Friday, October 9, 2020

Trump’s Doctor Says the President Can Go Back to Public Engagements by Saturday

Trump’s Doctor Says the President Can Go Back to Public Engagements by Saturday
President Donald Trump’s physician has cleared the president to return to public events Saturday. In a White House press release issued Thursday, Dr. Sean Conley said that Trump had remained stable since returning from Walter Reed Hospital to the Oval Office. 

Americans Hope and Pray Trump Healthy Enough To Stand Trial. - Andy Borowitz

So a lot of White House staffers are worried the recklessness of the president will hurt them? Welcome to what millions of Americans have been feeling for years. - Dan Rather

Rose Garden Attendees Urged To Get Tested And Not By Trump
In an extraordinary step, the Washington, D.C., Department of Health has released an open letter appealing to all White House staff and anyone who attended a Sept. 26 event in the Rose Garden to seek medical advice and take a COVID-19 test.

Fly Calls Trump A Loser For Skipping Debate. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Trump Accuses Lincoln, Washington, Jefferson and Roosevelt of Trying To Keep Him Off Mt. Rushmore. - Andy Borowitz

Mitch McCruelty Expects Not To Pass Any Relief To Millions Of Americans. Great Re-election Strategy!

Man With 20 Rifles Can’t Remember If His Goal To Start Or Stop Violent Overthrow Of Government. - The Onion

Gary Busey Would Bring Much-needed Stability To White House, Experts Say. - Andy Borowitz


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Rock The Voter News

Once again.  The Covid "cure" Trump's been touting was developed with fetal tissues obtained by abortions. So, let's be clear...he's pro HIS life only. - Bette Midler

Russian Trolls Are So Busy!
C-SPAN said the Twitter account of the moderator for the second debate, C-SPAN journalist Steve Scully, was hacked, and that this accounts for a tweet in which he appeared to asked staunch Trump critic Anthony Scaramucci for advice on how to respond to the president.

Trump Will Avoid Biden And Instead Debate Voices Inside Head. - Andy Borowitz


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Can you name another job that Donald Trump would continue to hold after exhibiting this type of unhinged public behavior other than President of the United States with the support of craven and complicit Congressional Republicans? - Dan Rather

In fairness, the Trump campaign has always wanted to go super viral. - George Takei

Trump will be so happy that he finally made the cover of TIME magazine

Those Steel Jobs Trump Promised Are In Negative Territory

Bought a brand new heavy duty chainsaw after the last hurricane. 
Won't start. Never started. I've used chainsaws my whole life, since I was a kid. Fixed them. Rebuilt them. Won't start. Directions. Online troubleshooting. Won't start.
Took it to the dealer. One pull, starts. - Stonekettle


Jane Fonda is fierce at 82.




A group of wild rabbits is called a fluffle and I've never loved the English language more.

Best wishes for a safe and peaceful weekend.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Twitter buzzes over a fly in Pence’s hair, speculates about his left eye

Twitter buzzes over a fly in Pence’s hair, speculates about his left eye
During the vice presidential debate on Wednesday, many Twitter users were fixated not on the arguments — but on a fly that landed on Mike Pence’s head...But Twitter users’ first fixation was on Pence’s left eye. The eye was red from the moment he took his seat behind a plexiglass barrier.

Pence brought a lot to the debate last night, a fly and a red eye. 

“I’m speaking. I’M speaking.” I hope every little girl heard that. #VPDebate - Uzo Aduba

Am starting an exorcism fund for the White House.  Clorox alone won't do. - dee

Trump Chickens Out Of Next Debate

He had a bloody eye and a fly on his head. -- Anderson Cooper

Pence will catch the virus. He doesn't look well, although his botox does.


Trump Receives Injections With Cells From An Aborted Fetus
Trump’s antibody treatment was tested using cells originally derived from an abortion.

I would rather listen to grocery store music for a year rather than listen to another second of Mike Pence. - Mike Barnicle


Republican Shenanigans

Pence not committing to the peaceful transition of power is a way bigger deal than anything else that happened last night. - Molly Jong-Fast

Judge Orders Twitter To Reveal User Who Started The Seth Rich Murder Rumors
Twitter must reveal the identity of an anonymous user who allegedly fabricated FBI documents about the murder of Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich and passed them to Fox News, a federal judge in California has ruled. The Twitter user @whyspertech is accused of providing faked documents to Fox News, which falsely linked Rich’s 2016 murder to the WikiLeaks hack of Democratic Party emails in the run-up to the presidential election.

