Monday, November 20, 2017

Four score and seven years ago...

Trump tweets he should have left UCLA players in Chinese jail
President Trump says he should have left three UCLA basketball players accused of shoplifting in China in jail.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders is somewhere right now working on a statement that says Charles Manson was only peripherally involved in the campaign. - goldengateblond tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Finally, someone sh**ty died. #CharlesManson - Randi Mayem Singer

White House Officials Keep Hearing Mysterious Footsteps
Investigators for Robert Mueller’s special probe into Russian meddling in the 2016 election are expected to speak with multiple senior White House officials in the coming weeks...

Really says something that Trump gets more political pushback from Republicans on the maltreatment of elephants than of women.- Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

The House passed the GOP-backed tax plan today, which is very good news for billionaires and also just your average run-of-the mill millionaires too. The bill would shift the tax burden from the wealthy to people who really should be paying more, like college students. - Jimmy Kimmel

A Russian Yacht With A Submarine Is Docked Near Mar-a-Lago
A prominent Russian oligarch with ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin has docked his 500-foot yacht in the Port of Palm Beach, just days before President Trump makes his way to Mar-a-Lago. 
Roman Abramovich docked the yacht, which is estimated to be worth between $400 and $500 million, at the port on Friday afternoon, and is expected to stay until Dec. 5

According to a new study, sweat might one day be used to unlock smartphones. So get ready to all be hacked by Steve Bannon.- Seth Myers


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Rock The Voter News

Franken Cut Out Of Letterman Tribute
In a statement, PBS said it decided that “the inclusion of Sen. Franken in the broadcast at this time would distract from the show’s purpose as a celebration of American humor,” although I think anyone looking at the special could have soldiered through the “distraction” without any ill effects.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is calling for an ethics investigation into accusations that Sen. Al Franken sexually assaulted a woman in 2006. Because Mitch McConnell absolutely will not stand for sexual harassment — by Democrats.- Seth Myers

More Earthquakes Expected
Scientists say number of severe quakes is likely to rise strongly next year because of a periodic slowing of the Earth’s rotation...In addition, it is difficult to predict where these extra earthquakes will occur – although Bilham said they found that most of the intense earthquakes that responded to changes in day length seemed to occur near the equator. About one billion people live in the Earth’s tropical regions.

OK it's gotten so bad I woke up & saw Charles Manson trending and my first thought was "Oh my God, who did he grope on-set?"- John Fugelsang


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Business/Tech News

GOP insist rich folks need a tax cut and all they're askin' is for poor folks and underage girls to take one for the team. - Tea Pain

Cornhusker State OKs Keystone Pipeline
Developers of the Keystone XL pipeline secured approval Monday for the pipeline to run through Nebraska, clearing a key hurdle in the years-long fight to build the project.
The decision came after a rupture in TransCanada’s Keystone system spilled an estimated 210,000 gallons of oil in South Dakota last week, an incident that rankled opponents of the XL expansion.

"A mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it isn't open."
--Frank Zappa



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Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

I love the expression on this Native American's face. I wonder if that smoke in his fingers is why?


Friday, November 17, 2017

The Flag Fondler

Trump attacks Senator Al Franken after grope allegation
US President Donald Trump has joined the criticism of Democratic Senator Al Franken after he admitted to groping a sleeping woman during a comedy tour.
On Twitter Mr Trump called him "Al Frankenstien" - a misspelled reference to the undead monster - and mocked his previous advocacy for women's' rights.

Trump on Franken: Pot discusses sins of the kettle. - Stephen King

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

If you want to turn away Syrian Refugees because you're Christian and they're Muslim, just know that you got the 'they're Muslim' part right. - John Fugelsang

Guess What? More Trump/Russia Ties. This Time, Russian Mafia!
Investors and customers of the Trump Ocean Club International Hotel and Tower in Panama City carried deep ties to organized crime and drug trafficking, according to an NBC News and Reuters joint investigation.

I read that the FBI is now investigating Russian embassy payments. And get this — there was one memo that was actually labeled "to finance election campaign of 2016." Even people who use the word “password” as their password were like, “Seriously?” - Jimmy Fallon

But it wouldn't be prudent...

8th Woman Says Former President Bush Groped Her
An eighth woman has come forward with claims that former US president George HW Bush groped her.
An interpreter, whom the BBC has agreed not to name because of the sensitive nature of her job, claims Mr Bush touched her inappropriately in 2004

The president hasn't weighed in on the biggest story of the week, Roy Moore. Donald Trump's in a real bind. On one hand, he doesn't want to support an accused pedophile for Senate. His other hand is grabbing a woman by the — you know what I'm saying. - Jimmy Kimmel

Republican Shenanigans

Q: What's the difference between Donald Trump and Roy Moore?
A: Trump admitted his sexual assault. - Tea Pain

Meanwhile, Back At Bob Mueller's Office
Special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigators have issued a subpoena to President Trump’s election campaign for documents related to Russia...Mueller’s team issued the subpoena in mid-October, requesting documents and emails from over a dozen top campaign officials that include several keywords related to Russia.

