of “failing” to stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons, a humdinger of a lie that overlays the original ad’s message of peace with the drumbeats of war.

Hawaii became the 50th State in the Union on this day in 1959 as part of the vast conspiracy to make Barack Obama a citizen.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Dick Cheney Chimes In, Again.
Former Vice President Dick Cheney is predicting that the beheading of American journalist James Foley is just the start of more violence if President Barack Obama doesn’t “deal with this crisis” in Iraq.

Seems like conservatives are finally opening up to the idea of reparations. They just need to decide how much black people owe them. - LOLGOP

Police Officer Suspended for Death Threat
On Wednesday, police said an officer had been suspended for pointing a semi-automatic assault rifle at demonstrators, then cursing and threatening to kill one of them. A protester captured the exchange on video Tuesday and posted it to YouTube and other websites...

  "Do you know that these fools actually went ahead this week and voted to sue the President of the United States?  Yeah, it's so desperate. They said he spilled McDonald's coffee on their lap." - Bill Maher

Republican Shenanigans

Yesterday Egypt's foreign ministry called on the United States to show respect for the rights of protesters in Ferguson, Missouri. Yeah, Egypt said that. Man, talk about living in glass pyramids.- Jimmy Fallon

Muslim Leaders Condemn Muslim Extremists 
The president of the world's most populous Muslim-majority country, Indonesia, on Thursday called the actions of Islamic State militants "embarrassing" to the religion and urged Islamic leaders to unite in tackling extremism.

Conservatives just want you to know that racism isn't a problem. The real problem is someone may have to bake gay people a cake.- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

Visitors are coming for the 200th anniversary of the 1814 fire, when the President's office was reduced to a chair. - Michelle Obama Tweet

How Climate Change Is Affecting The Area I Live In
August 21st, 2014 ( PLN lawmaker, Juan Marin said this week that the chronic water shortage in Guanacaste is so bad that nine hotels in Tamarindo and Langosta are threatening to close their doors and layoff their staff.

33 Second NASA Video of North Pole Melting From March to August

The great irony -- former Confederate states are among those most likely to be dependent on the federal government. - LOLGOP

 Click here for The Charmed Time

Next weekend Los Angeles is holding its first riverboat race. All that's missing is a river in Los Angeles with water. - Conan O'Brien

Do You Think Fracking Companies Are Worried About Water Shortages?
 A fracking boom isn't enough for U.S. oil and gas producers – they're now starting the re-fracking boom.

  Wells sunk as little as three years ago are being fracked again

"We've created over 200,000 jobs every month this year. Hasn't happened in 17 years. I guess my first question is, when do the Republicans stop calling it 'Obama's economy'?" - Bill Maher

Business/Tech News

If you are desperately trying to blame an unarmed teen for his death, you are a monster. - Lizz Winstead tweet

The NFL wants singing groups to pay the league to perform at halftime of the Super Bowl. Isn't that crazy? It's like the NFL decided that there's some money out there they don't have our hands on.  - David Letterman

Putin Goes After Ronald McDonald
 Russian news agencies reported Thursday that the country's food safety agency will conduct checks on McDonald's restaurants in the Urals following food safety complaints, a day after four branches of the chain were shuttered in Moscow.

REMINDER: Republicans don't need a reason for a government shutdown. They need a reason not to have a government shutdown.- LOLGOP


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Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Cleaners abseil down one of the faces of Big Ben, to clean and polish the clock face, in central London.


Wednesday, August 20, 2014

If Police Treated Protests As Parades...

Tensions Flare in Ferguson: Protesters Arrested, Journalists Threatened
Tensions flared around midnight local time last night in Ferguson, Missouri, after a mostly peaceful evening of protests as at least one protester apparently threw water bottles at the police. Journalists on the ground described a scene of disarray as police moved in on protesters with dogs and heavy weaponry, made arrests, and corralled off media.

COPTHINK: Pointing heavy weaponry while encased in armor will bring those damn protesters under control. OW: Got hit by a water bottle. MACE EM!