Kamala Harris won the debate, and the fly on Mike Pence's head came in second. - Bill Kristol


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If you’re keeping score, so far Kamala is leading Pence by 90 IQ points.- Andy Borowitz

A virtual Presidential debate will be a complete waste of time, says man who called into Fox Business for one hour this morning. - The Daily Edge

There is a fine line between attending a Trump rally and assisted suicide. - Andy Borowitz

Trump's A Drug Addict Trying To Keep His Medical Records Secret
President Trump required personnel at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center to sign non-disclosure agreements last year before they could be involved with treating him, according to four people familiar with the process.

Trump Furious At Pence For Refusing To Take Steroids Before Debate. - Andy Borowitz



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That fly is an American hero. - Gabrielle Union

Business/Tech News

Pence Calls Space Force Necessary to Protect U.S. from Gay Aliens. - Andy Borowitz

The Stock Market Surely Doesn't Reflect Everyday America
Stocks opened with gains Thursday amid rollercoaster negotiations between the Trump administration and House Democrats on a coronavirus aid package with less than four weeks until Election Day.

My uncle said he wouldn’t discuss trump with me unless I said one good thing he’s done so I said he’s normalizing makeup for men and it didn’t go as I planned. - Daniel



Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Harris Wins Fight To Enclose VP In Pence Fence During Debate

Vice President Mike Pence finally accepted late Tuesday the placement of plexiglass dividers during Wednesday’s vice presidential debate after criticizing the move to protect against coronavirus infection.

I hope Kamala slowly turns to Pence tonight and says, "So, Mr. Head-of-the-Coronavirus-Task-Force, why couldn't you keep the virus out of the White House?"

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

2003: US President accuses Iraq of possessing weapons of mass destruction 
2020: US President is weapon of mass destruction
- Andy Borowitz

Jeff Sessions Isn't A Keebler Elf, He's A Real Life Ghoul.

The President hasn’t slept for 48 hours. And he hasn’t led for 48 months. - Ken Olin

My mom would have taken away my phone, my brother’s phone and cancelled the entire neighborhood’s Internet access by now if I was Claudia Conway ... - Eugene Scott

Republican Shenanigans

Dinesh D'Souza is not only a waste of space and a waste of oxygen, he's a waste of an apostrophe. - Middle Age Riot


White House officials believe POTUS was infected at the event for Judge Barrett on Saturday Sept 26. 

They will not say when POTUS last tested negative, raising questions as to whether he was tested at all between infection and the debate Tuesday Sept 29. 

This is important. - Jake Tapper

Dr. Fauci Begs Americans

Holy bajeezus Trump is just sitting in bed cranked up on dexamethasone & Adderall and retweeting crackpot conspiracy theories like your methed out 2nd cousin who lives in a trailer out back in the woods. - Kellum Dnader 


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With Trump and right-wing pundits' attacks on Hillary Clinton today, it looks like she's not going to win the 2020 election. - Nick Jack Pappas

Rock The Voter News

My heart goes out to everyone touched by this virus, from those at the White House, especially the Secret Service and residence staff whose service ought never be taken for granted, to all those names and stories most of us will unfortunately never know. - Michelle Obama

Well, Justice May Be Served After All To These Honkies
A grand jury indicted Mark and Patricia McCloskey Tuesday on charges of exhibiting guns at protesters in a June incident in their neighborhood and added a charge of tampering with evidence for both members of the couple.

Jimmy Carter putting solar panels on the White House and Reagan removing them... pretty much says it all. Republicans hate progress. - Betty


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Business/Tech News

I know all of you “pro-life” people must be upset that trump took a drug made with stem cells, right?  Regeneron uses stem cells in that cocktail.  You are going to vote against trump for using fetal tissue, right??? - Heather

Meanwhile, Here In Costa Rica...

When he loses, they're going to burn so much evidence in the Oval people will think we're picking a new Pope. - Patrick S. Tomlinson 




Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Humboldt Redwoods State Park in California. I felt so teeny tiny standing next to those trees.
