Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Let's step back in history...

The Founding Fathers and Islam
Library Papers Show Early Tolerance for Muslim Faith
With more than 55 million items, the Library's Manuscript Division contains the papers of 23 presidents, from George Washington to Calvin Coolidge. In this article, Manuscript Division Chief James Hutson draws upon the papers of Washington, Thomas Jefferson and other primary documents to discuss the relationship of Islam to the new nation.

Trump is arguing that if you're not one of the people he wants to ban, deport or strip of reproductive rights or insurance, he's for you. - LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

If you told me Obama was gonna take your guns away, before you tell me Hillary is going to take your guns, you have to admit you were wrong. - Bill Maher

NRA + $ = GOP Congress
Senate Republicans are expected to bring a bipartisan gun control bill to a vote this week despite opposition to the measure from the National Rifle Association and other conservative groups.
The measure, spearheaded by centrist GOP Sen. Susan Collins (Maine), would block people on two terrorist watchlists from buying guns.

A new poll came out and it claims that 25 percent of voters remain undecided. Apparently, they’re undecided on whether to move to Canada or Mexico.- Conan O'Brien

Republican Shenanigans

Trump looks terrible for his emotional age. - Sarah Silverman

GOP To Replace LeBron James Image For Convention 
The pride of Cleveland, a massive, iconic image of the LeBron James – newly updated to tout the city bringing home the NBA Championship – won't last long, with the Republican National Convention coming to town July 18.

Sources say LeBron James might skip the Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. You know Rio is in bad shape when you’d rather spend the summer in Cleveland.- Conan O'Brien


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Viva La Escocia!
At least two Mexican flags have popped up near one of Donald Trump’s golf courses in Scotland, a few days before a scheduled visit by the presumptive Republican presidential nominee.
Two residents in Aberdeenshire say they raised the flags "in sign of solidarity with the people of Mexico."

Congrats to Chelsea Clinton, who welcomed her second child over the weekend. After the birth, Bill brought flowers, while Hillary brought a focus group to help name the baby.- Jimmy Fallon

Democrats Hold Sit In!
Rebellious Democrats disrupted the House's legislative work on Wednesday, staging a sit-in on the House floor and refusing to leave until they secured a vote on gun control measures. Exasperated Republicans were forced to recess while cutting off the C-SPAN cameras that showed the protest.

Rock The Voter News

"He's Mitt Romney but bad at his job." - Hillary Clinton

Rubio Is Giving Florida A Second Chance To Kick Him In The A**
Florida Sen. Marco Rubio will reverse course and run for reelection this year, he announced Wednesday.

We are in the midst of a hell-like heat wave on the West Coast. The temperature hit 112 in Beverly Hills yesterday. That's dangerous. Many residents of Beverly Hills are made of materials that melt at temperatures like that.- Jimmy Kimmel


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Biz/Tech News

Sneaky GOP Fails
The U.S. Senate on Wednesday voted down a Republican-backed proposal to expand the Federal Bureau of Investigation's secretive surveillance powers after the mass shooting at an Orlando gay nightclub last week.

This was a little controversial: Pope Francis recently said that the majority of modern Catholic marriages are worthless because couples don’t always mean it when they say they’ll love each other forever. And that’s the last time Pope Francis was ever asked to give a best man speech.- Jimmy Fallon




Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter took this image of the larger of Mars' two moons, Phobos, from a distance of about 6,800 km (about 4,200 miles).
Credit: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona


Tuesday, June 21, 2016

'Merica OR...

Senate Republicans block four gun measures proposed after Orlando attack
The U.S. Senate on Monday rejected four measures restricting guns after last week’s mass shooting in an Orlando nightclub, although lawmakers were still trying to forge a compromise that could keep firearms away from people on terrorism watch lists.

America; where the Planned Parenthood shooter is too insane to stand trial for murder but not too insane to legally buy semi automatics. - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

The Iraq civil war could have been avoided if Bush Sr had pulled GW Bush aside & had that little talk about sects. - John Fugelsang

Refugee Plight
UNHCR warns of Iraq funding crunch as thousands flee Falluja. US$17. 5 million is urgently needed to meet the immediate needs of more than 85,000 people who have fled the embattled city in the past month.

Republican Shenanigans

Stephen Colbert ridicules Corey Lewandowski: 'Someone was managing Trump's campaign?'

Trump doesn't want to release his tax returns because then we'll learn that he doesn't even self-fund his weave. - LOLGOP

More Disarray In The Trumpkin Kamp
An adviser to Donald Trump resigned on Monday after taking to Twitter to celebrate news that campaign manager Corey Lewandowski had left the campaign.
Michael Caputo, who worked in the Trump campaign’s communications department, tweeted this morning that “the witch is dead” after news broke that the Trump campaign and Lewandowski had parted ways.


