Thursday, September 20, 2018

America's Reality Show "Men versus Women" to be continued

Brett Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford willing to testify next week if Congress can ‘ensure her safety’
Christine Ford, the woman accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of trying to rape her when they were teenagers, has told the Senate Judiciary Committee that she will not be able to testify on Monday — but she’s open to testifying at some point.

Stumbling Drunk Chuck Grassley Warns Kavanaugh Accuser She Can Testify All She Wants But No One’s Going To Believe Her - The Onion

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

While touring hurricane damage in North Carolina today, President Trump reportedly congratulated a resident on having a stranger's boat wash up in his yard, saying, "At least you got a nice boat out of the deal." Dude, you don't get to just keep things that wash up on shore. Even though I'm assuming that's probably how you got Steve Bannon.- Seth Meyers

So Trump is compromising the health of Americans to imprison migrant children. #BeBest.
The Department of Health and Human Services is diverting millions of dollars in funding from a number of programs, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institutes of Health, to pay for housing for the growing population of detained immigrant children.

A reported 211 families are still waiting to be reunited since the administration separated them at the border. It's been a full eight weeks since the deadline to reunite them, and we all need to continue speaking out about this inexcusable delay. - Hillary Clinton

Funny how Trump, Roy Moore, Jim Jordan, & Bill O'Reilly are defending Kavanaugh. Maybe next he could get Cosby, that doctor who assaulted hundreds of gymnasts, & a few Catholic priests to weigh in. - Alt Fed Employee tweet

Republican Shenanigans

Just asked Mitch McConnell if he has confidence that Brett Kavanaugh would be confirmed. His response: "Oh yeah."- Manu Raju, CNN

Comey Adds His Two Cents
Former FBI Director James Comey said Wednesday he thinks special counsel Robert Mueller may be in "the fourth quarter" of his investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

Donald Trump is like Jesus for followers of Jesus who've rejected the teachings of Jesus.- John Fugelsang


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It is really not clear to me why the Republicans wouldn't pull the Kavanaugh nomination and put up some other Federalist Society-approved Right Wing goon and spare themselves this hearing 50 days from the election. - Dan Pfeiffer 

Rock The Voter News

Senator Mazie Hirono needs to retire from the Senate. And move into the White House. - Mrs. Betty Bowers

It’s 1992. A time traveler pops into the campaign bus of these young Americans and says “Three of you will win the popular vote but only one of you will become President.”

Susan Collins Whines About Ugly Voicemails. Never Mentions Death Threats Against Dr. Ford.
GOP Sen. Susan Collins (Maine), who has been viewed as a key swing vote in the Supreme Court fight, said in a recent interview that her office has received “some pretty ugly voicemails” over Brett Kavanaugh's nomination. 

Dr. Ford has had to move her family out of her home, take professional leave and go into hiding because people want to kill her. People literally want to kill her for saying she was sexually assaulted. - mrazz tweet

More than five days now since the polls closed in the New York Democratic primary. Neither Cynthia Nixon nor Jeff Klein has endorsed the winners of their races. This is deeply disrespectful of Democratic voters. - Tom Watson


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If all the Super Bowl players kneel during Maroon 5's halftime show, nobody will be upset.- Eric Brans

Business/Tech News

Those 65 women saying Kavanaugh was a gentleman *didn't* go to highschool with him -- he went to an all-boys perp school. I mean, “all-boys prep school.” - Bette Midler

I Expect That These Pale Male Republican Senators Will Show The World What Bullies They Are
Next week, Christine Blasey Ford will likely face intense questioning from Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee about the truthfulness of her accusations against Brett Kavanaugh..
Ford will face questions from the 11 Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee, all of them men, with an average age of 62. (The chairman, Chuck Grassley of Iowa, the second-oldest sitting senator, is 85.) In the committee’s 202-year history, it has not had a single Republican woman. 