I wonder how Tea Partiers would respond if an unarmed Tea Partier were shot.. If they were searched, arrested & imprisoned at higher rates...- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

If Ike was alive he'd re-warn of the military-industrial complex; & then some local cops could run him over w/this cool tank they just got.- John Fugelsang

Why Isn't Fox News Trumpeting SUPPORT THE TROOPS!
President Barack Obama said the beheading of a U.S. journalist by Islamic radicals won't deter him from a bombing campaign aimed at driving them back.

"The United State of America will continue to do what we must do to protect our people," he said. "We will be vigilant, and we will be relentless."

ISIS is trying to give America something we didn't have -- a reason to be in Iraq.- LOLGOP

Iraq, Gaza, Ukraine and Ferguson, Missouri have one thing in common. No justice, no peace. - AllHatNoCattle

The World Is Watching Ferguson, Missouri
Governments scolded by the United States over their human rights records have seized on racial unrest and a police crackdown in the Missouri town of Ferguson to wag their fingers back in disapproval.

Adversaries and uneasy allies from Russia and Iran to China and Egypt have accused the United States of hypocrisy as images of police brandishing lethal weapons and tear-gassing protesters have been shown around the world.

It'll be awkward for the Rapture folk when Jesus comes back & he's a homeless brown-skinned liberal who speaks no English.- John Fugelsang

Rand Paul says he's the best Republican at reaching out to black voters, which is like being the guy with the best AOL screen name.- LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

Does Mitt Romney know there isn't a Mt. Rushmore for sorest losers -- and if there were it would be all John McCain.- LOLGOP

Cop Caught On Film Threatening Reporters: ‘I’ll Bust Your Head’

Wishing and Hoping, and Clucking and Flapping
A 23-year-old Republican staffer was arrested in Londonderry, New Hampshire on Saturday and charged with disorderly conduct after he repeatedly harassed two Democratic officials who were marching in the town’s “old home day” parade.

Weird. Fatherless black households weren't a problem until the drug war began. - LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

The Justice Dept just declined to investigate CIA spying on the Senate-- a threat magnitudes greater to the republic  than ISIS. - JC Xtian

 Click here for The Charmed Time

So what percentage of members of Congress taking the ice bucket challenge voted to cut funding to the NIH? - Andrew Kaczynski

Has Gordon Gekko Taken Over The NFL?
The halftime show at the Super Bowl is coveted by artists in the music industry, but this year the National Football League is asking potential performers to pay to play the high-profile gig, according to The Wall Street Journal. The proposition has returned frosty responses from the three final candidates: Coldplay, Rihanna, and Katy Perry. The NFL does not usually pay the act that performs during the halftime ceremony, but has covered travel and production expenses, which can run into the multimillion-dollar range, The Journal reported.

Business/Tech News

Yesterday the Clippers' new owner, former Microsoft executive Steve Ballmer, promised fans that the team will win an NBA championship. He says he has a great strategy for rebuilding the team — Control-Alt-Delete.- Jimmy Fallon

China Is Busy Building Stuff
Chinese investors are to plunge more than US$1 billion into developing Antigua and Barbuda’s first mega-resort, creating 1,000 jobs for the tiny cash-strapped nation.

You never hear about white-on-white crime or -- as I like to call it -- "trickle down economics."- LOLGOP

In response to criticism of its treatment of killer whales, SeaWorld said it will build them a larger habitat. When asked for comment, a killer whale said, "Hey, you know what's a larger habitat? The ocean!"- Conan O'Brien



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Meteora, Greece in winter.


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Sometimes the best defense is a strong offense.

6 more journalists arrested in Ferguson protests
Six journalists were taken into custody while covering the protests in Ferguson, Missouri, on Monday and early Tuesday, aggravating what one press freedom group has called a "concerted, top-down effort to restrict the fundamental First Amendment rights of the public and the press."

