Wednesday, March 14, 2018

America's children are literally begging for their lives

Northwestern University students on lockdown amid reports of shots fired — hours after gun violence walkout
Students and staff at Northwestern University in Illinois were told to take shelter amid reports of an active shooter on campus Wednesday — the same day thousands of students across the country walked out of their classrooms to protest gun violence.

Rock it, kids, and don't stop.- Stephen King

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

The Trump administration is about to unveil its Middle East peace plan. It involves giving everyone guns. - Conan O'Brien

Trump Wants A Space Force! Remember Reagan's Star Wars When He Blew 200 Billion?
President Donald Trump on Tuesday said his new national security strategy recognizes that space is a theater of war, and he floated the idea of creating a Space Force, a branch of the military that would operate outside of earth's atmosphere.

I resigned as Chief Prosecutor at #Guantanamo after I was directed to use evidence derived partly thru Haspel’s torture program.  Rather than being held accountable, those like Bybee, Bradbury & Haspel who OK’d torture moved up.  Those who spoke out against torture did not. - Col. Morris Davis

God damn millennials thinking they’re entitled to not being shot to death at school. - OhNoSheTwint

Student Threatens To Shoot Fellow Students
Many students at one California school district were unable to take part Wednesday in a nationwide protest against gun violence after one of them threatened to shoot classmates.

Marchers across the country today are advancing the highly controversial idea that Americans have the right not to be shot. #NationalStudentWalkout - Andy Borowitz

14 desks and 3 podiums stand empty at Cooper City High School in remembrance of the 17 dead at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

Republican Shenanigans

Just holding out for the inevitable moment when the only person Trump has left to fire is himself. - Stephen Colbert

Good. Parents Of Seth Rich Suing Fox Noise
The parents of a Democratic National Committee employee Seth Rich who was killed in July 2016 have filed a federal lawsuit alleging Fox News exploited the slaying as a "political football."
Joel and Mary Rich claim Fox News, a reporter and a guest commentator used "lies, misrepresentations and half-truths" in a May 16, 2017, article that claimed their son had leaked DNC emails to WikiLeaks during the presidential campaign.

The owner of a Greek soccer team this weekend stormed onto the field during a match waving a handgun. So long story short, soccer is now the official sport of the NRA. - Seth Myers


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Busy Schedule Forces Vladimir Putin To Move Up Election Win A Couple Days Early - The Onion

Rock The Voter News

RIP Stephen Hawking

"If there’s one last thing I have on my bucket list, it’s that Donald Trump finds out he’s being sh*tcanned on Twitter," Tillerson said. - Andy Borowitz

The President & The Porn Star's Court Date Set
Porn star Stormy Daniels will go to court on July 12 in a bid to dissolve an agreement stopping her discussing an affair she says she had with President Donald Trump, according to court papers published Wednesday.


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Business/Tech News

If Trump hadn't been born rich & inherited millions he'd be some creepy strip-club-dwelling 71-yr old selling above-ground pools in Queens. - John Fugelsang

Facebook Bans Hate Group In UK. Hey, What About The USA? 
Facebook announced on Wednesday it has banned far right political group Britain First for inciting hate against minority groups, four months after it was deregistered as a political party in the United Kingdom.

Stephen Hawking was born January 8, 1942, on the 300th anniversary of Galileo's death. He died today, March 14th, on the anniversary of Einstein's birth.  Time is circular - no beginning, no end. - Warren Leight


Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Baby bird being saved by loving parents.


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

GOP House Says NO COLLUSION! So There!

House Republicans say investigation found no evidence of Russia-Trump collusion
House Republicans investigating foreign interference in the 2016 election say they have found no evidence that Russians colluded with any members of the Trump campaign and dispute a key finding from the intelligence community that Russia had developed a preference for the Republican nominee during the election.

Imagine if someone robbed your house so you called the police
The police showed up and saw your stuff gone and arrested 19 people for robbing your house
Then the House Intelligence Committee showed up & Devin Nunes told you that your house was never robbed,
This is like that...
- ManInTheHoody tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Devin Nunes would have helped Nixon erase the tapes. - Jeff Tiedrich

CNN Analyst Angrily Resorts To Bathroom Analogy
CNN’s Phil Mudd on Monday had a remarkable reaction to the conclusion by Republicans members on the House Intelligence Committee that Russia did not interfere in the 2016 presidential election to help Donald Trump, telling Wolf Blitzer if the report was “written on toilet paper, I wouldn’t stoop to wipe my ass with it.”

Vladimir Putin could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and he wouldn't lose Donald Trump's vote. - Preet Bharara

Republican Shenanigans

Yesterday. Tillerson responds forcefully to Russian nerve agent attack in UK. Today. Tillerson fired.- Anthony Bourdain

My only wish for the impeachment is that when Trump is removed from office he's notified via Twitter. - Andy Borowitz

ICE Spokesman Quits Because Of Lies From Trump And Sessions 
Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokesman James Schwab on Monday resigned from his role with the San Francisco division, citing the “burden” of spreading falsehoods from Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
As CNN reports, Schwab accused Sessions and Acting Director Tom Homan of deliberately spreading misleading information after ICE slammed Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf’s decision to warn the public about upcoming ICE raids.

