Monday, June 19, 2017

Russia "warns" U.S.

Russia warns US after downing of Syrian warplane
Warplanes from the U.S.-led coalition operating over Syrian government-controlled areas west of the Euphrates River will be tracked as potential targets, Russia's Defense Ministry said Monday, a day after the U.S. military shot down a Syrian air force jet.

Someone's going to jail in Russia investigation, but it won't be Trump. - Newt Gingrich

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Vladimir Putin has offered asylum to former FBI Director James Comey. When she heard, Melania Trump said, “Hey, what about me?” - Conan O'Brien

More Refugees Than Ever
A new report has found that more people than ever before have become refugees or are internally displaced worldwide because of war, violence, and persecution.

Why Did The Navy Take An Hour To Report The Collision? Didn't They Call For Help?
Japan's coast guard is investigating why it took nearly an hour for a deadly collision between a U.S. Navy destroyer and a container ship to be reported.

Donald Trump tweeted: “They made up a phony collusion with the Russian story, found zero proof, so now they go with obstruction of justice on the phony story. Nice.” Donald Trump is the first president to make regular use of the sarcastic “nice,” isn’t he? You never heard FDR go, “This is a date which will live in infamy. Nice.” - James Corden

There is a suppression of information going on at this WH that would not be tolerated at a city council mtg or press conf with a state gov.- Jim Acosta, CNN

Republican Shenanigans

Trump's attorneys are all workin' "pro bono."  They just don't know it yet. - Tea Pain

Republicans Hire Only The Best!
A data analytics contractor employed by the Republican National Committee (RNC) left databases containing information on nearly 200 million potential voters exposed to the internet without security, allowing anyone who knew where to look to download it without a password. 
"We take full responsibility for this situation," said the contractor, Deep Root Analytics, in a statement.

So, no one knows about health care bill except the group of white men who crafted it and are keeping it a secret. Great country. Go USA. - Chelsea Handler

Mueller Has So Many Russian Connections To Follow, It'll Be Like Shooting Fish In A Barrel
Then-Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort met with a Ukrainian business associate who previously served in the Russian army last August, as speculation rose about Russian meddling in the U.S. presidential campaign


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GOP Chairman Says The Shooting Will Help In The Election 
The Republican Party chairman in Georgia's 11th Congressional District said that the shooting at a congressional baseball practice near Washington, D.C., will result in a GOP win in the state's special House election

Rock The Voter News

The real question is: Why is Donald Trump still tweeting about Hillary? Seriously, Donald Trump is that guy who swears he’s over his ex, but then spends the entire night telling you exactly how over her he is. - James Corden

The Hurricanes Are Coming! The Hurricanes Are Coming! Be Prepared This Season!
Two separate tropical storms are likely to form in Gulf of Mexico and in the Atlantic over the next couple of days, the National Hurricane Center said.


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Business/Tech News

President Trump will speak in Miami. He’ll be comfortable, because he still has strong support in Florida. Plus, he’s the state fruit. - Seth Myers

Elizabeth Warren Goes After Wells Fargo
Elizabeth Warren is so livid with Wells Fargo that she's demanding the government take the dramatic step of throwing out most of the board of directors.

Ikea recently announced that it will be launching a candle collection, because what goes together better than Ikea furniture and an open flame? - Seth Myers



Thank you for allowing me to entertain you for over 17 years. Deep Curtsy


Odd News

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A Panda tree! Cuteness explosion.


Friday, June 16, 2017

Trump submits financial information detailing trust assets

Trump submits financial information detailing trust assets
President Donald Trump is outlining the financial health of the business assets he placed into a trust when he took office.
The information comes in a new financial disclosure he voluntarily made Friday to the Office of Government Ethics. The documents cover January 2016 through this spring

Good morning friends. The President of the United States has announced he is under investigation for obstruction of justice. THIS IS HISTORY. - Peter Daou

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

The "opioid epidemic" is nothin' compared to the epidemic of GOP that can't remember havin' Russians over for dinner. - Tea Pain

Charlie Wilson Did A Better Job In Afghanistan
The Pentagon is making plans to send additional U.S. troops to Afghanistan. While the number is currently expected to be between 3,000 and 5,000 troops, the number is still being worked on, 

According to reports, since President Trump won the Republican nomination, the majority of Trump real estate sales have been to “secretive buyers” who use corporate entities to avoid revealing their names. But I’m pretty sure we all know who’s behind Plad Vutin LLC. - Seth Myers

Republican Shenanigans

I just asked VP Pence about hiring a private lawyer and he said: "It's very routine. Very routine." - Philip Rucker, Washington Post

The DAG May End Up Recusing Himself
Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein sees no reason at this point to recuse himself from overseeing the special counsel's investigations involving President Trump and the 2016 presidential election, the Justice Department said Friday.

