Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Conservatives Dance On Grave Of ISIL Hostage: 'Jew-Hating, Anti-Israel B**ch'

Not all conservatives used the death of American hostage Kayla Mueller to highlight the brutality of the Islamic State — some decided to focus their disgust on the 26-year-old's humanitarian work for Palestinians.

Laura Bush's memoir tells the inspiring American story of a Librarian who married an illiterate. - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

"After a quick meet-and-greet with King Abdullah, Obama was off to Israel, where he made a quick stop at the manger in Bethlehem where he was born.'' –Jon Stewart, on Barack Obama's first Middle East trip

Afghanistan Wants U.S. To Stay For A Little Bit Longer
President Barack Obama is considering a request from Afghan President Ashraf Ghani to slow the pace of the withdrawal of U.S. troops in Afghanistan, a senior administration official said on Wednesday.

Boehner Strategy: Curse At Democrats
House Speaker John Boehner challenged Senate Democrats Wednesday to "get off their ass" and pass a bill to fund the Homeland Security Department and restrict President Barack Obama's executive moves on immigration.

Republican Shenanigans

The Sunshine State. Not So Much.
Newspapers across Florida have agreed to join the lawsuit that accuses Gov. Rick Scott and the Cabinet of violating Florida's open meetings law in advance of the forced resignation of former FDLE Commissioner Gerald Bailey. Sarasota lawyer Andrea Flynn Mogensen confirmed Monday that a number of papers would join the litigation in an amended complaint expected to be filed later this week. "There's been an influx of interest," Mogensen said

"You have to remember one thing about the will of the people: it wasn't that long ago that we were swept away by the Macarena." –Jon Stewart

Rock The Voter News

What Will Jon Stewart Do After THE DAILY SHOW?
Jon Stewart, who turned his combination of biting and free-wheeling humor into an unlikely source of news and analysis for viewers of "The Daily Show," said he's leaving as host this year.

Jon Stewart to leave Daily Show, run for governor of New Jersey against Chris Christie on platform of not being a petty, spiteful ass.- Tea Party Cat

In Just 90 Seconds, Penn And Teller Destroy Anti-Vaxxers’ Arguments 

"Go and make disciples of all nations." - Jesus Christ, community organizer.

 Click here for The Charmed Time

"One of the most elemental human rights [is] the right to belong to a free trade union."- Ronald Reagan, filthy socialist. - John Fugelsang

Business/Tech News

"The internet is just a world passing notes around a classroom" - Jon Stewart

Target Loses Lawsuit
 Target has agreed to pay nearly $4 million to settle a lawsuit filed by Northern California prosecutors that alleged the retailer charged higher prices than advertised, prosecutors said Tuesday.

Remember when Republicans were so upset about Ebola that they tried to take health insurance from millions of people?- LOLGOP



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Lake McDonald, Montana, USA.


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Ferguson, Missouri: Has A Debtors' Prison!

Lawsuits claim Missouri towns jail poor people for profit
Ferguson, Missouri and a second St. Louis suburb are being accused in separate lawsuits of operating a "debtors' prison scheme," illegally jailing poor people who are unable to pay traffic tickets or fines tied to other minor offenses.

Looking for the guys who think America is a Christian nation? They're busy stopping marriages, killing peace deals & taking away health care. - LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu to cancel his address to Congress next month, citing concerns that Kanye West may interrupt.- Tea Party Cat

Syria and Hezbollah Join Forces
Syria's army gained ground from rebels in the south on Tuesday in what a monitoring group described as a large-scale offensive in the region backed by Lebanese Hezbollah fighters against insurgents including al Qaeda's Syrian wing.

Why did it take so long to expose Brian Williams' lie?
Because no one cared about fact-checking until we had a black president.- Tea Party Cat

Republican Shenanigans

If Jeb wants to disclose something that might help him in 2016, it would be a DNA test saying he's not actually a Bush.- LOLGOP

Subject: Jeb's emails

Hi Lisa,

So Jeb Bush has released his e-mails from his two terms as Florida governor.

That reminds me of the auditor who is out driving through the countryside with his girlfriend.  The GF sees a flock of newly-shorn sheep over in the pasture and says to her BF, “Oh, look dear, all those sheep have just been shorn.”  The auditor replies, “Yes, they have been … on this side.”

Forgive my skepticism, but I think there’s something here we’re not seeing.  I don’t know if it’s private e-mail accounts (gmail, yahoo, etc.), accounts using pseudonyms, or whatever.  But there’s something here we’re not seeing.  Could these e-mails be a shiny object meant to draw our attention away from something else?  Let’s stay tuned.  I don't trust these buggers.


You're probably on to something or he wants to tie up the time of journalists reading over a quarter million emails.

