Thursday, December 12, 2019

Judiciary Committee clashes over impeachment ahead of vote to send articles to the floor

Judiciary Committee clashes over impeachment ahead of vote to send articles to the floor
The House Judiciary Committee on Thursday is taking a major step forward to impeaching President Donald Trump as it works to approve the articles of impeachment and send them to the House floor for a full chamber vote expected next week.

The FBI is lying. The IG is lying. The Ambassador is lying. The NSC is lying. The advisor to VP Pence is lying. The Special Prosecutor was lying. The women were lying. The guy saying he already built a border wall and posting his head on Sly Stallone's body is telling the truth? - Jeremy Newberger

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

I literally wouldn't feel safe living in this country if Trump were to win reelection. - Tony Schwartz

Russia's Only Aircraft Carrier Is Burning. I Hope Trump Doesn't Give Them One of Ours.
Crews at Russia's only aircraft carrier are battling a fire that broke out during repair work in the Arctic Sea port of Murmansk, state news agencies report 

Trump brought in Pam Bondi to help him come up with an impeachment strategy and they apparently settled on “make fun of a teenager.” - Adam Parkhomenko

Republican Shenanigans

Patiently waiting for Melania to condemn those who are bullying a teenager with Aspergers. - Nick Jack Pappas

This Makes Me Sick and Angry!
Don Jr. reportedly killed a rare, endangered sheep on a summer hunting trip to Mongolia, and the government there retroactively OK’d it.. Donald Trump, Jr. used a seven-day hunting trip to Mongolia he purchased during a National Rifle Association charity auction.

Jim Jordan: "63 million people voted for this guy!"

Sane brains: "66 million people voted against him." - Tea Pain


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Rock The Voter News

Hillary Is So Polite and Thoughtful
Hillary Clinton on Thursday tweeted a link to a website with information and arguments in support of impeaching President Trump, urging her followers to spread the information to friends and family.

The GOP is tryin' to use Trump's impeachment to remove Barack Obama from office. - Tea Pain


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Business/Tech News

I’m pretty sure that now they’re just building the wall to keep us in. - Molly Jong-Fast

Tariffs Are Sucking Americans Dry
As the U.S. and China continue negotiations over a trade deal, the damage continues across many areas of the country. 
Since the trade war commenced in February 2018, Americans have paid an additional $42 billion, according to a new analysis from Tariffs Hurt the Heartland (THH). And just in October 2019, the trade war cost Americans $7.2 billion through tariffs, which is a $1 billion increase from October 2018. 

During the holiday season it’s always heartwarming to remember that Trump steals from charities.  - Larry Charles


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Never happened to me.

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
It's been a crazy day so here are some surfing penguins.


Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Horowitz: 'Very concerned' about FBI leaks to Giuliani

Horowitz: 'Very concerned' about FBI leaks to Giuliani
Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz said on Wednesday that he is "very concerned" about leaks from FBI field offices to Rudy Giuliani, President Trump's personal lawyer, and other individuals.

The political theater unfolding in the Senate Judiciary Committee today is premised on the fantastical notion that the FBI investigated Trump to stop him from becoming president, which requires you to ignore the fact that the FBI released information about Clinton and not Trump. - Walter Shaub

"It would be easy to walk away and say ‘I can’t deal with this. I can’t tell fact from fiction. I don’t wanna live in an alternative reality. I’m checking out. Well that’s what other side wants us to do, my friends. They want us to just throw our hands up in despair...” - HRC

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

I guess Mexico is never going to pay for the wall. Doesn’t that feel like a hundred years ago?
A federal judge on Tuesday issued a permanent injunction barring President Donald Trump's attempt to transfer $3.6 billion in military construction funds to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.
Judge David Briones, of U.S. District Court in El Paso, Texas, issued the injunction in a 21-page ruling.

Alabama senate wants to display Ten Commandments in schools to stop shootings. I guess it'll help if they're big enough to hide behind. - John Leguizamo

Republican Shenanigans

After Having Russians In The Oval Office, Trump Called Our American FBI “Scum” Tonight While Pennsylvanians Cheered. - Bill Conti

I think I just heard tRump screaming from inside the White House all the way here in Costa Rica
Time Person of the Year: Climate crisis activist Greta Thunberg
Each year, the magazine features the most influential person, group, movement or idea of the previous 12 months. Last year, it was "The Guardians," a group of journalists who have been targeted or assaulted for their work. In 2017, it was "The Silence Breakers," the group of people who came forward to report sexual misconduct. Past Persons of the Year include Adolf Hitler, Ayatollah Khomeini and Joseph Stalin.