Devin Nunes & the GOP House Intelligence Committee remind you that 
1)  The CIA, the FBI, National Security Agency and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence are all totally lying and/or wrong about Russia, and
2) Mr. Trump never asked us to say that. - John Fugelsang

I’d pay $10,000 to have Betsy DeVos try to cover a textbook with an old paper grocery bag on live TV. - Chip Chantry tweet


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Rock The Voter News

So now the House Intelligence Committee has free time to open a 15th Benghazi investigation so we can really get to the bottom of this thing where Hillary sold uranium to ISIS in order to finance the child sex ring run out of the basement of a pizza parlor that has no basement. - Jeff Tiedrich

Papadopoulos ponders witness protection
No Collusion! No Collusion Except That Former Aide Points Finger Directly At Trump's Collusion
George Papadopoulos, a former foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign and potentially a key witness in special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe, told federal investigators that before the election, Donald Trump personally encouraged him to pursue a summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin...


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Source just texted me: "Imagine running Exxon-Mobil for decades and being a titan of the world and then being fired by Donald Trump on Twitter."-Josh Dawsey, CNN

Business/Tech News

Trump has now fired more people as President than he did as host of the apprentice.- Mike Deitsch

Trump Fires Tillerson And His Under Secretary Of State. Trump Must Be Really Pissed.
The White House has reportedly fired an aide at the State Department who contradicted the White House account of President Trump's firing of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A fireman's bicycle in 1905.
Hose, check.
Siren, check.
Crowbar, check.
Fancy helmet, check!


Monday, March 12, 2018

I wish this was the latest James Bond film and not reality

U.K. Prime Minister Says 'Highly Likely' Russia Responsible For Ex-Spy Poisoning
British Prime Minister Theresa May says it is "highly likely" that Russia is behind the poisoning of a former Russian spy and his daughter earlier this month in southern England.

Prime Minister of United Kingdom publicly accuses Russia of attempted assassination by nerve agent on NATO soil. What will the president of the United States say & do? - David Frum

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Journalists On Putin's Hit List
A  Russian double agent who defected to Britain has revealed he was poisoned like stricken Sergei Skripal.
Boris Karpichkov says he and Skripal were on a hit-list of EIGHT defectors Vladimir Putin wants dead – and names the others .

Vladimir Putin is a ruthless despot who kills dissidents, murders journalists, props up war criminals, and attacked American democracy.
Trump has been more critical of Chuck Todd, Meryl Streep, and Nordstrom. - Brian Klaas

Republican Shenanigans

“McMaster” sounds like what happens when a German guy makes up an Irish name. - Conan O'Brien

Betsy DeVos Argues Issue Of Guns In Schools Should Be Fully Left Up To Individual Shooters - The Onion

Stormy Throws A Sideline Pass, Makes 1st Down
Stormy Daniels is making an offer that, if accepted, would allow her to finally speak freely about her alleged affair with President Trump.
According to NBC News and The New York Times, Daniels is offering Trump lawyer Michael Cohen that she would return the $130,000 she accepted.

This is going to end with us seeing the president's d*ck, isn't it :( - morningloria tweet

Major side-eye when Trump claims to be in favor of background checks. He’s the same person who hired Rob Porter, Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, George Papadopoulos, Carter Page, Sebastian Gorka, Omarosa Manigault, Anthony Scaramucci, Jared Kushner, etc., etc. -Mrs. Betty Bowers


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The only way congress is going to impeach SCROTUS is if they find out that after molesting thirteen women and sleeping with Stormy Daniels, he had sex with Monica Lewinsky.- Elayne Boosler

Rock The Voter News

Alabama senate wants to display Ten Commandments in schools to stop shootings. I guess it'll help if they're big enough to hide behind. - John Leguizamo

Trump Playing Games On Guns
President Donald Trump said Monday that he is "watching court cases and rulings" before taking action on raising age limits for purchasing some firearms, arguing that there is "not much political support (to put it mildly)."

Jared Kushner’s brother reportedly donated $50k to the “March for Our Lives.” I applaud him for giving the money to a good cause and not saving it for his brother’s bail. - Chelsea Handler


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Business/Tech News

I watched the news & saw poor people busted for illegal mood-altering drugs. Then came the commercials for the legal ones.- John Fugelsang

Apple’s new futuristic headquarters, Apple Park in Cupertino, California, is having some problems. The building is filled with so much clear glass that employees have reportedly been walking into glass walls. I guess Apple shouldn’t have installed windows. -  James Corden

Fox News Attempts To Rebrand Itself
Fox News is launching a new ad campaign featuring the slogan "Real news. Real honest opinion."
"Fox is the one place where dissent is allowed," prime-time host Tucker Carlson claims in one of the ads

Study Finds Cats Only Meow When They Want To Alert Owner Of Neighbor’s Murder They Witnessed Through Window - The Onion



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

I wonder why this never caught on.
