Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Missouri lieutenant governor: 'There is more racism in the Justice Dept.' than in the St. Louis area

Missouri lieutenant governor: 'There is more racism in the Justice Dept.' than in the St. Louis area
Peter Kinder lashed out at the Justice Department on Monday, accusing U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and the Obama administration of racism in the wake of the fatal police

Scientists have discovered a black hole that is 12 billion times the size of our sun. It's full of Hillary Clinton emails. - David Letterman

Happy St.Patrick's Day!

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

If Netanyahu loses the Israeli election he could still probably get the Republican presidential nomination.- Andy Borowitz

Egypt Puts Cop On Trial For Killing A Protester
Egypt's chief prosecutor on Tuesday referred a police officer to trial for the killing of a female protester during a peaceful demonstration nearly two months earlier in a widely documented shooting.

Republican Budget Calls for Total Elimination of Empathy by 2025. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

“Another fantastic jobs report came out. Analysts say the economy is in ideal shape for a Republican to come in and wreck it again in 2016.” – Bill Maher

Gallup Poll: The Most Popular GOP Candidates For President
Of 11 potential candidates for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, Mike Huckabee and Jeb Bush are the most well-known and have the highest net favorable ratings among Republicans and Republican-leaning independents. While Chris Christie is one of the most familiar Republican figures among the party base, he has the lowest net favorable rating.

“Fox News loved the Hillary story. They were like a dog with a new chew toy.  And, yet, not a word about the Bill O’Reilly situation.” – Bill Maher

Rock The Voter News

Happy St. Patrick's Day. St Patrick- the guy who drove the snakes out of Ireland. Then Tom Cotton convinced them to sign a letter to Iran. - Will Durst

Back To The Land Of Cotton
It's hard to believe freshman Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) caused such a stir in the Senate with his letter to Iran even before his maiden floor speech. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), who led an unsuccessful fight against Obamacare, couldn't even do that.

But Cotton -- now famous for orchestrating the controversial letter to Iran with the signatures of 46 of his GOP colleagues -- finally got the chance to do just that on Monday evening. Cotton began, as one does, with Adolf Hitler.

 "Face it, Jerome gets more time than Brandon!" - Kanye West

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#ModernizeThe10Commandments Thou shalt not put up 10 commandments statues w/'Thou shalt not kill' in courthouses that give a death penalty.- John Fugelsang

Business/Tech News

I think it’s great that we gave the Indians the casino business in America.  And, I’m proud of the Emancipation Proclamation. I’m proud of women’s suffrage, of the Civil Rights Act, of legal gay marriage in 37 states and counting, but all of that wouldn't have been necessary if we hadn't been dicks in the first place. - Bill Maher

How The French Handle Terrorist Sympathizer Websites
The French Interior Ministry on Monday ordered five websites be blocked on the ground that they promote or advocate terrorism. “I do not want to see sites that could lead people to take up arms on the Internet,” proclaimed Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve..will be automatically re-directed to the Interior Ministry website. There, they will be greeted by a graphic of a large red hand, and text informing them that they were attempting to access a site that causes or promotes terrorism.

Happy St Patrick's Day, when we honor the patron saint of totally amateur alcoholics.- John Fugelsang



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Ireland as seen from the International Space Station.


Monday, March 16, 2015

Evangelicals Aim to Mobilize an Army for Republicans in 2016

Evangelicals Aim to Mobilize an Army for Republicans in 2016
One afternoon last week, David Lane watched from the sidelines as a roomful of Iowa evangelical pastors applauded a defense of religious liberty by Senator Ted Cruz of Texas. That night, he gazed out from the stage as the pastors surrounded Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana in a prayer circle.

For Mr. Lane, a onetime Bible salesman and self-described former “wild man,” ....

Under Tom Cotton's plan, we invade Iran, and then peace trickles down to the rest of the Middle East, just like when Bush invaded Iraq.- Tea Party Cat

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Before the Ides of March, Caesar was an emperor.  Now he's a salad.  Beware. - John Fugelsang

Delusional Conservatives On The March
Conservatives are outraged that First Lady Michelle Obama hosted a celebration of Nowruz, the Persian new year, at the White House — despite the fact that it was the George H.W. Bush White House that introduced the tradition of presidential Nowruz greetings in 1992.

Gee, if Obama loves Iran so much, why doesn't he just secretly sell arms to them? You know, like Reagan did.- Jeff Tiedrich tweet

Republican Shenanigans

"There are more words in the tax code than there are in the bible." -Ted Cruz, history's worst legal scholar. - Tina Dupuy Tweet

Fire & Brimstone Speech Terrifies Child
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) was forced to pause a speech in New Hampshire on Sunday after he reportedly terrified a little girl by shouting that her “world is on fire.”

