Monday, August 12, 2019

Jeffrey Epstein’s guards were working extreme OT shifts

Jeffrey Epstein’s guards were working extreme OT shifts
Guards on Jeffrey Epstein’s unit were working extreme overtime shifts to make up for staffing shortages the morning of his apparent suicide, a person familiar with the jail’s operations told The Associated Press.

So Epstein was able to commit suicide because the guards were overworked?
Yeah, that makes no sense. And no video? This stinks to high heaven.

Well, apparently Epstein broke his nose and changed ears due to his suicide.

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Are you telling me that the guy who looked the other way as Bone Saw Arabia disappeared a journalist and Putin poloniumed his rivals and Kim Jong-un mangled Otto Warmbier is now looking the other way as Jeffrey Epstein is suicided while in DOJ custody? oh get the f*ck out of here. - Jeff Tiedrich

Another "Art of the Deal" Bites The Dust
The winner of Guatemala's presidential election, Alejandro Giammattei, said Sunday that he wants amend the migration deal his country signed with the Trump administration last month.

Republican Shenanigans

Hillary Clinton could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and do nothing, and they would say she shot Jeffrey Epstein. - Andrea Junker

To those asking, “what took so long?” You’re right. I tried to see best in @realDonaldTrump based on private interactions and select policy alignment. But his increasingly divisive rhetoric - and damage it’s doing to fabric of our society - outweighs any short-term economic gain. - Anthony Scaramucci tweet this morning (yeah, he is planning to run for office)

The USA was formed to escape from the Church of England's distortion of Jesus and influence on its leaders. And now we are heading back to square one.

God help us all.

The Family is a 5 part documentary series and is packed with factual information, such as interviews with these "religious right" congressmen traveling around the world literally spouting JESUS on the taxpayer dime, which last time I looked, violated the 1st amendment.

I hope this documentary opens a long overdue Pandora's Box.


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Donald Trump could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and #ClintonBodyCount would trend for days on twitter. - Jeff Tiedrich

Rock The Voter News

Trump Fact
New Yorkers don't like Trump.
They have started a petition to request that the stretch of Fifth Avenue between 56th and 59th be renamed President Barack H. Obama Avenue.
If it gets the green light, Trump Tower will have a new address.
Poetic justice or what...? - Donaldo tweet

Epstein Apparently Screwed Adults, Too.
L Brands founder Les Wexner and his legal team have been providing documents to federal investigators that they believe show Jeffrey Epstein misappropriated funds while the child predator was Wexner’s money manager.
Wexner believes the evidence demonstrates “all sorts of irregularities and theft,” one person with direct knowledge of the matter said.

I would pay to see Kamala Harris cause Trump to meltdown during a debate like Captain Queeg in The Caine Mutiny. - Mitch Halpern tweet


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2020 should be decided by a spelling contest. - Tea Pain

Business/Tech News

Versace Fashion House Apologizes to China
Italian fashion house Versace apologized in China for selling T-shirts that it said attached incorrect country names to cities.

We are considering all Article I remedies to Presidential misconduct, including articles of impeachment.

We will continue our investigation.

We will hold @realDonaldTrump accountable.

This is America.

And no one is above the law.

Not even the President. - HouseJudiciaryDems tweet this morning



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

You can choose to live life in the first, second, or third row.


Friday, August 9, 2019

Well this guy's getting a promotion: ICE official on children left behind after Mississippi raids: We're 'not a social services agency'

ICE official on children left behind after Mississippi raids: We're 'not a social services agency'
An ICE official told NBC News on Friday that the agency is "a law enforcement agency, not a social services agency" after news reports revealed that many children of suspects detained this week were left homeless in the immediate aftermath of the raid, though local media reports indicate that all are now staying with family members.

