Monday, November 13, 2017

GOP = Grand Old Perverts

McConnell on Moore: 'I believe the women,' Moore should go
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell believes the allegations against Alabama Republican Senate nominee Roy Moore and that Moore should leave the race, the Kentucky Republican said Monday.

I miss a week ago when I thought the sickest thing Republicans wanted to do to 14 year olds was uninsure them. - LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

“No one has worked more tirelessly for the glory of the Fatherland than Donald Trump,” Vladimir Putin said in an official statement.- Andy Borowitz

Meanwhile, The NSA Was Hacked
The National Security Agency, the US's largest and most secretive intelligence agency, has been deeply infiltrated by anonymous hackers, as detailed in a New York Times exposé published Sunday.
The NSA, which compiles massive troves of data on US citizens and organizes cyberoffensives against the US's enemies, was deeply compromised by a group known as the Shadow Brokers, which has made headlines in the past year in connection to the breach, whose source remains unclear.

The Filleting Of Whitefish
The Montana energy company that was awarded a contract to repair Puerto Rico's power grid in the wake of Hurricane Maria is facing scrutiny over the amount of money it has charged the island's state-run utility...Whitefish Energy Holdings had a contract allowing it to charge the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA) $319 an hour for linemen it had hired from Florida 
...According to the newspaper, senior linemen from Lakeland, Fla., are earning $63 an hour as part of their contract with Whitefish. Some linemen are making $42 an hour plus overtime, while others are earning up to $100 double time. 

Trump and Kim Jong-un arguing over which one of them is fatter is like Bannon and Gorka arguing over which one of them is Nazier.- OhNoSheTwitnt

Republican Shenanigans

Sorry, I was off Twitter for a while - it appears that people are destroying coffee machines to show their support of child molesters? - Geraldine Tweet

Another Papa Bush Groping Victim, This Time, A 16 Year Old
A woman says she was groped by former President George H.W. Bush when she was 16 years old, according to a new report.
Time reported that the woman, Roslyn Corrigan, said Bush, then 79, groped her in 2003 during an event at the Central Intelligence Agency office in The Woodlands, Texas.

I'm old enough to remember a time when it wasn't socially acceptable to defend molesting young teens. It was a week ago. - Jeet Heer


 Click here to meet C.W.


Thank God we don’t have a female president. She’d be so emotionally volatile and obsessed with her appearance! - Jess Dweck

Rock The Voter News

Hillary Jailed! 
Naw, But Someone Was!
A woman has been jailed after duping film-makers into believing she could get them behind-the-scenes access to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.
Ann Leuser fraudulently claimed to have a close connection with the former US secretary of state and tried to enter into a contract for a fly-on-the-wall documentary that proposed a series of payments totalling £120,000.

Thank god Roy Moore is only a child molester and not a woman with a private email server, because there are consequences for that - Jeff Tiedrich


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The cover of Forbes 10 years ago

We are at a point where I am 100% sure Republicans would defend cannibalism.- Jules Tweet

Business/Tech News

"The Party of Lincoln" is now "The Party of Nazis and Child Molesters"
Abraham Lincoln just threw up in his own coffin. - Jeff Tiedrich

Bill Gates To Build Smart City. But Where Will He Get The Smart People To Live There?
Bill Gates' Belmont Partners investment firm just dropped $80 million to jump start development of a 'smart' community in Arizona..."Belmont will create a forward-thinking community with a communication and infrastructure spine that embraces cutting-edge technology...

Hey Humans- When I said 'Be fruitful & Multiply' there were only 2 of you. 
Now 7 billion. Start using condoms. - God - John Fugelsang


$5 donations gladly accepted
Only $2,425 to reach my goal!

Thank you!


Thank you to those inquiring about my safety after a 6.8 earthquake hit Costa Rica last night. I was about 100 miles away from the epicenter and I slept right through it. Thank God!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The Dancing House in Prague, Czech Republic. Let's dance!