What Greta Thunberg’s haters don’t get is that ultimately her message is one of hope and resilience. It is a language they cannot understand. - Dan Rather

Mitch McConnell Announces Senate Will Close Until 2012 for Repainting. - Andy Borowitz


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I'm heading into the Judiciary Committee hearing right now to question the DOJ Inspector General. We need to get to the bottom of political interference in Barr's Justice Department. - Kamala Harris tweet

Rock The Voter News

It has never made sense to me to “leave everything up to the presidential election” when rigging that election was the president’s objective. - Michael Gerson

‘A f—ing soap opera’: The health care drama riveting the White House
While Washington focuses on impeachment, West Wing aides are buzzing about the vicious battle between two top Trump health aides.

hey everyone the guy who paid out millions in settlements after he was caught running a scam university and paid out millions in fines after he was caught running a scam charity wants you to leave him alone because right now he's very hard at work fighting corruption. - Jeff Tiedrich


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Business/Tech News

How many times does Trump have to commit treason before it equals one Obama tan suit? - Travis Allen

Well, Seafood is On The Decline. Enjoy It While You Can.
Climate change is causing chaos in the Bering Sea, home to one of America's largest fisheries, an example of how rising temperatures can rapidly change ecosystems important to the economy, U.S. federal government scientists said in a report on Tuesday.


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Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Icelandic Horse and Eruption of Eyjafjallajökull Volcano. That would make a fabulous 1980's album cover. Photo: Soffia Gisladottir


Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Impeaching Donald John Trump, President of the United States, for high crimes and misdemeanors

Democrats unveil two articles of impeachment against Trump
House Democratic leaders announced Tuesday they will bring two articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump, charging him with abuse of power and obstruction of Congress to set in motion the third impeachment of a US president in history.

Trump firing the director of the FBI today will probably be one thing that helps distract from impeachment. - Roland Scahill

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Breaking: President Trump awarded the Nobel Impeach Prize. - OhNoSheTwint

I'm just here to check the bugs.
Flaunting The Enemy To Our Faces
President Donald Trump will meet with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Tuesday, a discussion certain to draw scrutiny given Trump’s history with the Kremlin envoy.
A senior administration official said Trump and Secretary of State Michael Pompeo will discuss the state of the bilateral relationship with Lavrov. Russia’s Foreign Ministry announced that Lavrov would meet Trump hours before the White House confirmed it.

No Network led the news tonight with the impeachment hearing.  two led with a volcano erupting on the other side of the world.  I know they were cool pics, but then don't complain that the public isn't educated.  You failed today to do your job. - Joe Lockhart

Republican Shenanigans

Giuliani Kidnapped By Ukrainian Circus. - Andy Borowitz

Giuliani Likes Them Young
The gatekeeper to the lawyer for the most powerful man in the world is a 20-year-old conservative activist with a thin resume, an inflated biography and an impossible job.
For the past three months, Trumpworld has been both abuzz and baffled by Christianné Allen, a little-known Instagram personality who became Rudy Giuliani’s director of communications in September.

I have never seen another Attorney General like William Barr. Its like watching Fox News in primetime. - Dan Rather


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Rock The Voter News

Giuliani Says He Has Uncovered Links Between Joe Biden and Hunter Biden. - Andy Borowitz

Trump is meeting with a Russian official today and Barack Obama is posting links to health care. 
That’s it. That’s the tweet. - Jesse Lifson

I Wonder If Ivanka Orders From Amazon
Ivanka Trump walks past a huge pile of packages while leaving her D.C. home in a $2,300 coat - as the Democrats announce two articles of impeachment...

Forcing someone to have a transvaginal ultrasound before they can have an abortion is telling them that in order to earn autonomy over their bodies someone first has to violate it. - OhNoSheTwint


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Business/Tech News

Donald Trump reminds his followers to continue to reject intelligence. - John Fugelsang

There's No Crying In Baseball But There Is Marijuana
MLB and the MLB Players Association are negotiating changes to the drug agreement that would introduce opioid testing. As part of the new drug agreement, MLB would also remove marijuana from the league's list of banned substances for minor-league players, according to The Athletic's Ken Rosenthal. Players on the 40-man roster are not tested for marijuana, but non-40-man roster minor leaguers are, and several are suspended for marijuana use each season. There were 13 such suspensions in 2019.

In 1992 I was 12. My dad and I were in the Newark airport. I saw Joe Pesci and recognized him from HOME ALONE. I went up to him to ask for his autograph. Joe asked me who my favorite actor was. I said he was. He handed me a crisp $100 and said "That's the right answer, kid". - Rod Blackhurst



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The world’s biggest moose sculpture in Norway. The sculpture is designed by Norwegian artist Linda Bakke, and is made out of stainless, polished steel.
