Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Will there be a Gerald Ford redux?

Senate GOP vows to quash impeachment articles
Senate Republicans are vowing to quickly quash any articles of impeachment that pass the House and warn that Democrats will feel a political backlash if they go forward and impeach President Trump.
Republican senators say there are no grounds to impeach Trump and are daring Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to embark on what they dismiss as a fool’s errand that will turn off swing voters.

I hope the whistleblower has a small army of bodyguards.

Trump Signs Executive Order Banning Whistles. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

The president of the United States has betrayed our country. 
That’s not a political statement—it’s a harsh reality, and we must act. 
He is a clear and present danger to the things that keep us strong and free. 
I support impeachment. - Hillary Clinton 

READ: Transcript of Trump's call with Ukrainian president

So if I'm reading this right, it appears Giuliani fed Trump some absolutely bonkers Biden/Ukraine conspiracy theory and Trump just ran with it and now he's going to get impeached. 
Best. Personal lawyer. Ever. - Rex Huppke

I Wonder if Giuliani Will Exit Gracefully. Haha, I made a Joke.
Officials inside the Trump administration are laying President Donald Trump’s perilous political future at the feet of his personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, who they say conducted a disastrous shadow foreign policy when it came to Ukraine: “Rudy — he did all this…This shitshow that we’re in — it’s him injecting himself in the process.”

The only thing dumber than asking a foreign power to help you win a presidential election is asking 2 foreign powers to help you win 2 presidential elections. - OhNoSheTwint

Republican Shenanigans

Study: Millions of Taxpayer Dollars Could Be Saved By Impeaching Pence At Same Time. - Andy Borowitz

Trump's on a Losing Streak
The U.S. Senate on Wednesday voted for a second time to terminate the national emergency on the southern border that President Donald Trump declared in February, a measure that almost certainly would face a veto if it reaches Trump’s desk.

That transcript...
I feel like a smoking gun just fell out of Trump’s yoga pants. - The Hoarse Whisperer


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Somewhere John Boehner is rocking in a hammock, stoned off his ass, laughing and laughing and laughing. - driftglass tweet

Rock The Voter News

The key difference between the Trump impeachment and the Clinton impeachment is that Trump has been screwing the entire country. - Andy Borowitz

The Current State of the White House
The White House on Wednesday inadvertently sent out its GOP talking points on President Trump's Ukrainian  phone call to House Democrats.
Aaron Fritschner, the communications director for Rep. Don Beyer (D-Va.), said that "numerous Dem colleagues" received the email at 11:22 a.m., followed by a White House request to recall the email at 12:02 p.m. Fritschner said Beyer's office doesn't do email recalls.

Boris Johnson Relieved That He Is Not Most F-cked World Leader Right Now. - Andy Borowitz


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Business/Tech News

Congrats to the entire Trump administration on somehow managing to be ever dumber than they are evil.- OhNoSheTwint

China Throws Shade at Trump
China's top diplomat hit back at U.S. criticism of its trade and development model on Tuesday, saying Beijing had no intention to "play the Game of Thrones on the world stage" but warned Washington to respect its sovereignty, including in Hong Kong.

One of the Many Reasons I 💗 Costa Rica
The United Nations has selected Costa Rica as its 2019 Champions of the Earth award for policy leadership, the organization announced Friday.
Citing Costa Rica’s plan to decarbonize its economy by 2050, the UN says the Central American country “sets an example for the region and for the world.”

Impeachment at last
Impeachment at last 
Thank God Almighty 
Impeachment at last. - Philippe Reines 



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
I don't know about you but I roll up my car windows when I see a bear.


Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Trump, facing impeachment calls, delivers warning to globalists at UN

Trump, facing impeachment calls, delivers warning to globalists at UN
President Trump, facing growing calls for impeachment from Democrats over the evolving Ukraine controversy, on Tuesday promoted the benefits of isolationism and patriotism to a gathering of international leaders at the United Nations.

So are the Democrats waiting for Trump to *literally* shoot someone on Fifth Ave before they'll impeach him? I mean, with this guy, it could happen before the end of the year.  Asking for a friend.  My country. - Bette Midler

BREAKING NEWSPelosi to announce formal impeachment inquiry of Trump

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

"How has this bastard not been impeached yet?" Nixon asks in hell. - Andy Borowitz

Biden Is So Close For Calling For Impeachment. So Close.
Former Vice President Biden is slated to announce on Tuesday that he will support impeaching President Trump if the White House does not cooperate in Congress' whistleblower inquiry. 
"He's going to make the point that Trump’s latest abuses are on top of all of his prior abuses," a campaign spokesman told The Hill.

Raise your hand if you think Greta Thunberg is more intelligent than every member of the GOP. - Sergio

Republican Shenanigans

If Greta Thunberg was out there telling the world that hurricanes happen because God hates abortion, the same people attacking her would be calling her the second coming of Christ.- OhNoSheTwitnt

Trump NOT Nominated for Nobel Prize
Greta Thunberg, the Swedish schoolgirl who has inspired an international movement to fight climate change, has been nominated as a candidate to receive this year's Nobel Peace Prize.
The 16-year-old was nominated by three Norwegian MPs.
If she were to win, she would be the youngest recipient since Pakistan's Malala Yousafzai, who was 17 when she received the prize.

Trump: “Climate change is a hoax.”

