Thursday, June 20, 2024

‘I Can’t Wait to Be Sued’: Republican Governor Says He Welcomes Lawsuits Over State’s New Ten Commandments Law

‘I Can’t Wait to Be Sued’: Republican Governor Says He Welcomes Lawsuits Over State’s New Ten Commandments Law
Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry welcomed lawsuits against him as he signed legislation this week making it mandatory for public schools to display the Ten Commandments in every classroom.
“I’m going home to sign a bill that places the Ten Commandments in public classrooms,” boasted Landry during a Republican fundraiser on Saturday. “And I can’t wait to be sued.”

Louisiana Orders Classrooms To Display All Ten Commandments That Trump Has Broken. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

I refuse to come together with people who wish to strip others of their rights because their own personal religious views. F*CK coming together with those people. - Beyond Blonde

I’m sure having the Ten Commandments in schools will feed children when they’re hungry and protect them from mass shooters. - OhNoSheTwitnt

Do The Republican Party Next.
Two days after Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un signed a new defense agreement, Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C) and Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) introduced a bill to declare Russia a state sponsor of terror. 

I can't believe I even have to say this, but it is not normal that the Supreme Court is taking its sweet time to decide if a former president is immune from prosecution for inciting an insurrection to overturn an election. This should have been decided already. The answer is no! - Robert Reich

Republican Shenanigans

It would be different if Clarence Thomas only took $3 million in bribes. But he took $4 million and that’s where I draw the line! - Rick Lenzie

During the debate, Biden should smile at the moderator and say, "I'd like to hear my opponents thoughts on electric boats and sharks." - Alex Cole

What An Useless Question. You're Better Than That, Manu.

As a taxpayer, I’m sick and tired of paying for trump’s Secret Service.

Can’t we replace them with the Uvalde police department? - Captain Obvious

Louisiana: Where students are taught the Ten Commandments but not how to count to ten. - Andy Borowitz


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Business/Tech News

I keep waiting for someone to tell me, “Yeah, I was a fruit picker until those illegals showed up.” - The Other 98%


Many of L.A.'s Homeless Lives Are About To Change

Q: What’s the difference between Jane Fonda and Donald Trump? 
A: Jane Fonda went to Vietnam. - SundaeDivine



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Florida and Cuba. Funny story: In 1985 I took a cheap night flight from Miami to Merida, Mexico on Aero Mexico. There were only about 30 people on the plane. As we passed Havana, the pilot pointed it out and everyone but me rushed to the left side of the aircraft screaming, HAVANA HAVANA!! The aircraft tilted at least 45 degrees. Stuff flew everywhere. I was glad I had my seatbelt on.


Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Americans across the country celebrate Juneteenth

Americans across the country are holding celebrations in honor of Juneteenth. This is the third year Juneteenth has been a federally recognized holiday.

You want irony?  Guess which state was the first to recognize Juneteenth as a holiday.

Texas. - John Fairbanks

The World Is A Safer Place Without Trump

If after 8 years of watching Trump, people haven't decided he is unsuitable to hold any office, then Heaven help us. - Bill Johnson

The American people do not want to see starvation used as a tool of war, which is what the Netanyahu government is doing right now. - Bernie Sanders

Will Biden Meet With Netanyahu? Or Nah?
The White House reportedly canceled a high-level meeting with Israeli officials in rebuke to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after he accused the U.S. of withholding military aid in a video released Tuesday.

Republican Shenanigans

Right now Matt Gaetz is terrified that photos of his nether regions are about to become evidentiary tools in an Ethics investigation and Matt can't compare with Hunter. - Jane of the North

As It Turns Out, Milwaukee Thinks Trump Is Horrible
Democratic Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson told CNN’s Abby Phillip that despite former President Donald Trump’s “outreach” Black voters are saying they’ll vote for President Joe Biden to avoid going “from slavery to dictatorship!”

One thing these "evangelicals" have no idea of, is that our country was founded by those escaping from the Merry Old Church of England and the plethora of other new Christian religions throughout the Old World. Their ignorance is due to a poor education, just as today's Republicans want. Keep 'em stupid.

It's only a matter of time before Republicans try to ban the Constitution from public schools because the 13th Amendment mentions slavery. - Middle Age Riot

Folks tend to focus on the alliance between Trump & Far Right Christianity and think it’s about abortion rights but it’s the exploitation of young girls where they really find their common ground. They’re all a bunch of freaks. As was Epstein and his high powered clients. - Noel Casler

Bring back mental institutions.  
It’s everywhere.  Every day. - Sheri

Fox Host Spread The Hydroxychloroquine Treatment For Covid. Is That Legal To Misinform People? Apparently.
Former White House chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci claimed on Tuesday that former President Donald Trump got the idea to treat Covid-19 with hydroxychloroquine from Fox News host Laura Ingraham.

It’ll never not be funny to me when people who barely passed high school biology think they know more about the pandemic than Dr. Fauci. - Art Candee


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Business/Tech News

In case you didn't know, the republicans' backup plan for global warming is make as much money as possible now and die rich. - Larry Middleton

Believe It or Not, Boeing Has More Problems

Now, just for a second, imagine if President Joe Biden went on television and said the fires in New Mexico were because they didn't rake the forests. - Alex Cole

I see the NYT says that Biden 'paints Trump as a felon'

I don't think Biden needed any paint. - John Cleese



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Mt. Rainier. I love snow covered mountains, it takes my mind off the heat.


Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Jim Jordan threatens New York AG with subpoena over hush money prosecutor

Jim Jordan threatens New York AG with subpoena over hush money prosecutor
House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) is threatening to subpoena New York Attorney General Letitia James (D) in his quest to gain information about a top prosecutor on the Manhattan hush money trial of former President Trump. 

Comply with your lawful subpoena first, traitor. - snarkface1

The World Is A Safer Place Without Trump

Remember when Hillary called them a basket of deplorables? Man, that was an understatement. - adgirlMM

Slow Motion Coup Plans Well Underway
Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) proposed a plan to arrest U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland on Monday for contempt of Congress after the Justice Department declined to prosecute him.

The Republicans keep threatening "civil war" if they lose the election. 

If they are willing to murder you if they lose, what do you think they will do if they win? - Kelly Scaletta

Republican Shenanigans

I am blown away to hear so many Republicans justifying sex with a 13-year-old child. WTAF happened in the Republican party? - Eugene

Dear God, I'm So Old I Remember Republicans Naming Everything They Could After Reagan
Donald Trump on the $500 bill. A Congressional gold medal. An international airport.

Donald Trump Revolutionary  War Airport has a nice ring to it. - LSDSHARP


Florida House Bill 433, which DeSantis signed into law in April, prohibits local governments from requiring shade or water breaks for outdoor workers, or even giving preference to employers based on their heat exposure requirements.

So Christian of them...- Brandon Unger


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Rock The Voter News

My dad learned about racism when he was a little boy and fought it all of his life. I can't tell you how much he loathed it. That's just one of the reasons he was so loved and hailed as a great American. Thank you for the lessons, Daddy. - Nancy Sinatra

Barack Obama, Jack Black and Joe Biden.

Every healthcare gofundme is a national disgrace. - holly

Business/Tech News

Melinda French Gates to TIME on voting for President Biden: "There's no chance I could vote for Donald Trump. Not a single chance … Not after what he has done to women's reproductive rights, and not after the heinous things he has said about women."

Good Luck With This, Kansas 🙄

At George Orwell’s grave yesterday an American lady asked us how, if he died in 1940 (not the worst bit of this story), did he write a book in 1984. - Pops_o