"Terrible things are happening outside... poor helpless people are being dragged out of their homes. Families are torn apart; men, women and children are separated. Children come home from school to find that their parents have disappeared." - Anne Frank (Jan 13, 1943)

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Acting DHS head on family separation “We treat everyone on a case by case basis. IF THE CHILD NEEDS HIS PARENTS...”.  All children who don’t need their parents, please raise your hand. Trump mentality in a nutshell. - Steve Redmond

Trump Is Just Jealous of Beto Because He's Taller & Thinner
President Donald Trump on Wednesday ridiculed former Rep. Beto O’Rourke and bragged about the crowd size at one of his rallies while visiting medical staff who treated victims of the mass shooting in El Paso, Texas, over the weekend.

The GOP looks at the Mariana Trench and scoffs, “We can go lower.” - Suave Hellion tweet

Republican Shenanigans

Uniformed men are physically detaining parents of young children, leaving them vulnerable in a world full of sexual predators and human traffickers. 

Don’t be distracted. Don’t look away. - Elle DeSylva 

Woody Harrelson Gives Insight After Trump Dies
Oscar-nominee Woody Harrelson has taken on many roles, but an enthusiastic dinner guest of Donald Trump's, long before he was president, may have been his most challenging...Harrelson did admit Trump "did say one thing that was interesting, though."
"He said, ‘You know, I’m worth four billion dollars,’ or maybe he said five billion dollars—one of those numbers, I forget," he said. "'But when I die, no matter how much it is, I know my kids are going to fight over it.’ That was the one true statement he made that night.



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My favorite Bible story is probably the one where Jesus poses for a ghoulish photo op with a baby that his hateful mouth helped get orphaned, attends a $250,000-a-plate Hamptons fundraiser and then jets off for a long weekend of golf at Galilee-a-Lago. - Jeff Tiedrich

Rock The Voter News

Dear fellow Christians,
Being black is not illegal.
LGBTQ will be in Heaven, get ready for a fabulous party.
A woman’s choice to control her body is a Constitutional right.
Kids should never die in cages.
And Jesus wants you to stop being assholes.
Rev. Travis Akers

I Wonder How the People of Color in the DOJ Feel About This.
Alleged white supremacists were responsible for all race-based domestic terrorism incidents in 2018, according to a government document distributed earlier this year to state, local and federal law enforcement.
The document, which has not been previously reported on, becomes public as the Trump administration’s Justice Department has been unable or unwilling to provide data to Congress on white supremacist domestic terrorism.

45 Years Ago Today
August 9, 1974.
Gerald Ford is sworn in as president of the United States after the resignation of President Richard Nixon.

When Nixon left office, I was so relieved that a president was held accountable. I was so naive then.


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Business/Tech News

So let me get this straight: many Trump supporters think it is right to boycott Nike for fighting against racism, but it is wrong to boycott companies which support racism?? Do i have that right? - Matthew Dowd

Walmart Shoppers NEED Their Gun Section
In the wake of one mass shooting and the threat of another in its stores this week, Walmart has made the courageous decision to remove violent video game displays — but not actual guns — from its stores.

Stopped into a gritty pub for a lunchtime burger.

The three fellas next to me at the bar are talking about...

Susan Lucci’s overdue Emmy.
I don’t even know what’s happening any more. - The Hoarse Whisperer tweet



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
I stopped on the side of the road to snap a photo of the flock of white birds getting ready to feast by a natural spring. I live to the left behind the trees.

Best wishes for a peaceful weekend, we all deserve it.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

680 undocumented workers arrested in record-setting immigration sweep

680 undocumented workers arrested in record-setting immigration sweep
After immigration authorities rounded up hundreds of workers in a massive sweep at seven Mississippi food processing plants, friends and family members are desperately searching for answers.
A crowd waited outside a plant in Morton, Mississippi, on Thursday morning, hoping authorities would release their loved ones. Many had been by later in the afternoon.

ATTENTION MISSISSIPPI BUBBAS: There are 680 job openings in food processing plants due to immigration raids. Put down your guns and fill out an application.

Hundreds of children in Mississippi lost their parents and family on THEIR FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL. 

They came home to empty houses with no parents. 