Shoot Arrest the Messengers! Let everyone become a messenger!

Conservatives are blaming the media for the escalation in Ferguson because cameras make tear gas magically appear.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Nothing says "You should trust the police to make effective decisions" like snipers pointed at unarmed people.- LOLGOP

Honduran Kids Deported By US Are Now Dead
Between five and ten migrant children have been killed since February after the United States deported them back to Honduras, a morgue director told the Los Angeles Times. Lawmakers have yet to come up with best practices to deal with the waves of unaccompanied children apprehended by Border Patrol agents, but some politicians refute claims that children are fleeing violence and are opting instead to fund legislation that would fast-track their deportations.

John McCain & Lindsey Graham - 2 guys opposed to gay weddings who always look like they're about to announce one.- John Fugelsang

If Michael Brown had urged armed revolt against the US, had pals aim guns at law enforcement & been white Sean Hannity'd make him breakfast.- John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

It looks like Rick Perry's chances in 2016 might be in trouble. Or as Hillary put it, "One down, four more to go."- Jimmy Fallon

Georgia Police State Bitch Slaps Toddler
Officials in a Georgia county are refusing to pay medical expenses for a toddler badly injured during a police raid on the home where the boy was staying.

Bounkham Phonesavanh was hospitalized for weeks in a burn unit after a SWAT officer tossed a flash grenade into his crib during a no-knock raid May 28 in Habersham County.

What racism? - White people. - LOLGOP

For the Missouri GOP, the real danger of Ferguson is that it could encourage black people to vote. - LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

Two things the U.S. should thank Black folks for:
1. Building this country.
2. Not justifiably burning this whole country to the ground.

Bundy engaged in armed resistance to avoid paying fees. Compare that to peaceful protests responding to a lost life.
Last Wednesday night, I had snarked on Twitter about the lack of so-called “Tea Party” “patriots” — like those brave boys and girls who, earlier this year, pointed their big assault-rifles at federal officials to protect the “right” of a scofflaw rancher in Nevada to illegally graze his cattle for free on land that he did not own — failing to show up to protect the actual rights and freedoms of so many being denied them by actual Big Government Tyranny in the streets of Ferguson, Missouri.

David Gregory is being replaced by a guy named Chuck Todd, which indicates to me that in order to host that program you have to have two first names.- David Letterman

 Click here for The Charmed Time

People In Costa Rica See Suspicious Helicopters, Too!
Residents of Aguas Zarcas, Venecia, San Miguel and La Virgen de Sarapiquí in San Carlos in Costa Rica’s Northern Zone reported to authorities the presence of a suspicious low-flying helicopter on Saturday, according to regional police chief, Francisco Morales.

Conservatives are saying the media is causing the unrest in Ferguson and thermometers are to blame for climate change.- LOLGOP

Subject: Comment On 'Toon

Hi Lisa,

Last week, you published a ‘toon that said, “It will be a great day when corporations treat their employees with the same respect that they treat their shareholders.”

Actually, there were such days prior to the late-80s and, yes, they were great days.  When I joined corporate America nearly 40 years ago, top managements were focused on the interest of the stakeholders: customers, employees, their suppliers, their communities, and their shareholders.

Managements understood that employees who were well-trained, well-treated, and well-compensated were more productive and loyal; their work was high-quality, and they delivered superior customer service.  Happy customers spent more money at the firm and were a major source of repeat business and referrals.  Suppliers who were treated well and paid promptly often went out of their way to help the firm meet its supply-chain objectives.

Communities relied on corporate support for everything from parks to performing arts centers, school programs, internships, and job opportunities for residents.  Those amenities and benefits attracted people who wanted to work for the firm, raise their families in the community, and send their kids to local schools. And shareholders were interested seeing their firms grow steadily over time, deliver consistent earnings and share price increases, and pretty consistent dividend increases.

Allocating the profits of the firm among these competing (but not opposing) interests was a multi-dimensional optimization problem for managements.  There was no set formula for doing it right and the optimal solution looked different each year.  But everybody got a piece of the pie and everybody pulled together so the pie would get bigger and bigger over time.

