Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Trump's Tweeting

Donald Trump unwittingly tweets photo of murderer to claim support from Vietnam veteran
Donald Trump has been duped once again into retweeting a fake picture, this time of a “Vietnam vet” who is in fact a murderer.

My favorite is when people in the media interprets Trump's rise as anything other than the GOP base's fondness for hazing the unfortunate.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

"With this deal, we have a chance to resolve this challenge peacefully. Without it, we risk yet another conflict" —@POTUS on @TheIranDeal. - White House Tweet

I Bet There Are Some Empty FEMA Camps For General Clark's Plan
U.S. General Wesley Clark floated a plan Friday for dealing with so-called “lone wolf” terrorists on American soil: imprison them in internment camps before they get the chance to attack the U.S.

Trump is distracting the GOP from serious issues like Obama invading Texas, taking away insurance and whether to bomb Iran on day 1 or 2.- LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

As angry as the KKK is, you'd think their ancestors were kidnapped, raped, castrated, lynched, & burned. You'd think the KKK is oppressed.- Ferrari Sheppard

Trump Is UP In GOP Polls
Businessman Donald Trump surged into the lead for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, with almost twice the support of his closest rival, just as he ignited a new controversy after making disparaging remarks about Sen. John McCain’s Vietnam War service, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

Researchers here in New York created a robot that actually passed a self-awareness test. So if you're keeping score, that's robots: 1, Donald Trump, 0.- Jimmy Fallon

Donald's College Deferment: Boo Boo On Foot
Donald Trump — once a smiling teenage cadet at a military academy — dodged the Vietnam War with student deferments and a boo-boo on his foot, records show.

Whether it's Planned Parenthood, Medicare or Obamacare, the GOP will do anything to take away decent health care and replace it with misery.- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

You Know McConnell Will Fund This On The Backs Of The Poor
Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is steering the Senate toward a multi-year highway bill that could take the funding issue off the table through the 2016 elections.

The bill could be released as early as Tuesday, though the Kentucky Republican is keeping the details close to his chest as conservative groups watch for anything that resembles a tax hike.

 Click here

NO MOOSELEMS ALLOWED: Declares Man With Red Neck
A Florida gun shop owner has banned Muslim customers from his store.
Andy Hallinan declared Florida Gun Supply in Inverness a “Muslim-free zone” Saturday in response to a Kuwait-born gunman’s shooting rampage in Chattanooga that killed four Marines and a sailor.
Hallinan announced his shop’s new policy as he sat against a Confederate flag back drop.

It is absurd that in 1952 corporate income taxes provided 32 percent of federal revenue while in 2014 they provided 11 percent.- Bernie Sanders

Business/Tech News

"If undocumented corporations came across the border at least America would treat them like people." - JohnFugelsang

Homeland Security Chief Stops Using Personal Email At Work
Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said on Tuesday that he stopped using his desktop computer at work to check personal email because it posed a security risk.

The next time some guy tells you he's 'a self-made man' ask him how he managed to fertilize his own egg.- JohnFugelsang


Subject: Nuthin' specific

Lisa -

Just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your blog, and how I look forward to it arriving in my inbox.
Keep up the good work, congrats on getting the link in Crooks & Liars, (another fave), good luck in your move, and many happy days in your new digs.

Your loyal fan, 

Thank you so much Dennis. You made my day! I have the best job, don't I?


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

I love the U.S. Department of the Interior's Facebook page. I found the above photo there: At 2,425 feet, Yosemite Falls is one of the tallest waterfalls in the U.S. This iconic waterfall can be seen from many places around the park’s Yosemite Valley, but nothing compares to seeing the waterfall up close. Michael Bonocore took this breathtaking photo of his friend Tessa Kit taking in the moment from the base of Yosemite Falls at the end of May. Yosemite Falls flows approximately November through July, with peak flow in May. Photo courtesy of Michael Bonocore. — with Michael Bonocore at Yosemite National Park.


Monday, July 20, 2015

Trump's IQ Test results are in!

John McCain Wants Donald Trump to Apologize to Veterans
Sen. John McCain said billionaire Donald Trump should apologize to military service members and their families after his comments on troops held captive during war.

Donald Trump wanted to become America's president but wound up becoming America's IQ test.- John Fugelsnag

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Trump will be fine with Fox viewers unless he degrades Bill O'Reilly's service in the War on Christmas.- LOLGOP

Obama Is Working The Phones
The White House, facing the wrath of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his allies in Washington, held a conference call on Tuesday to persuade Jewish groups to give President Barack Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran a chance. Their message: Kindly hold your fire.

John Kerry's Reaction To Trump Dissing McCain

Reactions From AHNC Viewers About The Donald

I was so dumbfounded by what Trump said about McCain not being a hero.
McCain is a hero because he could have won his freedom from NV, but he
choose not to because the rest of his fellow solderers would not be
released as well. THIS makes him a HERO.
Love what you do and follow you everyday.
Your friend, Paul



Trump points out that being a P.O.W. does not equate with being a "war
hero" and the GOP candidates all freak out over the inexcusable,
never-appropriate, and absolutely-contrary-to-everything-the-GOP-stands-for
disparaging insult to every American that ever served in the military.  I
guess they mean everyone except
multiple-combat-medal-decorated-actual-war-hero John Kerry.  Swift boat

Big Dog

Thanks for writing.
Don't you all realize that it OK to bash a Democrat's military service but not a Republican's?
If the GOP goes against Trump he just may run as an Independent and hand over the presidency to Hillary Clinton, just as Perot did to help Bill Clinton beat George Bush. 
Wouldn't that be great?
Thanks Trump!


