Friday, January 14, 2022

Supreme Court blocks nationwide vaccine and testing mandate for large businesses, allows health care worker vaccine mandate to take effect

The Supreme Court on Thursday blocked President Joe Biden's vaccine and testing requirement aimed at large businesses, but it allowed a

Kavanaugh Breaks With Supreme Court By Calling For Beer Mandate. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Seditious conspiracy. Now all we need is the identity of the shadowy figure who told them to do it. ~ Stephen Colbert

Tucker Carlson Caught In A Lie By A Trump Supporter

Letting an Oath Keeper lead you into Revolution is a lot like getting your firearms safety training from a guy who shot his own eye out. - Stonekettle

Republican Shenanigans

Donald Trump lost the popular vote both times he ran for president, was impeached twice, incited an insurrection, sexually assaulted dozens of women, and is under investigation for tax fraud and election tampering.

Republicans: "Trump 2024!" - Middle Age Riot

Trump administration engages in seditious conspiracy.

Media: Will Trump be President again in 2024?

Biden doesn't pass a piece of legislation the first day of 2022.

Media: Is the Biden administration doomed? - BlackKnight10K


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Rock The Voter News

De Blasio: ‘Well, Well, Well, Not So Easy To Find A Mayor That Doesn’t Suck, Huh?’ - The Onion

1993 Inauguration

The Queen Punishes Prince Andrew

REMINDER: Liz Cheney voted against voting rights today. She might hate Trump but she’s NOT our friend. - Mayo tweet


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Business/Tech News

The same GOP Senators introducing the “Fauci Act” had no problem with Trump refusing to release his tax returns. - Jack Cocchiarella

The Australian Government Canceled The Visa Of Novak Djokovic & His Unvaccinated Balls
Novak Djokovic faces possible deportation from Australia after the country’s immigration minister canceled the unvaccinated tennis star's visa for a second time on Friday, citing public health.

I just cut the TV service from @GetSpectrum, downgrading to just internet and OMYGOD the desperation and rigor exhausted in an effort to keep me hostage to the TV service was nuts. I just want internet and it was like breaking up with Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction. - George Hahn tweet

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Address Marjorie Taylor Greene’s ‘Calls for Gun Violence’: She’s Making ‘Dangerous Threats in My Workplace’

Address Marjorie Taylor Greene’s ‘Calls for Gun Violence’: She’s Making ‘Dangerous Threats in My Workplace’
Rep. Haley Stevens (D-MI) called on Capitol Police Wednesday to respond to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s (R-GA) latest controversial comments suggesting “Second Amendment rights” could be necessary to combat Democrats and their policies.

Jewish Space Laser Zaps Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Brain To Save The World.

I hate Fox News for what it did to my parents. - John Collins

Forging Government Documents Is Illegal, Right?
In the weeks after the 2020 election, then-President Donald Trump's allies sent fake certificates to the National Archives declaring that Trump won seven states that he actually lost. The documents had no impact on the outcome of the election, but they are yet another example of how Team Trump tried to subvert the Electoral College -- a key line of inquiry for the January 6 committee.

The same party yelling “Stop the Steal” forged documents in a literal attempt to STEAL the election. - KD tweet

It turns out that the safest place to hide after committing a crime is a Republican caucus. - John Collins

Biden Sending Military Relief For Overwhelmed Hospitals

Had anyone said ten years ago that a reality show grifter would be president and that he'd find that a deadly virus was in the country, lied to everyone, tried to slow efforts to fight it, and then watched hundreds of thousands die, you'd have called them insane. Yet here we are.


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Rock The Voter News


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Business/Tech News

Missing from the media’s inflation coverage is an acknowledgement that the trend of rising prices is a GLOBAL phenomenon, fueled by the pandemic. Downplayed is the fact that systemic, record-setting inflation is occurring in virtually EVERY major economy. - Jon Cooper

The Republican National Committee Bans Debates. 🙄
The Republican National Committee is preparing to change its rules to require presidential candidates seeking the party’s nomination to sign a pledge to not participate in any debates sponsored by the Commission on Presidential Debates.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
My favorite nut, pistachios.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

McConnell Excoriates Biden’s Voting Rights Speech in Fiery Senate Floor Rant: ‘Profoundly, Profoundly Unpresidential’

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) slammed Joe Biden on Wednesday over the president’s speech the previous day about voting rights.

Mitch McConnell would saw off your legs and then lecture you on the virtues of having feet. - Jeff Tiedrich

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Fauci Defends Calling G.O.P. Senator a Moron: “I’m Just Following the Science” - Andy Borowitz

COVID Is Spreading Like Wildfire Worldwide

Fauci Nostalgic for Days When He Testified via Zoom and Could Mute Rand Paul. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Eric Trump Receives Upgrade of Genetically Modified Pig Brain. - Andy Borowitz

Gee, Do You Think Prince Andrew Will Appear At His Trial?
Prince Andrew failed to persuade a U.S. judge to dismiss Virginia Giuffre's lawsuit accusing the Duke of York of sexually abusing her when she was underage, and being trafficked by the late financier Jeffrey Epstein.

Teary-Eyed Prince Andrew Reveals Ghislaine Maxwell Groomed Him To Have Sex With Dozens Of Teens - The Onion

A MAGA will straight-up tell you "The Republicans freed the slaves" while wearing a confederate flag t-shirt. - Liam Nissan


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Rock The Voter News

Is Matt Gaetz's Ex-Girlfriend Spilling The Beans To The Grand Jury?
Rep. Matt Gaetz’s ex-girlfriend testified Wednesday before a federal grand jury investigating him for sex crimes, a major development that suggests the Department of Justice may be moving closer to indicting him.

Dr. Fauci has a Ph.D. in humiliating Rand Paul. - Jack Cocchiarella


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Business/Tech News

$10,000 is a lot of money, right? If you made $10,000 every day since 1776, you still wouldn't have $1 billion today.

Stop defending modern day robber barons. - davenewworld tweet

Straight Jacket This Guy Before He Hurts Someone
MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell argued this week that "300 million" Americans belong in jail for election fraud...Lindell insisted that he has the "pieces of the puzzle" to prove the 2020 presidential election was stolen from Donald Trump.

In Florida, Republicans believe in the concept of "my body my choice" only when it comes to vaccines, not reproductive freedom. - Aaron Parnas

The only thing easier to buy in the USA than a gun is a Republican Senator. - Chip Franklin