While speaking at an event sponsored by the Strafford County Republican Committee, Cruz warned that there was an “urgency to politics today that is unlike anything any of us have ever seen.”

Every time Jon Voigt goes on FOX I have to go re-watch 'Deliverance' and root for the hillbillies.- John Fugelsang

Rock The Voter News

I've got a Muslim Cousin, a Jewish Sister-in-Law, an Atheist Brother & an ex-Nun Mother.  I don't get to hate anybody.- John Fugelsang

Pharrell May Have To Sell His Hats
Marvin Gaye's kids say they are considering filing another lawsuit against Pharrell Williams for copyright infringement. This time Gaye's kids say they are taking aim at the Pharrell's song "Happy," claiming it has a striking resemblance to Gaye's "Ain't That Peculiar."

President Obama is here tonight to promote a project he's been working on called the United States. There is controversy surrounding Obama's appearance on the show. This morning I got a letter from 47 Republicans telling me not to sign any deals with him.- Jimmy Kimmel

Business/Tech News

Want To Hunt Asteroids?
"Asteroid hunters." It sounds like some Hollywood blockbuster / straight-to-DVD "classic" that already exists, but now you, yes you, can be one... from your PC. NASA has launched a desktop app that recruits civilians to help identify asteroids from telescope photography, helped by a special asteroid algorithm. Scientists announced the desktop app at SXSW during in a panel discussion where they elaborated on how muggles citizen scientists were helping their efforts to identify and tag asteroids. The app is another collaboration between NASA and Planetary Resources. (It's apparently all under a Space Act agreement, which is the coolest act we've heard of in a while.)

I always liked Mitt Romney. He looks like the salesman who follows you around at Brooks Brothers. - David Letterman

St. Patrick's day! When a guy takes a break from peeing in a Coors can to complain how letting gay people in a parade offends his morality.- LOLGOP


I hope I made you smile today!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

We have had the most beautiful skies lately, even though everything is crispy on the earth. Come on, rainy season!


Friday, March 13, 2015

Fallout Seen Worldwide From Republicans' Letter to Iran

The fallout from the open letter sent by 47 Republican senators to Iran’s leaders reverberated worldwide Wednesday from Washington to Tehran.

What's the difference between Republicans and Iranian hardliners? Beards. - Kona Lowell

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Letting Republicans run things is like giving a flamethrower to a toddler. Horrifying, and not going to end well.- Jeff Tiedrich tweet

Mr. Maduro Is Coming To Washington?
Ridiculing the U.S. qualification of Venezuela as a security threat, President Nicolas Maduro said on Thursday he may travel to Washington to challenge American counterpart Barack Obama.

Ferguson Is Calm After Police Shot
Protesters called for calm but vowed to keep pushing for change in Ferguson a day after the shooting of two officers in front of the city's police department heightened tensions in the St. Louis suburb.

Republican Shenanigans

Quinnipiac poll: 23% trust FOX News.  59% trust other sources.  Ergo, trolls tell me FOX is our most trusted news source.- John Fugelsang

Crazed Christians Want Another Crusade
The Rev. Franklin Graham on Wednesday hypothesized that President Obama's hesitancy to fight the Islamic State terror group was because Obama's mother "must have been a Muslim."

Lowest approval rating
GW Bush 22%
Nixon 24
Carter 28
HW Bush 29
Reagan 35
Clinton 38
Obama 41

I mean Jeb's brother lost the election but somehow the state Jeb was governor of swung the presidency to W. Not like that's any big deal.- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

Jeb Bush release *all* his emails? It's not like he was involved in a voter purge and a legal battle that gave his brother the presidency?- LOLGOP

Texas Wants No Cop Filmed
A bill introduced to the Texas House of Representatives would make it illegal for private citizens to record police within 25 feet.

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President Obama's trying to work out a nuclear deal with Iran, and the Republicans are steamed. They got together and sent Iran a letter about the nuclear deal. They said if this doesn't work, by God, they're going to send Seth Rogen and James Franco. - David Letterman

Business/Tech News

GOP Footshooting Injuries Increase
Evidence that ongoing negotiations with Iran to limit its development of fissile nuclear material were damaged by the decision by 47 Republican Senators to sign on to a letter drafted by Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) continued to mount Thursday. Key leaders in Germany and the United Kingdom said the letter, warning the leaders of Iran that Congressional Republicans would not recognize the validity of the deal after President Obama leaves office, had made negotiations more difficult. 

Of course #GOPWantsWar. If defense contractors were lining your pockets, you'd want war, too.- Jeff Tiedrich tweet



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Aerial illusion of an underwater waterfall at Mauritius Island.