"President Obama unveiled a $4 trillion budget for 2016 that would increase taxes on the wealthy and spend more money on education. He also made a snowball and put it in the oven, just to see which would last longer, his budget or the snowball." –Jimmy Fallon

Rock The Voter News

That awkward moment when the Supreme Court forces Alabama to allow gay marriage and then God doesn't destroy the Earth.- Tea Party Cat

Haters Hate. Lovers Love.
The U.S. Supreme Court's move on Monday to allow gay marriage to proceed in Alabama is the strongest signal yet that the justices are likely to rule in June that no state can restrict marriage to only heterosexual couples.

"I like Mitt Romney. He looks like the guy who comes with the picture frame." –David Letterman

 Click here for The Charmed Time

The CDC announced that there are currently 102 measles cases in the U.S. Some say it's because people aren't vaccinating their children. You can tell things are getting bad. Today Disneyland opened a new ride called 'It's a Smallpox World.'" –Jimmy Fallon

Cyber Security Traps
Ever since the Internet blossomed in the 1990s, cybersecurity was built on the idea that computers could be protected by a digital quarantine. Now, as hackers routinely overwhelm such defenses, experts say cybersecurity is beyond due an overhaul.

Their message: Neutralize attackers once they're inside networks rather than fixating on trying to keep them out.

Business/Tech News

Wall Street closes lower amid worries that Obama plans to jail all Christians over slavery and Jim Crow.- Tea Party Cat

Illinois Union Breaker
In a strike against public employee unions, Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner on Monday signed an order eliminating union dues for some state employees who do not want to pay to support union activities.

Had lunch with Brian Williams. He told me about his part in covering up Obama’s Kenyan birth certificate with all the other liberal media.- Tea Party Cat



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The Great Wall of China. I can envision ancient Chinese soldiers patrolling the wall.


Monday, February 9, 2015

When Will Fox News Fire Bill O’Reilly For Lying About Combat Duty?

When Will Fox News Fire Bill O’Reilly For Lying About Combat Duty?
..."I tell you what, I've been in combat. I've seen it. I've been close to it. And if my unit is in danger and I got a captured guy and the guy knows where the enemy is and I'm looking him in the eye, the guy better tell me. That's all I'm gonna tell you. If it's life or death, he's going first."

Lying is inexcusable in journalism. I think Brian Williams should lose his job  -- right after every single person who works at FoxNews.- Mrs. Betty Bowers

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

At the National Prayer Breakfast, President Obama and the Dalai Lama avoided a direct meeting. Uh-oh, sounds like there may be some Obama-Lama drama.- Seth Myers

Canada now has doctor-assisted suicide, zero anti-abortion laws & gay marriage. And we don't even need a fence to keep their Christians out.- LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

President Obama is making a speech about stopping violence against women. The Republicans will give a rebuttal speech later in the show.- Paul Poundstone

Crazy Christians In Alabama
Stating he is empowered to block any move that will “bring chaos and confusion into the system,” late Sunday night Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore ordered all probate judges and employees in Alabama to adhere to existing state laws and not issue or recognize same-sex marriages that are supposed to begin Monday morning, according to

Sorry, I only take vaccination advice from people who needed six years to figure out that they shouldn't rely on the leadership of Sarah Palin.- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

Age is such a huge issue for the GOP that 3 of their last 6 nominees were older than Clinton will be in 2016.- LOLGOP

Homeland Security Shutdown: It's Basically Forcing People To Work Without Pay
Spending for the Department of Homeland Security hangs in the balance as Congress fights over immigration matters in the agency's annual funding bill. Without action by Feb. 27, the department's budget will shut off.

 Click here for The Charmed Time

Huckabee: How dare Obadman say people do bad things in the name of Christianity? Now pardon me while I break up some same-sex marriages.- LOLGOP

Banks Are Legal Thieves
The private-banking unit of HSBC Holdings Plc made significant profits for years handling secret accounts whose holders included drug cartels, arms dealers, tax evaders and fugitive diamond merchants, according to a report released Sunday by an international news organization.

Business/Tech News

Global warming is the biggest hoax ever, says guys who promise the next Bush will be better.- LOLGOP

Killer Shrimp In Great Lakes! Thanks Obama!
Killer shrimp, creatures that indiscriminately slay other animals without eating them, may soon join the list of invasive species living in the Great Lakes, a new study finds.

Apparently Beyoncé thanked Me for winning a Grammy for "Drunk in Love." I don't like her music, but she's welcome anyway.- GoodGodAbove Tweet


Thank you John, for the food money!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A composite image of all four rockets launched from the Poker Flats Research Range on Jan. 26, back dropped by an incredible showing of the northern lights. Credit: NASA/Jamie Adkins