That all began to change in the mid-1980s.  That’s when corporations began to focus more single-mindedly on shareholder interests.  I won’t recite the history of those times, but you probably recognize some of the key players: “Neutron Jack” Welch at GE, “Chainsaw Al” Dunlap at Sunbeam-Oster, Carl Icahn, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, Forstmann Little, Bear Stearns, Drexel Burnham Lambert, and many others.

The focus on shareholder value began in the mid-70s with an article by Jensen & Meckling [“Theory of the Firm: Managerial Behaviour, Agency Costs, and Ownership Structure (1976)], and was extended with books by Bernard Reimann [“Managing for Value” (1987)] and Alfred Rappoport [“Creating Shareholder Value’ (1986)].

Reimann framed the issue succinctly on page 1 of his book: “To be successful in the 1990s, managers must also learn to compete in the market for corporate control.” Translation: Job #1 for every CEO is to keep the share price high enough that no corporate raider can afford to take over the firm and toss the CEO out on his pinstriped patoot.

Different companies and different industries reacted to this imperative in different ways.  Some chose to grow so big that no one could afford to buy them.  Others chose to diversify to the point where no one could understand them.  Still others cut costs to goose current earnings and share prices.  Some industries pressed Congress for deregulation so they had freer reins to grow their businesses.

Whatever approach they chose, the resource allocation issue for top managements became a one-dimensional maximization problem: maximize shareholder value.  Do it because you are surrounded by sharks who will kill your job and eat your firm if you don’t.

Since share prices are driven mainly by earnings, anything that eroded or diluted quarterly earnings had to be minimized, if not eliminated.  Thus began an era of downsizing, union busting, outsourcing, offshoring, benefits slashing, mergers and acquisitions, lax regulation, and much more that continues to this day.

Profits hit all-time highs, executive compensation went through the roof, while workers suffered benefits reductions, pay increases that failed to keep up with inflation, and loss of job security if not job itself.  Suppliers were squeezed to the point where some went out of business.  Communities stagnated as waning corporate support was accompanied by taxpayers’ demands for lower taxes.

And once-happy customers got used to a computer-generated voice: “Your call is very important to us.  Please remain on the line and your call will be answered in the order in which it was received.  Have a nice day.  Our average wait time is now … 26 hours.”

Yet that was all well and good (okay, so it wasn’t for everybody) until the financial near-collapse of 2008.  That’s when we saw just how much corporations had done – and not done – for the sake of elevated quarterly earnings and share prices. And they had to turn to us – “we the people” – to bail them out.

By 2009, even “Neutron Jack” Welch himself was saying, “On the face of it, shareholder value is the dumbest idea in the world.”

It reminded me of that old Pennsylvania Dutch saying: “Ve get too soon alt und too late schmart.”

Turning back the clock will not be easy, mainly because it will probably have to be driven by Congressional action. But I can foresee the day when top managements once again recognize the interdependencies among their various publics and decide that giving everybody a piece of the pie is a good way to ensure a bigger pie for everybody.

Then it will indeed be a great day when corporations treat their employees – and their customers, their suppliers, their communities, and their country – with the same respect they treat their shareholders.

Best wishes,
Richard E. Wise, PhD, PMC

Thank you so much, Rick. Many are still waiting to get trickled down upon. Funny how that never happened.

Business/Tech News

Singing Away The Pipeline

Neil Young and Willie Nelson will perform a benefit concert in September on land in the path of the Keystone XL Pipeline.

The concert will take place at a farm near Neligh that's on the route of the proposed pipeline. It also crosses the historic Ponca Tribe "Trail of Tears."

Chinese Journalists Bemoan Decline Of Traditional State-Run Newspapers, Rise Of State-Run New Media. - The Onion Headline



Odd News

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Don't miss the guy on the right. Chartreuse Mountains, France.