Greta Thunberg: “Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction and all you can talk about is money & fairytales of eternal economic growth.”

That’s why Greta’s nominated for a Nobel Peace prize and Trump’s not. - Ryan Knight


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How many treasons does Trump have to do before it equals the time Obama wore a tan suit? - OhNoSheTwitnt

Rock The Voter News

Still can’t fathom how the Democrats acted with greater urgency & swiftness to force Al Franken from the Senate, then they’re willing to act to force a corrupt, criminal, treasonous, white supremacist racist -of the opposition party- from the most important office in the land. - Fernand R. Amandi

Is Giuliani Doing A CYA Move?
A significant issue in the ever-evolving whistleblower scandal currently occupying the political mediasphere is whether or not the Trump administration explicitly sent Rudy Giuliani to Ukraine on his mission to collect dirt on Hunter Biden’s business dealings as means for opposition research on his father, former Vice President Joe Biden...“I wasn’t operating on my own. I was operating at the request of the State Department”

Hillary Clinton Baffled That Trump Has Not Blamed Her For Ukraine Scandal - Andy Borowitz 


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Business/Tech News

Why the hell is it “if you can’t pay rent, buy fewer lattes” and not “if you can’t pay your employees a living wage, buy fewer yachts”? - Andrea Junker

Trump Tower Jewel Heist: Possibly an Inside Job. Possibly Eric Trump?
More than $350,000 in diamonds, emeralds and sapphires has been stolen from apartments inside Trump Tower, according to police.
The thefts occurred in two separate incidents, in which residents at the Manhattan skyscraper — where President Trump lives when in New York — returned from vacation to find they were missing valuable jewelry.

The UN has updated its blowup doll collection in honor of 
The Women of Trump

Am I the only person in the free world world that has never had a pumpkin spiced latte at Starbucks?


My reaction after receiving your support


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
I hope these frogs in a flower bring a smile to your face.


Monday, September 23, 2019

Trump's Hold on Military Aid Blindsided Top Ukrainian Officials

Trump's Hold on Military Aid Blindsided Top Ukrainian Officials
Senior Ukrainian officials said they were blindsided over the summer when they heard the United States would withhold security assistance to the country.
“It was a total surprise,” said Pavlo A. Klimkin, who was Ukraine’s foreign minister in August when he learned of the Trump administration’s suspension of military aid by reading a news article.

Trump is in New York and there seems to be no major protests planned against him. We suck. - Roland Scahill

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

A passenger boarding the United plane I’m on just stopped in front of me, punched my shoulder, and said “you all better get your act together and impeach him.” - Rep. Eric Swalwell

Former President Who Normalized Torture Thinks He "Looks Pretty Good" Compared To Trump
Former President George W. Bush often jokes that President Trump's administration makes his own former White House team look "pretty good," according to a Republican source.
The former Republican president regularly knocks the current administration, a source close to the Trump administration told National Journal, unable to understand why the White House often seems to be in chaos. 

Has Trump hired The Secretary of The Fence yet? - Jesse Lifson

Republican Shenanigans

The GOP would have impeached President Email Lady for using the wrong fork. - Jeff Tiedrich

I'm old enough to remember when a conversation between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch on a tarmac made Republicans scream bloody murder. - Julia Ioffe

Keep the Pressure On Pelosi!
Moderate Dems eye impeachment as Ukraine furor builds. If the vulnerable lawmakers shift course, it will put real pressure on Speaker Nancy Pelosi to embrace Trump's ouster.

2018 GM profits: $10,800,000,000
2018 GM CEO salary: $22,000,000
Amount GM wants to increase workers’ healthcare costs: 500%
This country does not suffer from scarcity. We suffer from corporate greed. - Rep. Ilhan Omar


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Imagine how different things would be if Dems had as much courage to do what’s right as Republicans have to do what’s wrong. - The Hoarse Whisperer

Rock The Voter News

You know, the argument has been, “Why impeach Trump if the Senate won’t vote to remove him from office?”
But the Dems in the House have passed huge numbers of bills that they KNOW the Senate won’t act on. Still, they do their job. So that argument doesn’t really hold up for me. - George Takei

I Yearn For The Day Not To Hear His Whining
President Donald Trump on Monday revived his beef with the selection committee that awards the Nobel Peace Prize, claiming that the process is rigged against him.
Speaking to reporters before a bilateral meeting with Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, Trump asserted that “I would get a Nobel prize for a lot of things, if they give it out fairly, which they don't.”

If Liz Warren tweets a selfie in front of Air Force One with the caption “I Have A Plane For That” she should automatically become president. - OhNoSheTwint


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Trump Encouraged By Poll Showing His Supporters Do Not Know What a Ukraine Is - And Borowitz

Business/Tech News

Naturally Trump had to do something drastic about vaping, since lunatics keep mowing down dozens of innocent people with e-cigarettes. I guess the vaping lobby doesn't have the kind of money the NRA has. - John Leguizamo

Good Job, FBI!
The FBI has arrested a U.S. soldier who allegedly discussed plans to bomb a major American news network, planned to travel to Ukraine to fight with violent far-right group Azov Battalion and allegedly distributed information online on how to build bombs. He also allegedly suggested targeting Democratic presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke.

The same folks who don’t believe in climate change believe in Noah’s Ark. - Justin Horowitz



Humanity is doomed

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Is that a Cottonwood tree?