Republicans are reportedly hoping that President Trump will pressure Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore to drop out of the race. And Roy Moore still might not drop out, but at least he’ll know what it’s like to be pressured by an older man. - Seth Myers


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Look, if we forced every sexual predator to resign we’d have no government. Which would be an enormous improvement over what we have now.- Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

Al?  Franken??!  Men have dropped their balls!  Step outta the way and let women show you how you how to behave honorably! Vote for women!!- Bette Midler

I'm With Hillary. I Believe Trump Is An Illegitimate President
A year after her defeat by Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election, Hillary Clinton says “there are lots of questions about its legitimacy” due to Russian interference and widespread voter suppression efforts.

CORRECTION: This meme I posted yesterday is not true. Sorry for any humor inconvenience.


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Business/Tech News

It was cruel enough for them to take your health care to get back at Obama. Downright sinister to take your health care to fund tax cuts for billionaires.- Sen. Chris Murphy

Of Course The Keystone Pipeline Leaked And It Will Again
 TransCanada Corp (TRP.TO) shut part of its Keystone oil pipeline system after a 5,000-barrel leak in South Dakota, the company said on Thursday, four days before neighboring Nebraska was set to decide on the company’s long-delayed Keystone XL pipeline.

If you think lifting the elephant trophy ban is bad, wait until 2018 when Trump legalizes sport-hunting humans. - Erik Bransteen


Fall Fundraiser
Is Anyone Out There?

Only $2335 to reach the goal!
Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

I don't know where to look first, at the food or the scenery in Santorini, Greece.

Best Wishes For A Peaceful Weekend.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

They Shoot Elephants Don't They?

Trump administration reverses ban on import of elephant trophies
The Trump administration is reversing an Obama-era ban on hunters importing trophies of elephants killed in Zambia and Zimbabwe during government-approved big-game expeditions.

Killing an elephant for a trophy is the gruesome act of a wealthy savage. 

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

FUN FACTS: It took 26 months to take down Nixon, but in just 6 months, Bob Mueller has 3 arrests, 1 plea deal and more pendin' indictments.- Tea Pain

What Swamp Does Trump Find These Nominees? Geez Louise.
Brett Talley, the Alabama lawyer Donald Trump has nominated to be a federal district judge, is a 36-year-old ghosthunter who has never tried a case and who failed to disclose to the Senate that he is married to the chief of staff to the White House counsel. He also seems to have written 16,381 posts—more than 3½ per day—on the University of Alabama fan message board

At one point Jeff Sessions regained his memory and said that the Trump campaign couldn’t collude with the Russians because it was a “form of chaos, every day from day one.” I believe him. That’s such a great alibi. “That campaign was such a turbulent crap storm, there’s no way we could’ve planned anything like that. We were far too disorganized to be evil.” - James Corden

What Russia Ties? How About KGB Ties, In Writing.
The United States has awarded a contract to guard the U.S. embassy in Moscow to a company with KGB ties, The New York Times reports.
The State Department awarded the $2.8 million contract to Elite Security Holdings, a company co-founded by retired Russian general Viktor Budanov.

Republican Shenanigans

“If people believe Roy Moore’s five accusers, what happens to a man who has, say, about twenty accusers?” Donald J. Trump asked. - Andy Borowitz

Ivanka Says Roy Moore Headed For Hades
Ivanka Trump spoke out for the first time against embattled Alabama Senate Republican candidate Roy Moore, who has been accused of pursuing sexual relationships with teenagers when he was in his early thirties. Her father, President Donald Trump, meanwhile, has largely stayed mum on the issue.

Roy Moore has now been thrown out of 3 courts. The Alabama Supreme Court in 2003. The Alabama Supreme Court in 2016.  And the Gadsden Mall Food Court in 1980. - Joyce Alene


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The whole Trump family looks like department store mannequins, except our beloved quarter pounder in chief.

Rock The Voter News

Even though it's narrow in focus, the bipartisan gun control bill moving through the Senate is a good start and a sensible, fair compromise.
Which means there's no way in hell it'll ever fucking pass. - Erik Bransteen

Hillary And Uranium One Allegations
Hillary Clinton responded on Wednesday to news that the Trump administration is considering appointing a special counsel to investigate her alleged ties to the Uranium One deal, calling the move “a disastrous step into politicizing the Justice Department” and “such an abuse of power.”

This Is The Type Of Garbage Voters See In Every Grocery Line In The USA. Real Fake News.

Not Al Franken! Yes, Al Franken. F**K! Shame On You!
Sen. Al Franken apologizes after woman alleges he groped her. Leeann Tweeden, a radio anchor for Los Angeles’ KABC, wrote Thursday that Franken's misconduct came while they toured the Middle East to entertain military personnel in 2006. After they returned from the trip, she discovered a picture of the senator groping her as she slept.

If Al Franken were to resign—and Tweeden's accusations seem highly credible— Minnesota Gov. Dayton (D) would appoint an interim replacement.
Then there'd be a special election as part of next's November midterms to fill out the remainder of Franken's term, which ends in 2020. - Nate Silver, Pollster


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Imagine taking more than $300 billion from older and sicker people who need health insurance, and giving that $300 billion to big corporations and wealthy people as a tax cut. That's the GOP plan. - Robert Reich

Business/Tech News

Twitter Unverifies White Nationalists, Except For Trump
Richard Spencer and other prominent white nationalists have lost their official verifications on Twitter — meaning the blue check marks next to their names are gone.

This year, instead of pardoning a turkey, Trump is going to round up every turkey Obama ever pardoned and kill them on live TV. - OhNoSheTwitnt



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Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Floating above the International Balloon Festival in Leon, Mexico.