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Let Them Eat Cake Sugar!
Tea Party Maine Gov. Paul LePage...Bangor Daily News reports that LePage is now threatening to completely eliminate Maine’s entire food stamp program unless the United States Department of Agriculture allows the state to restrict food stamps from being used to buy sugary foods and drinks.

The most ominous result of Trump's campaign having no money is that now he will have to rely on his charm. - Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

Florida Isn't Completely Crazy
Hillary Clinton has pulled out to an 8-point lead over Donald Trump in Florida and is even with the businessman in Ohio, according to swing-state polls released Tuesday.
Clinton leads Trump, 47 to 39, percent in Florida, the largest of the presidential swing states...


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New Study Finds Americans Need 6 Hours Of Sleep At Work. - The Onion

Biz/Tech News

Trump is promising trillions in tax breaks to the richest people in America and they still won't fund him. That's some brand.- LOLGOP

California's Last Nuclear Power Plant
A utility company and environmental groups have reached an agreement that will close California's last nuclear power plant, ending the state's nuclear power era.

"Life would be so wonderful if we only knew what to do with it.” - Greta Garbo, 1929



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The Cordillera Huayhuash is said to be the world's most beautiful trek.


Monday, June 20, 2016

Trump: I never said club-goers should carry guns!

Donald Trump: I never said club-goers should carry guns!
Donald Trump on Monday morning attempted to soften comments he made over the weekend suggesting that someone carrying a gun in the Orlando, Florida, night club could have shortened the deadly shooting.

Trump's willingness to deny he said something he said yesterday on videotape shows how insufferably stupid he believes his supporters are.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Trump today: As much as I hate profiling, it's time to start talking about it.
Next week: As much as I hate Muslim-only water fountains... - Tea Pain

Wow. Christian Being Christlike Berated
After a Pennsylvania church wished its Muslim neighbors a “blessed Ramadan,” a local school board member who is also a Donald Trump delegate encouraged his followers to berate the church's pastor for speaking positively about a “godless” and “pagan” religion.

I can't wait for President Trump to say "Radical Islam" & make ISIS surrender, after we've alienated all our strategic & trade partners. - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

Donald Trump said he would, unlike previous presidents, sit down and meet with Kim Jong Un to make a kind of deal but only on U.S. soil. I don't think that will work. I think they should meet but somewhere neutral, like at a Supercuts.- Jimmy Kimmel

One problem with asking Republican delegates to vote their consciences is that their consciences were purchased years ago by the NRA. - Andy Borowitz

Uh Oh. Trump Fires Campaign Manager
Donald Trump has fired his campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, according to multiple media outlets.

Trump fires campaign manager. Polish up those resumes, Trump University graduates! - The Daily Show

Today is the one-year anniversary of Donald Trump's announcement that he would run for president. It's hard to believe it was only one year ago that Democrats were worried about Jeb Bush. - Seth Myers


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Oprah has endorsed Hillary Clinton for president. When asked about Hillary’s chances of becoming the most powerful woman in the world, Oprah said, "Oh, I’m not stepping down."- Conan O'Brien

No Right To Own An Assault Weapon?
The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday left in place gun control laws in New York and Connecticut that ban military-style assault weapons like the one used in last week's massacre at an Orlando nightclub, rejecting a legal challenge by gun rights advocates.

“You know who sees a connection between America's gun laws and terrorism? Terrorists." - The Daily Show

Rock The Voter News

One of Trump's big supporters, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, is having a rough week. Lawyers working on the Bridgegate investigation claim that Christie destroyed evidence connecting him to the scandal, including a cellphone. Christie said he had no idea where the cellphone was, then his stomach started ringing.- Jimmy Fallon


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Biz/Tech News

Moody's says a Trump presidency would "significantly" hurt the economy, but would produce a "very, very classy Apocalypse."- Tea Pain

Boeing + Russia =  747?
Boeing Co. is nearing a $4 billion deal with Russia’s largest air-freight company that would help extend the life of the iconic, hump-nosed 747 jumbo jet amid waning demand for four-engine aircraft...

Harley-Davidson announced this week that they plan to introduce quieter electric powered motorcycles within the next five years. Get ready to see motorcycle gangs brawling over who gets to plug in at the outlet outside a biker bar first.- James Corden



$898 To Reach The Goal! Thank You!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Jaws was released today in 1975. Smashing box-office records it was the first recognised 'Summer Blockbuster'.
