President Donald Trump’s physician has cleared the president to return to public events Saturday. In a White House press release issued Thursday, Dr. Sean Conley said that Trump had remained stable since returning from Walter Reed Hospital to the Oval Office.
Americans Hope and Pray Trump Healthy Enough To Stand Trial. - Andy Borowitz
The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump
- Trump Lays Into ‘Terrible’ Whitmer After Alleged Right-Wing Plot to Kidnap Her Busted
- Bill Barr insists he was unaware of the violent terrorist threats against Michigan’s Democratic governor
- Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer Links Kidnapping Plot To Trump's Hate Rhetoric
- Trump clings to bogus claim that he saved 2.2M lives
- The head of the White House security office is critically ill with Covid-19
- Police killings are more likely among law enforcement agencies that receive military gear, data shows
If Donald Trump had a family who truly loved him, they would intervene and stop this. If Donald Trump had a party and cabinet that cared about America, they would intervene and stop this. - Steven Beschloss
So a lot of White House staffers are worried the recklessness of the president will hurt them? Welcome to what millions of Americans have been feeling for years. - Dan Rather
Rose Garden Attendees Urged To Get Tested And Not By Trump
In an extraordinary step, the Washington, D.C., Department of Health has released an open letter appealing to all White House staff and anyone who attended a Sept. 26 event in the Rose Garden to seek medical advice and take a COVID-19 test.
Fly Calls Trump A Loser For Skipping Debate. - Andy Borowitz
Republican Shenanigans
- Trump accuses debate moderator Steve Scully of being a 'Never Trumper'
- Fox News Dr. Marc Siegel Will Interview Trump, Conduct 'Medical Evaluation' On-Camera Friday Night
- Judge wants White House to say if Trump tweeted declassified the full Mueller report
- Use of Jackie Robinson and MLK images in Trump ad opposed by family members
- Sen. Kelly Loeffler Accidentally Posts 'Generic Tweet' Template After Vice Presidential Debate
- Don't forget: The Trump campaign gave its most sensitive data to a Russian spy
- Brad Parscale cried during arrest, told officers his wife won't have sex with him
Trump Accuses Lincoln, Washington, Jefferson and Roosevelt of Trying To Keep Him Off Mt. Rushmore. - Andy Borowitz
Mitch McCruelty Expects Not To Pass Any Relief To Millions Of Americans. Great Re-election Strategy!
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) signaled on Friday that he does not expect Congress and the White House to reach a deal on a coronavirus package before the elections, citing steep political headwinds.
Man With 20 Rifles Can’t Remember If His Goal To Start Or Stop Violent Overthrow Of Government. - The Onion
Gary Busey Would Bring Much-needed Stability To White House, Experts Say. - Andy Borowitz
Rock The Voter News
Once again. The Covid "cure" Trump's been touting was developed with fetal tissues obtained by abortions. So, let's be clear...he's pro HIS life only. - Bette Midler
Russian Trolls Are So Busy!
C-SPAN said the Twitter account of the moderator for the second debate, C-SPAN journalist Steve Scully, was hacked, and that this accounts for a tweet in which he appeared to asked staunch Trump critic Anthony Scaramucci for advice on how to respond to the president.
Trump Will Avoid Biden And Instead Debate Voices Inside Head. - Andy Borowitz
Can you name another job that Donald Trump would continue to hold after exhibiting this type of unhinged public behavior other than President of the United States with the support of craven and complicit Congressional Republicans? - Dan Rather
Business/Tech News
In fairness, the Trump campaign has always wanted to go super viral. - George Takei
Trump will be so happy that he finally made the cover of TIME magazine
Those Steel Jobs Trump Promised Are In Negative Territory
President Donald Trump promised a new dawn for the struggling U.S. steel industry in 2016, and the lure of new jobs in Midwestern states including Michigan helped him eke out a surprise election win.
Bought a brand new heavy duty chainsaw after the last hurricane.Won't start. Never started. I've used chainsaws my whole life, since I was a kid. Fixed them. Rebuilt them. Won't start. Directions. Online troubleshooting. Won't start.Took it to the dealer. One pull, starts. - Stonekettle
Jane Fonda is fierce at 82.
Odd News
Time To Deflate Photo
A group of wild rabbits is called a fluffle and I've never loved the English language more.- Astronaut chooses daughter's wedding over space test flight
- Pieces of Venus may be hiding on the moon
- Our Species Is Still Evolving: Forearm Artery Reveals Humans Evolving From Changes in Natural Selection
- Pennsylvania man gets high school diploma before 100th birthday
- Florida woman attempts to sell ring back to store from which it was stolen
Time To Deflate Photo
Best wishes for a safe and peaceful weekend.
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