Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Don't be afraid

Trump attacks CNN over reporting on false voter fraud claims
Shortly after 9 p.m., Trump began retweeting supporters who had criticized CNN's Jeff Zeleny because he accurately reported that there was no evidence -- nor has the transition team provided any-- to support Trump's claim that millions of fraudulent votes had been cast for Hillary Clinton.

The 25th Amendment calls for the President to be removed from office if incapacitated. It does not specifically cite Twitter rants but I believe it's implied. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

I was about to marvel at the hypocrisy of Trump calling for Hillary's imprisonment for mishandling classified documents, and then considering for Secretary of State General David Petraeus, who intentionally mishandled classified documents, but then I remembered that NOTHING FUCKING MAKES SENSE ANYMORE IN THIS COUNTRY. - Andy Borowitz

Click on map for larger image

WikiLeaks Is Going After Jimmy Carter?
WikiLeaks on Monday released more than 500,000 diplomatic cables from President Jimmy Carter’s administration.

David Petraeus initially told Hillary Clinton #Benghazi was inspired by video; then determined otherwise; aka Hillary lied about Benghazi.- John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

Coincidently, with Trump as president, I suspect an uptick in flag burning.- Lizz Winstead

Melania Trump Threatens Trump Supporter With Lawsuit
YouTube user James Hunter created the now viral video of Barron Trump that suggests he could have autism, and is now responding to the possibility of a lawsuit from Melania Trump over the video’s implications.
“I’m honestly kinda scared right now. The only reason I made the video is because I saw how much social media was bullying Barron Trump, and I wanted it to stop.

New definition of narcissistic personality disorder: claiming that an election was rigged EVEN AFTER YOU F--KING WON IT. - Andy Borowitz

Oh My, Is This A Velvet Gloved Threat?
A longtime ally of President-elect Donald Trump says the Clinton campaign joining recount efforts increases the chances of Hillary Clinton facing criminal prosecution.

Ppl who said Hillary emailed state secrets & blamed #Benghazi on a video now cheer David Petraeus.  And Irony hangs itself in a cheap motel.- John Fugelsang


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Rock The Voter News

History will not only note that Trump lost the popular vote by millions of votes but that he cried whenever this fact was mentioned.- LOLGOP

Do The Democrats Want Fresh Blood?
House Democrats return to Washington on Tuesday grappling over the best course for the party’s future.
Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), facing a challenge from Rep. Tim Ryan (D-Ohio), is seen as the heavy favorite in elections on Wednesday to keep her top leadership spot, where she’s been perched for the past 14 years. 

Donald Trump promises to defend the First Amendment.   
Oh, and to jail flag burners & take away their citizenship.  
That too. - John Fugelsang


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Petraeus gets no jail time for sharing secrets w/his mistress & Chelsea Manning gets 35 yrs for sharing secrets with you.- John Fugelsang

Biz/Tech News

Remember this: As long as he cuts taxes for the rich, nearly all elected Republicans will be silent as Trump destroys everything. - LOLGOP

Freedom Of Speech Does Not Protect Anyone From Being An Ass Or Getting A Lifetime Ban From Delta
The video, shot aboard a Delta flight earlier this month, shows a man in a ball cap standing in the aisle of an airplane. “We got some Hillary b—— on here?



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Not only are the baby sloths some of the most adorable creatures on earth, but the adult ones are like big, smiling teddy bears waiting to be loved.


Monday, November 28, 2016

Hacking The Vote

Recount effort poised to explore whether Russia hacked the vote for Trump
Investigating Russia’s role in interfering and with possibly hacking the 2016 presidential election vote is at the center of the Green Party-led recount effort.

Russia hacked for him. 
The FBI director shilled for him. 
Wikileaks leaked for him.
He won w/the 2nd most votes.
And all along he kept telling us it would be rigged. - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

This Morning Pugnacious Trump Tweeted This
If Cuba is unwilling to make a better deal for the Cuban people, the Cuban/American people and the U.S. as a whole, I will terminate deal.

Click On Graphic For Larger View

As ISIS & Al Quaeda realize in horror that it's less than 2 months until President Trump annihilates them by saying "Radical Islam."- John Fugelsang

Wow. And to think we have 4 years of this type of behavior ahead of us. Thanks Trump.
A Donald Trump supporter yelled at fellow passengers on a Delta flight on Tuesday night, calling some people “Hillary bitches.”

Trump fans don't know it, but Donald already made doing business w/Fidel Castro's Cuba & violating the embargo great again.- John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

We broke our democracy because a rich con man got mad that we elected a black guy.- LOLGOP

A True Christian Elector
A member of the Electoral College representing Texas, Art Sisneros, wrote on Saturday that he will resign as an elector because he refuses to cast a vote for Donald Trump.

His glasses emphasize his beady eyes.

So, It's All Been An Act, Joe?
Morning Joe co-host Joe Scarborough recounted a conversation he had with President-elect Donald Trump on his cabinet picks amid reports that he is advising Trump. On November 19, The New York Times reported that Trump “still maintains the routine that sustained him during the campaign,” which includes “often seek[ing] out” advice from Scarborough.

Imagine if people cared about the climate the way Morning Joe worries about Trump's feelings.- LOLGOP


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Anybody remember THE CAINE MUTINY? It seems that Americans may have elected Captain Queeg president.- Stephen King

Rock The Voter News

Trump said "millions voted illegally" and I guess the proof can be found in Hillary's deleted emails.
The remnants of Hillary Clinton's campaign roared to life on Sunday, their Twitter feeds boiling over in frustration as President-elect Donald Trump falsely claimed that “millions” of illegal immigrants had tipped the popular vote in her favor 

The least informed, most compromised, least transparent man elected president is signaling he'll never accept the results of an election.- LOLGOP

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Since trump is appointing a doctor to run housing agency, maybe one of his real estate friends should be surgeon general.- Kurt Eichenwald

Biz/Tech News

The Last Time A President Ignored Classified Briefings, 9/11 Happened.
President-elect Donald Trump has received two classified intelligence briefings since his surprise election victory earlier this month, a frequency that is notably lower — at least so far — than that of his predecessors, current and former U.S. officials said.
A team of intelligence analysts has been prepared to deliver daily briefings on global developments and security threats to Trump in the two weeks since he won.

My wife and I decided not to have kids. The kids are taking it pretty hard. - Viktor Troutman


This is how I have felt since Trump was "elected"


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Capri, Italy. Is that a walkway or a road?


Friday, November 25, 2016

I will rebuild after Hurricane Otto

We lucked out on the Pacific coast of Guanacaste province. Luckily, we were on the bottom edge of the storm and sustained little damage. Unfortunately there were several deaths and much flooding on the Caribbean coast.

I fell asleep waiting for Hurricane Otto. Around 10pm I awoke to heavy waves of rain and then the power went off for about an hour. That was it.

Earlier yesterday I went to Nicoya and ran into this:
Why did the cows cross the road? To get to the other pasture knee high in lush grass.

I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving. See you on Monday!

Peace and quiet for all.