Thursday, March 21, 2019

The Sadist at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

‘He likes to hurt people’: Ex-Trump casino executive explains how the president is ‘sociopathic
Former casino executive Jack O’Donnell explained that President Donald Trump’s behavior can, at times, be “sociopathic.”

Just when you thought Donald Trump couldn't be less presidential, it's the next day. - Middle Age Riot

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

If New Zealand had elected a Donald Trump, he would've been impeached and imprisoned in three days. - Rex Huppke

New Zealand’s leader is fighting gun violence while ours is fighting dead war heroes. - Andy Borowitz

Trump's Pimp Is Quite Involved With Trump & Chinese CEOs
More than a year before her Super Bowl selfie with the president, Li “Cindy” Yang brought two Chinese-born tech executives, Lucas Lu and Ryan Xu, to take formal photos with President Donald Trump for $50K...But neither Ryan Xu nor Lucas Lu appear to have paid for the privilege. A search of a federal database showed no record of either man giving to Trump Victory, the political action committee that sold tickets — as well as perks like photos with the president — for the Dec. 2, 2017, breakfast fundraiser hosted by the Republican National Committee in New York City.

And to think, the president of the United States has a Chinese trademark license for Trump Escorts. I assume Don Jr. will take that helm.

Republican Shenanigans

Devin Nunes Threatens Defamation Lawsuit After Reputation Ruined By His Official Twitter Account. - The Onion

EYE COLOR: Ashes of Lies
CNN Did A Puff Piece On Kellyanne Conway. What's Next, A Glamour Photoshoot With Sarah Huckabee Sanders?
Kellyanne Conway’s humble New Jersey roots laid the foundation for a long career in a male-dominated world of politics. Now, she’s the one consistent figure in the otherwise revolving door of the Trump White House..."People are always saying, 'George and you should write a book, George and you should come to Harvard and speak,' you know side by side and we should do all that, and I think, 'oh, OK,' but then I'd have to give him my power," she added.

Kellyanne Conway, the "alternative fact" is your husband George is absolutely correct. Who do you support, your loving husband or this unhinged president? - Rep. Maxine Waters

When a Republican says "Democrats started the KKK" what they mean is "I have no idea what has happened in the last 150 years." - Middle Age Riot


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If Republicans want to force women to look at ultrasounds of their fetuses before having abortions, Republicans should be forced to listen to the desperate cries of children who have been separated from their parents before voting on immigration policy. - Middle Age Riot

Rock The Voter News

An important thing to remember about NeverTrumpers is they almost all think Mike Pence, the Iraq War and Brett Kavanaugh are wonderful. - LOLGOP

I Bet These People Fear For Their Lives
Two mysterious parties, labeling themselves Jane Doe and John Doe, have filed separate legal briefs in an attempt to limit the public release of personal information that could connect them to an underage sex trafficking operation allegedly run by New York financier Jeffrey Epstein and his partner, Ghislaine Maxwell.

The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good society that makes it just a little bit less easy for bad guys to get guns. - John Fugelsang


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Business/Tech News

Ideally, you want the President of the United States, the Mayor of Crazytown and the village idiot to be three different people. - Jeff Tiedrich

When the EU (formerly EEC) took the UK into the fold, it transformed the UK from being the sick man of Europe into #4 in the world economy. The UK is committing slow motion suicide with Brexit.

Boeing sold that new 737 Max as a great upgrade in part because it required no significant new training.Pilots were literally reading the manual as their plane plummeted to the ground. - The Hoarse Whisperer

When The Profit Margin Overrides Safety, Literally.
The doomed Boeing jets in Ethiopia and Indonesia lacked some safety features in their cockpits because the company charged extra to install them. But now, after the crashes and 737 Max jets being grounded around the world, Boeing says one of those features will come as standard on new models. Boeing’s optional safety features could have helped the pilots detect erroneous readings that experts believe may have been involved in the planes’ failures...

Report: Chinese Third-Graders Falling Behind U.S. High School Students in Math, Science. - The Onion


Me, anticipating the completion of my casita.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Lake Michigan, when the ugliness of winter produces beautiful images.


Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Who are you going to divorce Kellyanne?

Kellyanne Conway baffled by husband’s Trump criticism: ‘He was literally crying with joy in his MAGA hat on election night’
Kellyanne Conway doesn’t agree with her husband’s assessment of President Donald Trump’s mental state, and she told CNN he must have changed his mind since the election.

Apparently the national emergency is on pause while Trump tries to break up a marriage. - Alt Fed Employee tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

My ability to despise both Donald Trump and George Conway at the same time is a true gift and I deserve a parade for it. - Marie Connor

Houston Burning 
The petrochemical facility fire that brought towers of black clouds, heavy smoke and bursts of flames to Deer Park, Texas before it was extinguished early Wednesday was not an unfamiliar site for the area.

Republican Shenanigans

*everybody laughs at Devin Nunes* 

Nunes: ”We’ll see who’s laughing after I sue this fake internet cow!” 

*everybody laughs harder* - Adam Best

This cow is the enemy of the people! - mith tweet

Paul Ryan going home to roost as a board member at Fox. I mean, it’s just one big pile of garbage. The entire Republican Party is like garbage on fire. - Chelsea Handler

Trump calls George Conway a “husband from Hell.”  Melania, Marla and Ivana could not be reached for comment. - Tea Pain

I am trying to find one redeeming thing about our leader.  Hitler is said to have liked dogs and chocolate.  But this guy... - Dee


 Click here to meet C.W.


