Wednesday, November 9, 2016

History has been made

I feel your pain. Do I ever.

The media, the FBI and disgruntled Democrats elected Trump. And Lady Liberty got her pussy grabbed in the process.

Not only am I stunned but ashamed that a racist pussy grabber won the presidency. The lump in my throat will go away when I cry, but that hasn't happened, yet.

Click on meme for larger view.
At this writing, less than 90,000 votes separate Trump and Hillary. Jill Stein got over a million votes, so we can say those disgruntled Democrats handed Trump the presidency as Bernie Sanders warned would happen. Gary Johnson took a much larger share of voters than Stein so they get some of the blame too.

But first, I blame the media, who for decades, not only convinced these disgruntled Bernie Sanders Democrats but most of America that Hillary was evil. I blame the social media also, even their Twitter/Facebook posts were as crude and distorted as Trump trolls, in fact identical at times.  Fools you are, you all didn't listen to Bernie.

And James Comey must be relieved that he won't be prosecuted for interfering in an election. Instead he is busy building a case to lock up Hillary, right President-elect Trump?

And where is Putin in all of this? Probably sipping a vodka planning his new dacha in the Ukraine or in Texas overlooking the yuge wall.

Republicans retained control of the House and Senate. Ladies, get ready for vaginal probes and don't bother buying new shoes as you'll be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen.

The Canadian immigration website crashed.

I offer my apology to the world as we watch this inevitable train crash over the next four years because you know Trump is going to get in a nuclear twitter war.

And Democrats, get your act together.

Now to get your mind off the pussy grabber, a few photos from yesterday, to reassure you that I will be here to help through the pain over the next four years, gods willing.

This is Playa Brasilito, right in front of the restaurant, Don Brasilito, where we enjoyed lunch gazing at the ocean.

This is the restaurant. There is a confederate flag license plate hanging on the wall. Now I see it as an omen.

Here I was yesterday, under the illusion that Hillary was winning.

We decided to take the back "low tide" road to Flamingo. I wonder who did those wheelies. :)

My amigo said the low tide road to Playa Flamingo was just fine, I chickened out.

We made it to Playa Flamingo to visit our friend Yvonne and enjoyed the view from her front balcony.

Pura vida.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

This is how I feel today!

It is worth watching to the end -- tons of symbolism.


Poll: Clinton has 90 percent odds of winning
Monday’s results found Clinton leading Trump 45 percent to 42 percent in the projected popular vote on the night before Election Day.

Hillary will win. Trump is going to sue. Repeat.

Who had more of a mandate than Obama in 2008? And the GOP treated him as if he'd won the presidency in a cereal box.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Trump's going to show us when he gets his Twitter account back and tweets the nuclear codes.- LOLGOP

From Arkansas To GITMO
It's "going away" day for one Arkansas Army Guard unit. Soldiers of the 119th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment are on their way to Cuba for nine months.

Republican Shenanigans

Kellyanne Conway, being pulled over: 
Ma'am, you were going 90
I wasn't going anywhere
I'm not in a car
This is a hammock
- Olivia Nuzzi

Another Cheney In The House?
All but guaranteed to win the U.S. House seat once held by her father, former Vice President Dick Cheney, Liz Cheney made a final campaign swing Monday through Wyoming's energy hub cities of Gillette and Casper.

71% say Trump has the temperament to assault the first woman president. - LOLGOP


 Click here to meet C.W.


Rock The Voter News

My 11 year-old daughter just made up a great joke: I bet Donald J. Trump brags that his middle initial stands for genius. - Jen Crittenden

Palin & Trump Will Soon Be In SNL's Greatest Hits
Clinton's campaign pushed back against Palin. "We are grateful to Sarah Palin for coming to remind Ohioans that voters here rejected Trump's brand of fear-mongering and divisive politics eight years ago.

Trump: "They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. And today, they're bringing votes."- Andy Borowitz


 Click here to visit Wattensaw Press


Absolved of the crime of using email. Still under investigation for being an ambitious woman who committed herself to a life of service.- LOLGOP

"Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten." ~ Neil Gaiman


I lost the Business and Odd News sections. :(  But posted anyway!


Time To Deflate Photo

May this shining country go to sleep tonight in the arms of a good woman.