At an RNC meeting later this week if Trump's numbers don't drop: "How do we get him to call Reagan gay?"- LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

Donald Trump won't apologize for his comments on McCain, "I like people who weren't captured," also explains Trump's hatred of zoo animals.- Jeff Dwoskin

Check Out One Of The Jade Helm Leaders. And He Owns Guns.
Pete Lanteri, the former Marine who's organized a citizen surveillance group to monitor a military training exercise taking place this summer across seven southern states, is a self-described "hothead" prone to Facebook rants about rounding up "commies" and how blacks are a "failed race."

Obama Wants To Take Away Guns From Crazy Old People
Seeking tighter controls over firearm purchases, the Obama administration is pushing to ban Social Security beneficiaries from owning guns if they lack the mental capacity to manage their own affairs, a move that could affect millions whose monthly disability payments are handled by others.

Note to politicians: viciously attacking a war hero never works. Except for when the Republicans attacked John Kerry in 2004. Okay, never mind.- Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

Abe Lincoln Freed A Slave 22 Years Before He Was President
Researchers believe they found the grave of a man who could be considered the first black male slave freed by Abraham Lincoln, tracking his final resting place to the cemetery of a former Minnesota psychiatric hospital.

 Click here

Conservative analyst: "We had two perfectly good enemies in Cuba and Iran before Obama messed things up."- Andy Borowitz

Business/Tech News

Ashley Madison. A website with 35 million adults seeking affairs. And you're worried about gay people ruining marriage.- LOLGOP

PayPal Is Doing Well. I'm Glad. I Love PayPal.
PayPal Holdings Inc shares jumped as much as 11 percent in their highly anticipated return to the Nasdaq after more than a decade in eBay Inc's fold, valuing the digital payment processor at about $52 billion.

Winchester Unveils New 9MM Stray Bullet Guaranteed To Hit Innocent Bystanders. - The Onion



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

President Abraham Lincoln meeting with General George McClellan at Antietam. October 3, 1862 in this colorized photograph. I see the US Flag is being used as a table cloth.


Saturday, July 18, 2015

Trump slams McCain for being ‘captured’ in Vietnam

Trump slams McCain for being ‘captured’ in Vietnam
AMES, Iowa -- Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump slammed Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), a decorated Vietnam War veteran, on Saturday by saying McCain was not a war hero because he was captured by the North Vietnamese.

The media doesn't get that Donald Trump is the closest some red states will ever get to being able to vote for Boss Hogg.- John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Conservatives: We must do everything we can to secure our homeland from terrorism, except background checks on all gun purchases.- LOLGOP

I didn't do it.

Whoopsy From Italy 
 A dramatic breach at an Italian surveillance company has laid bare the details of government cyberattacks worldwide, putting intelligence chiefs in the hot seat from Cyprus to South Korea. The massive leak has already led to one spymaster's resignation and pulled back the curtain on espionage in the iPhone age.

Republican Shenanigans

Earlier this week Donald Trump gave an interview with CNN at a winery he owns in Virginia. It turns out Trump’s winery makes two different kinds of wine: white wine and not-white wine.- Jimmy Fallon

These People Are A Ticking Time Bomb
The leader of a volunteer group formed as a “watchdog” over Jade Helm 15 military exercises dismissed 90 percent of Americans as useless and said “he can’t wait to kill thousands of these f*cks.”

President Obama today became the first sitting U.S. president to visit a federal prison. And for a brief moment, there was some real excitement over at Fox News.- Seth Myers

Racists Have No Shame, Just Like Trump
Nearly 40,000 demand South Carolina remove slave memorial because it ‘shames’ whites

No, I don’t need a Trump 2016 bumper sticker; I already have truck nuts.- Tea Party Cat

Rock The Voter News

Ever notice how "Freedom Lovers" love freedom so much, they want theirs and yours too? - Tea Pain

Hi, we're Hobby Lobby. We outsourced manufacturing to a country w/forced abortions but won't cover female employee IUD, b/c we're pro-life.- John Fugelsang

Bernie Sanders Calls For A Political Revolution
On Friday, Bernie Sanders may have been the first sitting United States Senator to call for “political revolution” at a rubber chicken dinner.

 Click here

Kids in a school. Worshippers in a church. Soldiers at work. We can do better for all of them.- LOLGOP

Business/Tech News

Crushing student loan debt is keeping millions from enjoying crushing home mortgage debt.- John Fugelsang

The Wolves Of Wall Street
 JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM.N) agreed to pay $388 million to settle a suit by investors claiming that the largest U.S. bank had misled them about the safety of $10 billion worth of residential mortgage-backed securities it sold before the financial crisis.

Trump presidency, Day 5: Trump fires congressmen who refuse to vote for his bill building 3-mile high border wall/casino.- Tea Party Cat



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A trip to Yellowstone National Park isn’t complete without seeing Midway Geyser Basin. A boardwalk leads you to the colorful Grand Prismatic Spring. At 370 feet in diameter and over 121 feet deep, Grand Prismatic is the park’s largest hot spring. This jaw-dropping multi-image panorama shows Grand Prismatic Spring at night with the #MilkyWay sparkling above it and the stars reflected in the water below. Image courtesy of Dave Lane Astrophotography. — at Yellowstone National Park.