Saturday, November 11, 2017

I hate it when my modem won't work

Yes, after a month of Internet connections problems, multiple calls to the cable company, my modem shut down Friday morning.
It was the power cable.
I now have a new cable and I am back online.
I will have a new edition on Monday.

Thank you for your patience.

Keep the faith and peace.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Trump voters: We'd do it again

Trump voters: We'd do it again
Among those who voted for the president, there are few regrets. But there are questions about whether he'll even finish his four-year term.

One year after the 2016 election, I think we should all congratulate ourselves on still being alive. -Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

North Korea’s leading newspaper finally mentions Trump’s speech, in the context of anti-Trump protests in South Korea. Likens his words to “war mongering, filthy rhetoric spewing out of his snout like garbage that reeks of gun powder to ignite war.” No official response yet... - Will Ripley, CNN

Diplomacy Doesn't Seem To Be Trump's Forte
The U.S.’s ranks of diplomats are losing key leaders at a “dizzying speed” as the State Department struggles to recruit talent amid a hiring freeze and sinking morale in the Trump administration, according to a new essay from a top ambassador.

At this point I don't want to see Trump’s taxes anymore. I want him to release his list of current medications. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Trump 2016: "China has raped America."
Trump 2017: "I don't blame China for taking advantage of another country."
See?  Our mistake was thinkin' Trump saw "rape" as a bad thing.- Tea Pain

Flynn&Son in happier times.

Wah. Michael Flynn Is Having A Sad.
Former White House national security adviser Michael Flynn has expressed concern about the potential legal exposure of his son, Michael Flynn Jr., who, like his father, is under scrutiny by special counsel Robert Mueller, multiple sources familiar with the matter tell CNN.

Trump campaign had NO CONTACT with Russia.

OK, Flynn had contact with Russia.

Flynn and Sessions had contact with Russia. 

Flynn and Sessions. Also, Don Jr., Manafort and Kushner.

OK: Flynn, Sessions, Don Jr., Manafort, Kushner, Page and Papadopoulos. But THAT'S IT!
(Maybe.) - Judd Legum


 Click here to meet C.W.


Trump told Japanese dignitaries he “never knew there were so many countries.” I pray there was a translator who just said something smarter. - Bette Midler

Here's A Man Bringing A Smile To Jury Duty

Rock The Voter News

Electionfreude - Jeff Tiedrich

What In The World Has Happened To Donna Brazile? She is with David Clarke, that beyond crazy former sheriff  from Wisconsin who is a Trump supporter.

Cough, please.

Wow. TSA Sucks At Their Job. Who Knew?
An undercover operation has revealed that Transportation Security Administration screenings at airports fail for the most part.
Homeland Security investigators found that, more than 70 percent of the time, undercover officers were able to get through TSA checkpoints with mock knives, guns and explosives, the House Homeland Security Committee was told Wednesday. Just two years ago, testing found a 95 percent failure rate, reports CBS News correspondent Kris Van Cleave.

FEMA is finalizing plans to airlift displaced Puerto Ricans, currently staying in shelters on the island, to New York and Florida. FEMA has never done this “air breach” before. - David Begnaud‏, CBS News


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Business/Tech News

The 85 richest ppl on Earth now have as much money as the poorest 3.5 billion so PLEASE give 'em another tax cut so they can create jobs already. - John Fugelsang

The DOJ Dictates That AT&T Must Sell CNN To Close Deal
U.S. antitrust regulators and AT&T Inc sparred on Wednesday over whether the wireless carrier would be required to sell Time Warner Inc’s CNN cable network as a condition of approval of its deal to buy the media company.
The U.S. Department of Justice has demanded significant asset sales in order to approve the $85.4 billion deal, sources told Reuters on Wednesday, and asked AT&T to sell CNN-parent Turner Broadcasting or its DirecTV satellite TV operation in discussions on Monday.

ATT - Time Warner should take DOJ to court ASAP. Demand discovery of all Trump/WH communications on this deal. - Richard W. Painter, chief White House ethics lawyer for Pres. George W. Bush


Fall Fundraiser

Thank you!

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Is that you, Rudolph?
