Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Merry Christmas

I will return on Monday, December 27, 2021. I want to give myself a merry little Christmas break. I need one after last week with the MANCHINian candidate.

and goodwill towards all.

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Coal miners' union urges Manchin to reconsider opposition to Biden plan

The United Mine Workers of America (UMWA), which represents West Virginia coal miners, urged Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) on Monday to revisit his opposition to President Biden's Build Back Better plan.
The labor union noted that the bill includes an extension of a fund that provides benefits to coal miners suffering from black lung disease, which expires at the end of the year.

How does Joe Manchin explain his Maserati and yacht to the poor people of West Virginia????  I would love to hear that conversation Joe! - Richard N. Ojeda, II

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Political Analysts Say GOP Could Take House If A Few Key Assassinations Break Their Way. - The Onion

Wow. Pentagon To Keep Track Of Ammunition. What A Novel Idea!

We're still flying unvaccinated people around the country. That seems like madness to me. - Tom Watson

Republican Shenanigans

So in a year or two all that will be left on the planet are people who got vaccinated, and Fox News hosts who also got vaccinated. Their whole audience will have died doing what they love best, being lied to. - Jeremy Newberger

Victims: Lock Him Up!
Judge: OK
A California man who threatened dozens of people, including politicians, journalists and their families, who said that then-President Donald Trump lost the November election has been sentenced to three years, prosecutors said.

Our pilot just made an announcement asking passengers to keep their mask on to avoid “all of us ending up on youtube” - Liz Plank tweet


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Rock The Voter News

It sounds like Senator Joe Manchin didn't put a lump of coal in the President's stocking,... he put in a whole West Virginia coal mine. - Jim Acosta, CNN

Apparently, Many Capitol Police Are Trumpers
Michael Fanone, a 41-year-old D.C. police officer who was dragged into a crowd and beaten on Jan. 6, announced his resignation from the police force on Monday...“Clearly there are some members of our department who feel their oath is to Donald Trump and not to the Constitution,” Fanone, who did not support Trump in 2020 but did vote for the former president in 2016, said on Monday

Don’t say the president doesn’t do anything. He made the White House some kind of Airbnb for dogs. - broti gupta tweet


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Business/Tech News

Them: “Don’t get the jab, that’s how Bill Gates is going to track you!”

Also them: “Now, if you’ll just turn your attention to my Microsoft PowerPoint slides about overthrowing the government, presented on my internet-connected laptop running Microsoft Windows 11” - cpoliticditto tweet

Candy Cane Shortage Alert
Candy makers, like retailers and farmers, have been slammed during the pandemic with high commodity prices, labor shortages, and transportation and supply chain snarls, preventing them from fully cashing in on the holiday season.

Just when it seemed like life would return to normal, we could be entering the worst part of the pandemic. Omicron will hit home for all of us. Close friends of mine now have it, and I’ve canceled most of my holiday plans. - Bill Gates

Monday, December 20, 2021

Manchin blames White House staff for failed negotiations

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) on Monday blamed White House staff for the breakdown in negotiations over President Biden's Build Back Better agenda and doubled down on his commitment to tanking the bill.

Despite my ire toward Joe Manchin, it’s important to remember there are 50 other Republicans showing the same indifference or hostility toward the climate crisis and the struggles of most Americans. - Steven Beschloss

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

By next spring, every American will either be vaccinated, recovered, or dead.
--Dr Jonathan Reiner on CNN

Civil War II Is Just Around The Corner
The US is “closer to civil war than any of us would like to believe”, a member of a key CIA advisory panel has said...Such concerns are growing around jagged political divisions deepened by former president Donald Trump’s refusal to accept defeat in the 2020 election.

I feel like we’re all about to watch the season finale of the United States. - Noel Casler

Republican Shenanigans

Delta is ready when you are, Sarah Palin. - John Fugelsang

LOL. Trump Sues New York State Attorney General Letitia James. 
Former President Donald Trump has filed suit against New York State Attorney General Letitia James in his latest desperate attempt to disrupt the civil investigation into his business practices.

Manchin. Manchin. Manchin. Okay, he’s securely bought. Do you mean to tell me, there’s not one out of 50 Republicans who wants to see Americans get these benefits? Murkowski? - Robb Royer


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Rock The Voter News

We have two political parties in America: we have the Democratic Party and the anti-democratic party. - Stephen Colbert

Is Texas Going To Make Mexico Pay For Their Wall?

A cruise ship is returning to Miami with 48 positive covid cases, the ‘USS: Are You F’N Kidding me!?’ Will be docking soon. - Noel Casler

Manchin Is Enjoying All This Attention

Deeply offended to see a 'Happy Holidays' banner, instead of 'Merry Christmas,' in the window of my corner porn & bong shop. - John Fugelsang



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Olympus Mons is one of the highest mountain in the Solar System, at a height of 21.9km (two and a half times the height of Everest). That reminds me of something.
