Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Tucker Carlson Urges Audience to ‘Call the Police Immediately’ if They See Kids Wearing Masks Outdoors

Tucker Carlson Urges Audience to ‘Call the Police Immediately’ if They See Kids Wearing Masks Outdoors
During his Monday night show on Fox News, Tucker Carlson railed against wearing masks outdoors and told viewers to “call the police immediately” if they see children doing so. He also said seeing vaccinated people wear masks outside is like “watching a grown man expose himself in public.”

If Tucker Carlson thinks masks are so bad why is he so comfortable wearing his hood? - Meidas Touch tweet


U.S. Sends Developing Countries 70 Million Vaccinated Americans. - The Onion

DC's Metro Police Hacked

Alcohol Sales Plummet During Biden’s First Hundred Days. - Andy Borowitz


Republican Shenanigans

I hope CNN replaces Rick Santorum with a Native American. - BlackKnight10K tweet

Oklahoma Continues To Control Women's Uteri
Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt signed three anti-abortion bills into law on Monday, including ones to criminalize the procedure in certain cases and cost providers their medical licenses for performing them.

CDC Says Americans Should Still Practice Distancing From Matt Gaetz. - Andy Borowitz


Now I Understand Why Trump & The GOP Were Fooling Around With The Census

If COVID has taught me one thing it’s the importance of staying socially distant from Republicans. - Middle Age Riot



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The next time you hear Republicans rail against Biden's capital gains tax, remember that it would affect only the richest 0.32% of Americans. - Robert Reich



Fox News Trying Desperately To Get Lawsuit Dismissed 


Monday, April 26, 2021

The Internet gremlin arrived early this morning.

Eight hours later, I located the gremlin and beat the living hell out of him.

Ah, I wish it were that easy and rewarding.  Hey, at least I had power. It was a scorcher today.

As soon as I got online, I checked the news and found that President Biden hadn't insulted anyone, not one single person.

I did read that Rick Santorum made another racist comment. Come on CNN, you gave credibility to Glenn Beck and Tucker Carlson and now Rick Santorum! You're killing people, CNN. Full. Stop. Now.

I will be back online tomorrow with a new edition. I'd beat the hell out of that gremlin if I could.

See you tomorrow!


Friday, April 23, 2021

City of Albuquerque refers Trump campaign bill to collection agency

City of Albuquerque refers Trump campaign bill to collection agency

Person Criticizing Police Has No Idea What It’s Like To Wake Up Every Day And Put Lives In Danger. - The Onion


DOJ Arrest 100 More People Who Attacked The U.S. Capitol. 
Do The Republicans In Congress Next.
The U.S. Justice Department expects to charge at least 100 more people for taking part in the deadly attack on the U.S. Capitol, signaling prosecutors are far from finished investigating an attack that a judge on Thursday called an act of terrorism.

Donald Trump didn't want to wear a mask, so the Republican Party helped him kill half a million people.

That's the GOP in a nutshell. - Middle Age Riot


Republican Shenanigans

April 23, 2020: Former Guy touts bleach injections as a miracle cure.
April 23, 2021: Current Guy oversees America's 200 millionth covid vaccination.

elections, they f*cking matter. - Jeff Tiedrich

I Thought The Kardashian Show Was Cancelled!!!
Caitlyn Jenner, the former Olympian, reality TV star and transgender activist, said Friday she is running to be governor of California, as a recall of the sitting Democratic governor moves forward.

Caitlin Jenner is a wildly unqualified candidate for any office.

It has nothing to do with her gender. - Ben Jackson



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Rock The Voter News

It's so weird to have a president who doesn't take their phone to the toilet. - Conan O'Brien


Texas & Trump Republicans Blame Biden For Spreading Coronavirus At The Border

I Can Hear The Squealing Of Republicans
President Biden in the next few days will unveil eye-popping new tax rates for the wealthiest Americans —a top marginal income tax rate of 39.6% and a capital gains rate of 43.4%.

One year later and I still haven’t injected any bleach. How about you? - MamaC2 

Best wishes to all for a peaceful weekend.