A missing plane: 300+ hours of coverage 
23 million Americans about to be missing their health insurance: What did Trump just tweet? - LOLGOP


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Bernie Sanders joins Rand Paul to be one of only two senators in Senate who didn't vote in favor of more sanctions on Russia. - Kara Calavera

Rock The Voter News

No one should think there is a single White House staffer who doesn't deserve every minute of this. They knew what we all knew about Trump. - Lawrence O'Donnell‏,  MSNBC

Sweet Jesus. An Event Planner In HUD Position.
She’s arranged tournaments at Trump golf courses, served as the liaison to the Trump family during his presidential campaign, and even arranged Eric Trump’s wedding.
Now President Trump has appointed longtime loyalist Lynne Patton — who has zero housing experience and claims a law degree the school says she never earned — to run the office that oversees federal housing programs in New York.

When will Bernie call out Tim Canova, whom he endorsed, about stopping conspiracy theories about Clintons murdering Seth Rich? - Marcus. H. Johnson


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Fox News has announced it is dropping its slogan “Fair and Balanced.” For the same reason United dropped “Fly the Friendly Skies.” - Seth Myers

Business/Tech News

Trump's real reason for changing Cuba policy: if I can't build a hotel there while president, then neither can Hilton or Hyatt. So there. - Jim David

Bezos Buys Whole Foods. Is Drone Delivery Next?
Whole Foods is known for its human touch: smiling cashiers, bakers offering free samples, baristas pouring kombucha on tap. Amazon is known for replacing stores for web pages and workers with algorithms

Bezos: "Alexa, buy me something from Whole Foods"

Alexa: "Buying Whole Foods"

Bezos: Sh*t

- Jeff Lewis

We Asked 8 Republican Senators What Their Health Bill Does and They Just Giggled and Ran Off to Cash a Check from a Billionaire Donor. - LOLGOP



Thank you!

Odd News

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All I have to say is, "Waiter, bring me a chardonnay, please."


Thursday, June 15, 2017

How Trump Spent His Birthday

The Russia investigation is now inside the Oval Office
For months, President Trump has been obsessed -- publicly and privately -- with clearing his name in relation to the ongoing investigation into Russia's meddling .

Today in review: A man whose supporters literally chanted "burn the witch" about his opponent at his rallies is whining about a witch hunt.- OhNoSheTwitnt‏

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Dennis Rodman is back in North Korea. This is the former NBA player and reality TV star’s fourth visit with leader Kim Jong Un, who’s been clashing with Donald Trump lately over nuclear testing. You know you’re living in strange times when the news involves Dennis Rodman, the leader of North Korea, the president of the United States — and Dennis Rodman is the one who’s the least crazy.- James Corden

Putin Made A Funny!
Vladimir Putin made a sarcastic offer of asylum to the former FBI director James Comey on Thursday, during an attack on Comey’s claims of Russian interference in the US election.

Jeff Sessions Testimony Contradicted. YeeHaw!
An American lobbyist for Russian interests who helped craft an important foreign policy speech for Donald Trump has confirmed that he attended two dinners hosted by Jeff Sessions during the 2016 campaign, apparently contradicting the attorney general’s sworn testimony given this week.

Can we get past this phony kumbaya moment and remember that the Republicans are trying to destroy this country? - Kona Lowell

Maybe we can all agree that "second amendment solutions" create more problems than they solve. - Jeff Tiedrich

Republican Shenanigans

Further irony is that Steve Scalise is racist and was saved by 2 black people who were hospitalized. - Brasilmagic tweet

Good News: Dakota Access Pipeline Update
A federal judge in Washington, D.C., has ruled that the Trump administration failed to follow proper environmental procedures when it granted approval to the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline project.
It's a legal victory for the Standing Rock Sioux tribe and environmentalists, who protested for months against the pipeline.

POTUS attacks media. Cabinet publicly slobbers over "Dear Leader". Senators restrict press access. Not just Venezuela. Happening in America. - Anna Navarro


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It’s rumored that President Trump’s upcoming trip to the U.K. is on hold because he’s worried about angry protests. I have to admit, of all the wars I thought Trump might restart, I wasn’t counting on “Revolutionary.” - Conan O'Brien

Rock The Voter News

Can't wait Trump's resignation speech when he insists he was the one who 1st said Russia interfered, all along, & now he's been proven right. - John Fugelsang

I Saw This Interview, Jane Sanders Did Not Have Command Of Her Talking Points. 
Jane Sanders — wife of erstwhile Democratic candidate for the 2016 presidential nomination Sen. Bernie Sanders (VT) — sparred with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on Thursday, accusing him and the network he represents of helping to enable the rise of President Donald Trump and exacerbating the stark divisions in U.S. society.


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Business/Tech News

Why are tweeters asking for an edit button? People publishing words they come to regret is my favorite thing about Twitter. - Mrs. Betty Bowers

This Is Why The U.S. Needs To Import Workers From Other Countries
Seven percent of all American adults believe that chocolate milk comes from brown cows, according to a nationally representative online survey commissioned by the Innovation Center of U.S.

Just when I thought he couldn’t get any cooler, Justin Trudeau just showed up in my home and offered to make me crab cakes. - Conan O'Brien



Odd News

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Sear's clothing ad in 1974, when men had waists.
