Monday, September 5, 2016

What were they thinking?

Millennial Outreach Photo from Trump Children Gets Instant Twitter Mockery
This is apparently what counts for millennial outreach now...

#HowToConfuseAMillennial Explain how "patriot" once meant "loves America" & not "angry guy w/bald eagle fetish who hates lots of Americans."- John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Hopes for a positive G20 summit crumbled today as President Obama blurted to Russia’s Vladimir Putin at a joint press appearance, “Everyone here thinks you’re a jackass.” - Andy Borowitz

Women In Iran Are Treated Much Worse  Than Women In The USA
Iran's state TV says police have shut down more than 800 clothing stores across the country for selling "unconventional and inappropriate" attire — believed to mean Western-style outfits and women's clothing that doesn't meet strict Islamic requirements.

“The Cong were after me,” Trump said, “and then, just in the nick of time, I got my deferment.” - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

It's literally a bigger scandal that the Clintons saved AIDS patients than it is that Pence created an HIV outbreak.- LOLGOP

Gee, Will Trump Flip Flop On This?
Donald Trump said Monday that only a natural disaster could stop him from facing Hillary Clinton in all three presidential debates.

60 yrs ago we had Eisenhower, the last GOP POTUS to balance a budget w/a surplus.  How was that GOP different? - John Fugelsang

Donald Trump said if he’s elected, he will employ a "deportation task force." It’s not really necessary, because if he’s elected most people will probably leave voluntarily.- Conan O'Brien


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Trump campaign is apparently citing a @FiveThirtyEight poll showing him ahead in Ohio. There isn't one—we don't do our own horse race polls. - Nate Silver Tweet

Bernie Spanks Fox News
Bernie Sanders lashed out at Fox News at a rally Monday, describing the TV network as the last place that still debates the science of climate change.

Rock The Voter News

Tim Kaine's Appreciation Of Labor
Growing up, I spent my weekends and summers surrounded by drills, punches, lathes, and welding rigs.
My dad owned a union-organized ironworking shop in the Kansas City stockyards for 25 years. In a good year, Dad had 10 to 12 employees. In a tough year, maybe just five, plus my mother — his best saleswoman — my two brothers, and me.

Actually, this year the GOP is forcing millions of Americans to support HRC who otherwise wouldn't. Well done.- John Fugelsang


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Biz/Tech News

Buy Marijuana Stocks!
More people in the United States are using marijuana than ever before, a new study finds, as the perception of smoking pot is changing among Americans. More than 13 percent of adults of 500,000 surveyed in 2014 said they had used cannabis in the previous year, up from close to 10 percent in 2002, the study published Wednesday in The Lancet Psychiatry stated.

So the US is an uninhabitable hell-hole that millions are swarming over the border to get into? OK, that makes sense.- Andy Borowitz


I gladly labored for you on Labor Day! :)

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Aerial view of Longleat Maze in England. They'd never find me because I'd be so lost!


Friday, September 2, 2016


FBI Releases Hillary Clinton Email Investigation Documents
...The summary said that Clinton "never deleted, nor did she instruct anyone to delete, her email to avoid complying with the Federal Records Act, FOIA, or State or FBI requests for information." The summary added that Clinton had tasked her legal team with seeing to it she complied with official requests to preserve her emails.

“If immigrants somehow get over the wall, the condition of our bridges and roads will keep them from getting very far,” a wall supporter said. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

 In Outreach to Black Voters, Trump Offers to Meet with President of Africa. - Andy Borowitz

Grab Your Loved Ones And Run For The Hills
Donald Trump has jumped ahead of Hillary Clinton nationally in the race for the White House, according to a new poll.
Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, has 40 percent support to Clinton's 39 percent, according to a poll by the right-leaning Rasmussen Reports released Thursday.

Donald Trump's first act as Commander in Chief will be orderin' the United States military to invade MSNBC. - Tea Pain

Republican Shenanigans

Taco Trucks Everywhere. Thanks Hillary!
The founder of Latinos for Trump on Thursday warned that if his candidate loses, America faces an uncertain future in which Mexican food is far too easily available.
“My culture is a dominant culture, and it’s imposing and it’s causing problems,” Marco Gutierrez said in an interview on MSNBC. “If you don’t do something about it, you’re gonna have taco trucks [on] every corner.”

