Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Surf's Up!

Suburbs Rebel Against Trump, Threatening Republicans in Congress
The American suburbs appear to be in revolt against President Trump after a muscular coalition of college-educated voters and racial and ethnic minorities on Tuesday dealt the Republican Party a thumping rejection and propelled a diverse class of Democrats into office.

My thoughts and prayers are with the GOP.

This is what happens when the people vote. Congrats @RalphNortham and @PhilMurphyNJ . And congratulations to all the victors in state legislative, county and mayors' races. Every office in a democracy counts! - Barack Obama

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

WSJ reports the U.S. has spent $5.6 trillion since 2001 on wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, & Pakistan; fortunately it wasn't wasted on unpatriotic stuff like health care or education. - John Fugelsang

Trump's Katrina Worsens
Thousands of Puerto Ricans struggled to feed themselves in the wake of Hurricane Maria, skipping meals and waiting hours in line for federal shipments of canned goods.
But a package of federal programs that could have helped feed thousands - and that channeled hundreds of dollars to needy families in Texas and Florida after hurricanes Harvey and Irma - have not been deployed in Puerto Rico, limiting the reach of the island’s emergency food assistance.
Among other things, the government did not issue emergency food stamps to people who lost their homes in the storm and who do not usually receive benefits, a measure that was taken in both Florida and Texas.

President Donald Trump arrived in Japan over the weekend to kick off a 13-day trip through Asia. Following the president’s trip, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will then kick off his own 13-day trip to apologize for everything Donald Trump said.- James Corden

Republican Shenanigans

“Politicians pose no danger to the public if used correctly,” said the NRA’s LaPierre, who claims to have over two hundred politicians in his personal collection. - Andy Borowitz

The Air Force Really Messed Up
Devin Patrick Kelley, who left 26 people dead after opening fire at a Texas church on Sunday, was captured by police in 2012 after he escaped from a mental health institution. At the time, a hospital official told police that he was a danger to himself and others, and had issued death threats against "his military chain of command."...Under federal law, his conviction made him ineligible for gun ownership, but an error by the Air Force meant his crimes were never entered into the federal crime database that tracks such offenses.

BREAKING: Evidence Suggests 2016 Election Was Influenced by Millions of Idiots. - Andy Borowitz


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This morning we ask a technical question: Can extremism-peddling Republicans win elections, if Putin doesn't hack their opponents? - David Corn

Rock The Voter News

Democrat Turned Trump Republican Bites The Dust
A mayor in Ohio who left the Democratic Party last year to endorse Donald Trump for president has gone down in defeat.
Tom Coyne, who was elected as mayor of Brook Park in 2013, lost his reelection bid on Tuesday night when he was defeated by independent candidate Michael Gammella.

Hey Donald J. Trump this is just the beginning. Once you’re ousted as President you’ll be escorted from the White House by transgender troops.- Andy Borowitz


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Business/Tech News

Trump’s vision has been defeated three times now. Once by the Union Army, next by the Allied Forces, then last night in Virginia and New Jersey. -Tea Pain

Trump Promotes His Golf Club In South Korea
During a speech in front of South Korean lawmakers at the National Assembly in Seoul on Wednesday, President Donald Trump praised Korean golfers and promoted his golf club in New Jersey.

A Twitter customer-support employee briefly shut down President Trump’s profile on Friday on their last day at the company. Sadly, that employee has since died of high-fives. - Seth Myers


Fall Fundraiser Or The Rapture? 

Thank you!


Odd News

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Patagonia, Chile is on my bucket list.


Tuesday, November 7, 2017

I need a personal day off

Mea culpa for any humor inconvenience. 
I will return tomorrow.

 Thank you for visiting!

Monday, November 6, 2017

Russia, Russia, Russia!

Offshore Trove Exposes Trump-Russia Links And Piggy Banks Of The Wealthiest 1 Percent
A trove of 13.4 million records exposes ties between Russia and U.S. President Donald Trump’s billionaire commerce secretary, the secret dealings of the chief fundraiser for Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the offshore interests of the queen of England and more than 120 politicians around the world.

Wilbur Ross: lied abt Russia
Sessions, Don Jr. lied abt Russia
Manafort, Flynn: Lied abt Russia
America is being Vodka-boarded - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Security researchers have reportedly discovered that recently indicted former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort used “bond007” as one of his computer passwords. He also signed his checks “From Russia with Love.”- Seth Myers

Jared, Jared, Jared.
Two Russian state institutions with close ties to Vladimir Putin funded substantial investments in Twitter and Facebook through a business associate of Jared Kushner, leaked documents reveal.
The investments were made through a Russian technology magnate, Yuri Milner, who also holds a stake in a company co-owned by Kushner, Donald Trump’s son-in-law and senior White House adviser.

In an interview with The New York Times, President Trump repeated the claim that he is not under investigation. And then he winked so hard he got a black eye.- Seth Myers

McCarthy Is Spinning In His Grave As GOP Embraces The Ruble
Party loyalty is often cited as the reason that GOP leaders have not been more outspoken in their criticism of President Donald Trump and his refusal to condemn Russia's interference in the 2016 presidential election. Yet there may be another reason that top Republicans have not been more vocal in their condemnation. Perhaps it's because they have their own links to the Russian oligarchy that they would prefer go unnoticed.

Republican Shenanigans

Nation To Wait For More Facts On Texas Shooting Before Doing Absolutely Nothing About It.- The Onion

Trump Says Mass Shooting Not About Guns
President Donald Trump called the shooter who killed 26 people at a church outside of San Antonio on Sunday a “very deranged individual” who has a “mental health problem at the highest level.”...“We have a lot of mental health problems in our country — as do other countries — but this isn’t a guns situation,” Trump said while speaking at an event in Japan. 

Another part of the problem is that Repub Party doesn’t view mentally ill heavily armed white guys as dangerous, they view them as voters.- Adam McKay


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People keep retweeting these Obama anniversary tweets into my timeline and it's like stumbling on pictures of the ex who broke your heart. - J.K. Rowling

Rock The Voter News

Meanwhile, Hillary Heads To Milwaukee
Hillary Clinton is coming to Milwaukee's Riverside Theater Thursday night and moderating the event will be actor and Democratic activist Bradley Whitford. Whitford gained fame as the fictional presidential adviser on NBC's "The West Wing."

President Trump tweeted that our criminal justice system is a “joke.” He then tweeted, “I mean, how is my entire family not in prison?”- Conan O'Brien


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Innocent people go to church on Sunday to honor their God, and while doing so, get shot in killed. What country? America. Why? Republicans. - Chelsea Handler

Business/Tech News

House of Cards may be a great show but damn it this is America; we have zero tolerance for sexual abuse from our fictional presidents. -John Fugelsang

Trump Tells Tribal Leaders To Break The Law
President Donald Trump in June reportedly told tribal leaders to simply drill for energy resources on their land, regardless of regulations that would prevent them from immediately doing so, Axios reported Sunday.

Jeff Sessions needs to drag his sorry butt back to the land of cotton. -AllHatNoCattle




Odd News

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My bucket runneth over.