Dear media - Can you please refer to Christine Ford as Dr. Christine Ford and not as the "Brett Kavanaugh accuser" or as the "accuser" or as the "victim."
Dr. Ford has earned the title plus she's a human being not a faceless accuser or victim. Thanks. 
- DeanObeidallah



Odd News

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Easy rider.


Wednesday, September 19, 2018

It makes one wonder if there's some sort of GOP Sex Cult

GOP presses Kavanaugh vote with accuser's testimony in doubt
Republicans painted Christine Blasey Ford's request to have the FBI examine the allegations as a delay tactic.

Who else is sick and tired of hearing old white men tell us how difficult this has been for Kavanaugh and family, with no regard to the accuser’s and her 36 years of torment? - Brian Ray

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

I have resting 'I read the news' face. - Kendra Alvey

Fort Trump? In Poland?
U.S. President Donald Trump is “very seriously” considering Warsaw’s request for a permanent U.S. military base in Poland, he said on Tuesday.

No one could have predicted that the party of Nazis, child molesters, wife beaters, con artists, embezzlers, stock market cheaters, pedophile wrestling coaches, compromised Russian assets and blackout-drunk high-school rapists would eventually decide that the FBI is the enemy. - Jeff Tiedrich

Kavanaugh Worked For George W. Bush. Of Course, He's Going To Vouch For Him, He Knows His Secrets.
Former President George W. Bush is standing by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, a former top White House aide whose confirmation to the high court has been thrown into doubt amid sexual assault allegations.

Republican Shenanigans

Re: Stormy Daniels' new book...I don’t need all the graphic details. Just tell me if it was wearing a tiny “Make America Great Again” hat. - Joy Behar

Stormy Daniels’ comments about the president’s penis have cast quite a cloud lately over his mood. You might even describe it as a “mushroom cloud.” - George Takei

Only 31% of Americans Support Kavanaugh
A growing number of Americans said they opposed President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, as the candidate’s confirmation hearings took place and as he fended off a sexual assault claim, a Reuters/Ipsos poll showed...Only 31 percent of U.S. adults polled said they were in favor of Kavanaugh’s appointment.

Instead of framing it honestly as "It's understandable that Dr. Ford would want an FBI investigation first," Joe Scarborough frames it as: "It's understandable that Dr. Ford would want to delay the testimony." Who would like to join me in saying: "F.U., Joe"? - Lauren Baratz Logsted

You probably heard that Stormy Daniels' book is out. Stormy Daniels has written a memoir and she describes sex with Trump as the "least impressive sex" she's ever had. Once she heard this, Melania Trump said, "This confirms it. That's proof. He DID sleep with her."- Conan O'Brien

Trump and McConnell are seen discussing the news of the day


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GOP Officials: Kavanaugh Shouldn’t Be Held Accountable For Something He Did As White Teenager - The Onion

Rock The Voter News

Republicans care so deeply about learning the truth about Kavanaugh that they’re giving his accuser 4 days to fly cross-country for a Monday afternoon testimony and if she can't make it he’s innocent. - Jason O. Gilbert

Well, Here's Someone Who Can Back Up Kavanaugh's Accuser. But....
A high school classmate who claims to remember an “incident” involving Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and Dr. Christine Blasey Ford said on Wednesday that she may not come forward because she has been overwhelmed by media requests.

While covering the Emmys last night, The New York Times confused actress Angela Bassett with former White House adviser Omarosa. Making matters worse, today the Times extended a heartfelt apology to Serena Williams.- Conan O'Brien


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Business/Tech News

Amazon is planning to introduce up to eight new smart home devices this year, including a voice-controlled microwave oven. Though if you need voice control to use a microwave, maybe you're too drunk to eat whatever you're asking for. - Seth Meyers

Speaking Of  Stupid: Trump Says He Shoulda Fired Comey The Day He Won The Primary
President Trump in an exclusive interview with Hill.TV said Tuesday he ordered the release of classified documents in the Russia collusion case to show the public the FBI probe started as a “hoax” and that exposing it could become one of the “crowning achievements” of his presidency...“If I did one mistake with Comey, I should have fired him before I got here. I should have fired him the day I won the primaries,” Trump said.