If we don't build a wall on our northern border, they'll soon be maple syrup & Canadian bacon trucks on every corner.- Erik Bransteen

No Wonder Trump Won't Release His Taxes
Donald Trump paid the IRS a $2,500 penalty this year, an official at Trump's company said, after it was revealed that Trump's charitable foundation had violated tax laws by giving a political contribution to a campaign group connected to Florida's attorney general.


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Rock The Voter News

Obama has now protected more acreage of national parks than Theodore Roosevelt
Speaking at the largest conservation event in the world, President Obama said, “No nation, not even one as powerful as the United States, is immune from a changing climate.”

After leaving office, Bill Clinton started a Foundation that helped over 400M people. George Bush painted his dog. - Richard Hine


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And who doesn't need cheering up after The Donald's speech on Immigration last night?? - Bette Midler

Biz/Tech News

Trump's Money Saving Tactics
Donald Trump's campaign has not paid at least 10 top staffers, including former top aide Paul Manafort, California state director Tim Clark, former advisor Michael Caputo and two other senior aides who also left the campaign in June.

A prominent Latino Trump supporter announced today he is withdrawing his support for Donald Trump. He said, "I would have done it sooner but I just came out of a year-long coma."- Conan O'Brien


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

I'd love to get lost in Longleat Maze, England.


Thursday, September 1, 2016

I'm Trumped out.

Mexican president calls Trump's ideas 'a threat to the future of Mexico'
Reversing a more diplomatic tone he set during a joint appearance with Donald Trump in the Mexican capital, President Enrique Peña Nieto .

“As soon as we sat down to order, I made it very clear that I had no intention of paying for lunch,” Peña Nieto said. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Stay Safe Florida!
Florida's governor issued a stern warning Thursday for a state that hasn't had a hurricane landfall for a decade: Hermine, expected to hit the eastern Florida Panhandle by early Friday, could be memorably dangerous.

Illegal immigration at net zero increase, record deportations, more troops than ever on the border.  Something's got to be done.- John Fugelsang

Art Young's "This World of Creepers", published in 1907.

Republican Shenanigans

After insulting Mexico for the past year, Donald Trump was in Mexico today. Things got awkward when he made a speech that started out, “Hola, Rapists.” - Conan O'Brien

I hope Hillary wipes that smirk off his face.
Trump Can't Keep His Lies Straight
Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto was thoroughly dressed down online and in the Mexican press on Wednesday for hosting a genial meeting with Donald Trump despite the scathing criticism the Republican nominee has directed towards the United States’ southern neighbor. Yet Mexico’s foreign minister insisted that Trump's barbs were addressed during his private meeting with Peña Nieto.
The president expressed Mexicans’ “grave indignation” for Trump’s “insults and offenses,” Foreign Minister Claudia Ruiz Massieu wrote in a tweet on Wednesday night.

Trump's just like his Twitter trolls.  He got plucked like a chicken by Nieto, then crowed like a rooster about how he pecked the Mexicans.- Tea Pain


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Rock The Voter News

CNN Host Slaps Trump Rep With Facts
Kellyanne Conway, like other Donald Trump campaign representatives, has gained a reputation for making wildly fact-free claims to defend her boss.

Dear pundits, just for once, instead of asking if #Trump's speech is effective, ask if any of it is true. Thanks!- Kona Lowell


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The president of Mexico hosted Donald Trump. It was just another example of a Mexican doing a job that Americans don’t want. - Conan O'Brien

Biz/Tech News

Pope Blames Greed For Global Warming
Pope Francis called on Thursday for concerted action against environmental degradation and climate change, renewing a fierce attack on consumerism and financial greed which, he said, were threatening the planet.

Chris Christie just vetoed a proposal to boost New Jersey’s minimum wage to $15 an hour. Then fast food workers said, “After all we've done for you?” - Jimmy Fallon


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Odd News

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Home is where the warmth is.