It’s incredibly cruel and that’s the point. The cruelty is on purpose and it’s the f*cking point. - David Leavitt tweet

Watch these frightened children. They are so scared and now they are so scarred.

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Trump refused to allow press into Dayton Hospital.Then, out pops a political commercial of him smiling & taking selfies.He appears to be celebrating his involvement in a mass shooting. We paid for it all. - Woman in the Moon tweet

Trump NEEDS To Be The Center of Attention
Jetting to the scene of a second massacre, Trump lashed out. Instead of imparting the sympathetic grief that his tour of killing zones was meant to illustrate, it was he who appeared aggrieved. And instead of highlighting his interactions with the shootings' victims, it was his own perceived victimhood — at the hands of Democrats and the media — that he thrust upon two stricken communities.

As a nurse I have one thing to say to the healthcare personnel smiling and posing with the President: SHAME ON YOU.You are laughing and taking selfies with a man complicit in landing your patients in the hospital. I've never been so ashamed of my fellow nurses. - Sophie Rapp tweet

The Carnage Continues. This Time With A Knife.
A man has been taken into custody after going on a stabbing spree in Orange County, California, killing 4 people and wounding 2 others.

When we look back at this time in history where our government allowed hundreds of kids to be slaughtered in public spaces and schools, we will have the Republicans to thank. The republicans who valued NRA money over the lives of all Americans. - Chelsea Handler

Republican Shenanigans

We need to start naming guns after women, that way Republicans will try and regulate them. - Chelsea Handler

El Paso Survivors Stiffed Trump
A spokesperson for University Medical Center in El Paso, Texas, said none of the eight patients currently being treated for injuries from last weekend’s mass shooting agreed to meet with President Trump during his visit Wednesday.

I don’t know guys, I am just having a hard time being funny lately. I hate to let people down. Is this what Mike Huckabee feels like every day? - Bette Midler

Another Stabbing, The Choice of the Poor Racist Who Can't Afford an AK47
One woman was killed and another was wounded in a stabbing in downtown Pittsburgh on Thursday, according to multiple reports...The first woman was taken to the hospital and later died, while the second woman — who was said to be wearing a hijab — sustained minor injuries


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Rock The Voter News

Trump Demands Facebook Investigate Why Obama’s Post Got So Many Likes. - Andy Borowitz

It's About Time Politicians Paid Attention To The Only Non-Immigrants In The USA
Presidential campaigns usually ignore Native Americans and their unique position and struggles. The 2020 race might be different. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, two of the campaign’s biggest names, will attend the first-ever presidential forum devoted to the issues on Aug. 19 and 20.
Four Directions, a Native American voting rights group, is sponsoring the forum, which will be in Sioux City, Iowa. The other Democratic candidates who plan to attend are Julián Castro, Amy Klobuchar, John Delaney, Marianne Williamson and Steve Bullock.

I am so f*cking sick of these hostage videos where Trump reads off a TelePrompTer and briefly simulates empathy and decency as if reciting a foreign language against his will. - Andy Borowitz


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Business/Tech News

Trump Accuses Google Of Spreading Facts About Him. - Andy Borowitz

When you accidentally washed your MAGA hat with your sheets

DT Rescues Child. 
Not Donald Trump but Danny Trejo!
The veteran actor, known for roles in films like Heat and Machete, was in the Sylmar neighborhood of Los Angeles on Thursday when two cars collided at the intersection of Hubbard Street and Jackman Avenue. One of the cars was overturned as a result of the collision and Trejo, and a fellow bystander, jumped into action -- rescuing a child trapped inside, according to ABC7 Eyewitness News.

I loved Danny Trejo in In The Blood. This action movie is about true love and what happens when you mess with the wrong woman on her honeymoon. Increiblemente bonito.

Reminder: Danny Trejo is 75 and out here rescuing children from overturned cars. Heroism is ageless, timeless, and packs some badass tattoos. - LaToya Morgan


 Help I'm Falling!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
The Solar System to scale.