Billboard top single 50 years ago this week was Beatles’ “Hey Jude”



Odd New

Time To Deflate Photo

A Photographer's Trifecta! A flower, butterfly and ladybug.


Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Tony Soprano wannabe flexes his muscle

Trump orders documents relating to Russia investigation, Carter Page FISA warrant declassified
President Donald Trump on Monday ordered the declassification of various documents and text messages related to the Russia investigation, prompting new concerns about the increasing politicization of intelligence materials...The President also ordered the Justice Department to release fully unredacted text messages "related to the Russia investigation" from former officials he's continually lambasted on Twitter given their connections to the investigation, including FBI Director James Comey, former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, former FBI agent Peter Strzok, former FBI lawyer Lisa Page and Bruce Ohr, a current Justice Department official.

The guy who won’t release his tax returns is releasing the private texts of his political enemies. - Windsor Mann

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

REPUBLICANS: who can be sure about what happened 36 years ago

ALSO REPUBLICANS: when the founding fathers put a comma in this sentence they meant we can have assault rifles. - Ben Rosen

Trump Escalates Trade War To War On Christmas
President Donald Trump said Monday that China is paying the U.S. billions of dollars in tariffs as he ramps up his trade war with Beijing. But that's inaccurate: American consumers and businesses are the ones who will be paying higher costs for imports after he slapped penalties on $200 billion in Chinese goods....The duties, which go into effect Sept. 24, amount to a 10 percent tax on everything from Christmas lights to bicycles and are likely to be passed on to consumers ahead of the holiday shopping season.

Karma: when Kavanaugh has to sit through grilling about his sex life after working so hard to expose Bill Clinton’s.- Lea Black

Republican Shenanigans

Getting 65 women to say nice things is the congressional equivalent of turning up the music to cover up her screams. - Madison Anderson

Hey Trump Retirees, He's Coming For Your Social Security!
A top economic adviser to President Donald Trump said on Monday he expects U.S. budget deficits of about 4 percent to 5 percent of the country’s economic output for the next one to two years, adding that there would likely be an effort in 2019 to cut spending on entitlement programs.

Whatever you do, please do NOT go figure out why Toad and Mario Cart are trending today. - George Takei


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The Republican party is:

— Blaming women.— Shaming women.— Denying women.— Abusing women.— Grabbing women.— Assaulting women.— Suppressing women.

The Democratic party is:

— Electing women. - Ryan Knight

Rock The Voter News

It’s pretty clear Brett Kavanaugh has been trying to take away a woman’s right to choose since high school. - Dana Goldberg

Ronan Farrow Has The Trump N-Word Tape.👍
Investigative journalist Ronan Farrow reportedly has possession of Donald Trump tapes from when he started on NBC’s “The Apprentice”

Ronan Farrow has Trump N-word tapes from "The Apprentice."

If you've done something even remotely bad, keep a distance of at least 10 thousand miles between you and Ronan Farrow.

For instance, if I was, say, Brett Kavanaugh, I'd already be on my way to Australia. - NicoXW tweet

Call me crazy, but I think having 17 year-olds worry that any sexual assault they commit now might follow them around for the rest of their lives would be a GREAT thing. - Ben Wexler


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Business/Tech News

“Hello, I am an opportunistic woman. I make up decades old sexual assault accusations against rich and powerful men because my lifelong dream is to get death threats from strangers calling me a lying whore.” See how f*cking ridiculous that sounds, idiots? - OhNoSheTwint

Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich. Trump read that right.
More than $8 of every $10 of wealth created last year went to the richest 1%.
That's according to a new report from Oxfam International, which estimates that the bottom 50% of the world's population saw no increase in wealth.

The Supreme Court ruled in the Hobby Lobby case that religious preferences don't necessarily have to follow laws. 

Your move, Rastafarians. - John Fugelsang



Odd News

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Free diving. I'd do that in a shark cage, maybe.