Once Joe Biden enters the race, I have no doubt that Trump will attack Biden’s deceased son, because Trump is simply a monster. - Roland Scahill

Rock The Voter News

Got some wires crossed and now I have Temple vs. Pete Buttigieg in my NCAA bracket. - Conan O'Brien

No, this is not a mini-pad on my head.
What The Hell Is Bernie Doing? Does He Think We Won't Notice?
Shortly before he gave speeches launching his 2020 campaign earlier this month, Bernie Sanders emailed his supporters, urging them to “do our very best to engage respectfully with our Democratic opponents—talking about the issues we are fighting for, not about personalities or past grievances. I want to be clear that I condemn bullying and harassment of any kind and in any space.
What he didn’t include was that one of the people already advising him and helping him write those launch speeches is one of his most famously aggressive supporters online.
Since December, David Sirota has, on Twitter, on his own website, and in columns in The Guardian, been trashing most of Sanders’s Democratic opponents...

Kamala Harris is the only presidential candidate who hasn't disrespected Hillary Clinton. - Mr. Weeks tweet

"A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons." —Hillary Clinton


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The economy lost an estimated $11 billion due to Trump’s shutdown.  Trump lost $11B trying to get $5.7B for a wall should tell all #MAGA supporters just what kind of businessman #DonTheCon is. #Resist - irishygirl tweet

Business/Tech News

Yesterday: Prohibition of alcohol gave the mafia their power & money. 
Today: Strict drug regulation gave us Pablo Escobar, El Chapo and a legal Opioid epidemic.

Trump Gets More China Trademarks
China has granted preliminary approval to 38 new Trump-related trademarks as President Trump's family works to develop a series of branded products in the country, including hotel chains, escort services and insurance.

REMINDER: Dick Cheney's (R-WY) Halliburton made $39.5 billion in profits from the Iraq War. - Baxter Bean


The tile will be installed this weekend.
Be still my heart.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
It's grocery shopping day.


Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Do you think Trump would inflate his wealth in order to get a loan?

Deutsche Bank loaned over $2 billion to Trump: report
Deutsche Bank reportedly loaned more than $2 billion to President Trump over multiple decades while he was a real estate developer.
The New York Times reported Monday, based on interviews with more than 20 bank officials, that the bank repeatedly loaned money to Trump despite multiple business-related "red flags."

Going out on a limb to speculate that Deutsche Bank trending nationwide within 48 hrs of Trump's weekend twitter-fit may not in fact be coincidental. - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

I view Jesus the way I view Elvis: 
I love the guy, but a lot of the fan clubs terrify me. - John Fugelsang

The Conway Tag Team Continues...
President Donald Trump escalated his feud with White House adviser and former campaign manager Kellyanne Conway’s husband.
Conservative attorney George Conway has been strongly criticizing his wife’s boss as mentally ill and unfit for office...

Once upon a time, sane republicans used the Tea Party to keep crazy republicans from leaving the party. 
Today I wonder if crazy republicans are using George Conway to keep sane republicans from leaving the party. - John Fugelsang

George Conway is paving the way for his wife, Kellyanne. Oust Trump with 25th amendment, swear in Pence and hello Vice President Kellyanne.

Republican Shenanigans

This president has so dumbed-down ethical standards that it is hard to remember what has been trampled. - Bette Midler

Fox Hires Failed House Speaker
Former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan is joining the board of the newly slimmed-down Fox Corporation, the parent company of Fox News. Ryan and three other board of directors were appointed on Tuesday. It was a necessary step as the Murdoch family wraps up the Disney-Fox deal.

A new book saying that Trump wanted to fire Ivanka from her White House job leaves out some important details. Like: what is Ivanka’s White House job? - Stephen Colbert

Well, This Is An Interesting Turn of Events
Rod Rosenstein, the number two official at the Justice Department is planning on stay “a little longer.” Rosenstein, who oversaw the Mueller investigation...

Trump slandering John McCain is expected. He earned respect that Trump will never have. That so few of McCain's fellow Republicans defend a recently passed hero against these attacks is even more pathetic. - Gary Kasparov


 Click here to meet C.W.


“I have no interest in dressing a glorified escort who steals speeches & has bad taste in men.”  - Tom Ford, referring to Melania Trump

Rock The Voter News

To be a likable woman candidate just follow these simple rules: Don’t be old, don’t be young, don’t be middle aged, don’t be serious, don’t be funny, don’t be loud, don’t be quiet, smile more, don’t smile too much, don’t wear that, or that, here is a Handmaid’s costume. - OhNoSheTwint

Trump Will Give You His Documents When You Pry Them From His Cold, Tiny Hands
House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler wrote to the White House last month demanding information about President Donald Trump’s declaration of a national emergency to fund the construction of a southern border wall.
Yet Nadler’s Feb. 22 deadline came and went with no response. Not only did the Democratic congressman not receive the documents he wanted, he didn’t even receive a customary letter back from the White House acknowledging his request.

Yeah, the Founding Fathers wanted people to be allowed to own guns. But they also wanted people to be allowed to own people, so maybe all their ideas weren't perfect. - Randi Mayem Singer


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Boeing Lays Off Only Guy Who Knows How To Keep Wings On Plane - The Onion

Business/Tech News

Money Talks If You're A Backstabbing Brother
The Wall Street Journal reports that the National Enquirer's publisher paid $200,000 to obtain intimate texts between Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos and his mistress Lauren Sanchez. American Media, the supermarket tabloid's publisher, reportedly paid that sum to Michael Sanchez, Lauren's...

George Orwell was writing about Trump supporters before they were even born:
"The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, but he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them.”


The Windows are installed!
Next, is the tile installation and the roof eaves.

Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Yes, yes, I could spend a week there "roughing it."
