Friday, January 17, 2025

Panama Canal Officials Respond to Trump’s Threats to Retake It On CNN: ‘We Get To Keep Everything’

Panama Canal Officials Respond to Trump’s Threats to Retake It On CNN: ‘We Get To Keep Everything’
Officials in charge of managing the Panama Canal rebuffed President-elect Donald Trump’s threats to retake control of the vital waterway.

Can someone explain why TikTok is a bigger national security concern than a social media platform run by a South African technofeudal oligarch actively interfering in our elections and sabotaging our national interests here and abroad? -

The World Is A Safer Place Without Trump

Four years ago, in the middle of a pandemic, we needed a leader with the character to put politics aside and do what was right. That’s what Joe Biden did.
At a time when our economy was reeling, he drove what would become the world’s strongest recovery – with 17 million new jobs, historic wage gains, and lower health care costs. He passed landmark legislation to rebuild our nation’s infrastructure and address the threat of climate change. 
I’m grateful to Joe for his leadership, his friendship, and his lifetime of service to this country we love. - Barack Obama

Sounds As Though Greenland Plans To Fight Trump
President-elect Trump’s talk of taking over or acquiring Greenland is highlighting bipartisan talks about the need to increase security around the Arctic island and boost defenses in the region. 

They are literally trying to confirm someone with NAZI TATTOOS as the Secretary of Defense for Trump’s cabinet.  Are people even sane? - Kyla Lacey

Republican Shenanigans

We have 8,400 firefighters working the lines; 16,000 personnel; 2,500 National Guard trying to address the issue of looting; 750 CHP as we speak; we have the EPA starting to do phase 1 of the debris removal... All of that [rightwing disinformation] is a deep distraction. - Gov. Gavin Newsom

You've been carefully trained to overreact to Biden and underreeact to Trump. That kind of thing doesn't happen on accident. - Yurock

Vivek Ramaswamy To Run For Governor of Ohio. LOL.

Vivek Ramaswamy is as FAKE as the FAKE Dementia drug that he made his billions of US dollars from.  Ohio Voters will not elect him as Governor of Ohio.   The voters in Ohio are very conservative and only vote for white men. - D Patriot


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Rock The Voter News

Putin said to me he wanted to see the Finlandization of Europe. I said I'll tell you what you're going to get, the NATO-ization of Finland. - Joe Biden

Aw, It's Too Cold For Trump On Inauguration Day
The cold weather has thrown President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration into chaos, as it could be moved inside Monday due to temperatures forecast to be below-freezing, according to a report.

I'm writing a piece on Trumpite intellectuals making the "spiritual case" for the conquest of Greenland, that it will spur a rebirth of the "pioneering frontier spirit" in America lost in the 1890s. And seeing now they're moving Inaugural inside because it's too cold. So yeah, not so sure abt this. - Josh Marshall


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Business/Tech News

While I agree w/Jim Acosta, the truth is the free press has let the American people down. If the free press had done their job there's no f--king way in hell Trump would be president and America would be days away from becoming a facsimile of 1934 Germany. - Bill Madden

The Demoting Of Decent Journalists Has Begun At CNN

Live your life in such a way that the entire world doesn't burst out laughing when your rocket blows up. - Jeff Tiedrich

Just a thought: Instead of TikTok, how about we ban assault weapons first? - Andrea Junker


Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

"Migrant Mother" is a defining photo from the Great Depression, taken by Dorothea Lange in 1936. It portrays Florence Owens Thompson and her kids, capturing the harsh realities faced by migrant workers. Snapped in Nipomo, California, its publication spurred relief efforts. Today, it's a timeless emblem of struggle and endurance. 


  1. If the republicans cut our Social Security and Medicare, I will definitely be in the million retiree march on the capital. We can do a lot of damage with our walkers, canes and scooters.

  2. If only in today’s United States, our Citizens hadn’t been brainwashed by all sorts of groups convincing those who allow others to ‘think’ for them, that Migrants/Immigrants are evil people.
    Of course, politicians/media are quick to find a scapegoat instead of a solution, especially if scapegoat allows easier/quicker result/response from Public.
    A Quick Look through history shows how easily manipulated folks are, and now with public education wavering in actual results for our kids, simply because of government under-funding, we’ve got generations of easily manipulated ‘voters’

  3. 👵 Old things are often the best...I will turn 70 on Sunday, so I know! 🤭 I well remember "Migrant Mother" from more than one of my schoolbooks...back when we were taught the importance of human stories! I am very good at classic cursive because of family papers retained; I descend from school teachers and superintendents. I'll volunteer and let you know how I do. 🤞
    🫤 Oh, Lisa, I knew it was about time again to cough-up some funding, but those puppo eyes...not playing fair! Effective as hell, just not fair! 😘 Money on its way! 😃


  4. Thank you Lisa. Wonderful as always.
    I am not an artist so am appealing to your readers for some artwork. Imagine a new song from the do-wop, 45 rpm era "You got to give me some" by Donnie and the Broligarchs. (Musk, Zuck and Bezos of course) Could be a classic. Just sayin'.
