Monday, December 6, 2021

Congressman shares photo celebrating guns at Christmas, days after a school shooting

"Santa, please bring ammo," Rep. Thomas Massie wrote as he posted the image of him and his family posing with guns in front of a Christmas...

Insanity is contagious. -Joseph Heller

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

I can’t comment on The Crumbleys until I read a 9-part New York Times report explaining their economic insecurities. - John Fugelsang

One month from today will be exactly one year since the deadly insurrection and coup attempt at our Capitol. Meanwhile, not one elected official, not one former occupant of the WH, has been prosecuted or otherwise held accountable as they continue to poison the body politic. - Steven Beschloss

How Many More Dots Need To Be Connected To Stop The Next Coup Attempt?
A former official for D.C. National Guard has issued a shocking accusation against two generals who he believed perjured themselves before Congress in their testimony about the events of Jan. 6.
In a stunning memo to the Jan. 6 committee obtained by Politico, Col. Earl Matthews accuses Army Gen. Charles Flynn (brother of Michael Flynn) and Lt. Gen. Walter Piatt of wholesale fabrications about their accounts of the attack on the Capitol.

Omicron is Greek for, "Anti-Vaxxers are going to kill us all." - John Pavlovitz

It would be nice if parents who are working so hard to keep the teaching of American history out of our schools would do the same about guns. - Andy Borowitz

Apparently, Trump Voters Have Died at 3x the Rate of Democrats

I'm tired of pastors living in mansions, while their flock lives in the fields. - John Collins


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Rock The Voter News

So forcing you to wear a mask is unconstitutional but forcing you to give birth is not. This is beyond the upside down world. - Irishrygirl tweet

I admire the state of Alabama's single-minded determination to be great at college football and bad at everything else. - TheTweetOfGod

Texas Is #1 In Plastic Pollution

In Europe we are closely following the political situation in America. Flabbergasted why these people aren’t arrested yet! - Georgina Stulen tweet


Friday, December 3, 2021

The parents of the Michigan high school shooting suspect are charged with involuntary manslaughter in connection with the rampage

The parents of the Michigan high school shooting suspect are charged with involuntary manslaughter in connection with the rampage
The parents of the 15-year-old charged in this week's deadly shooting at Michigan's Oxford High School were each charged Friday with four counts of homicide involuntary manslaughter...McDonald said James Crumbley bought the gun four days before it was used in the shooting. His son, sophomore Ethan Crumbley, 15, was with him and later posted on social media about the gun, calling it "my new beauty." Jennifer Crumbley also posted about the gun on social media, calling it "his new Christmas present," McDonald said.

UPDATE: James and Jennifer Crumbley fled arrest, they have abandoned their child who is in jail. 
What dreadful, dreadful people.

When I was young, kids had in-school drills in case Russians wanted to kill them.

Now, kids have in-school drills in case other Americans want to kill them. - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

More American children have died this year to protect the 2nd Amendment than members of the military. - Travis Akers

Putin Really, Really Wants Ukraine Back
Russia has amassed more than 94,000 troops at the border of Ukraine and could invade the country by the end of January, the Ukrainian defense minister said Friday.

Trump knew he had COVID and went to debate Biden but Ilhan Omar is the real terrorist. - OhNoSheTwitnt

Republican Shenanigans

Republican research shows that a fetus begins learning about critical race theory in the first trimester. - Frank Conniff

Florida, You In Danger Girl.

That Florida State Guard sign looks like a child designed it.

Why do we put Supreme Court nominees under oath when there is no consequence when they lie? - Bradley Whitford

Republican Parent of the Year


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Rock The Voter News

If you don't get vaccinated, Republicans, somebody will pry the gun from your cold, dead hands. - Middle Age Riot

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Supreme Court signals support for upholding Mississippi's restrictive abortion law

The nation's top court heard oral arguments in a challenge to Mississippi's 15-week abortion law, which many see as a bid to overturn Roe v.

If it were men who got pregnant, Brett Kavanaugh would be bragging about how many drunken abortions he's had. - Jeff Tiedrich

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

As long as we're overturning settled law, I've got some thought about the Second Amendment. - Michael Ian Black

Mark Meadows Is Such A Wuss

Robert Mueller said the President of the United States was guilty of a felony and could be prosecuted when he left office. 

I don’t know what else he could have done besides run naked down the street with his hair on fire. - Angry Staffer tweet

Republican Shenanigans

Dr. Oz Hopes to Replace Rand Paul as Biggest Quack in Senate. - Andy Borowitz

So How Are Things Going At Liberty "Christian" University?
 A Liberty University professor has been arrested by the school’s police force.

So if you testified under oath that Roe v Wade was settled and then rule to overturn it, that would be perjury, correct? - Tim Hannan

No offense America but I’m kind of glad I live in Canada. - Markfry809 tweet

Texas Blocked From Blocking Social Media Bans Or Something Like That. LOL.

To everyone who voted 3rd party to "send a message to the system," the Supreme Court is sending a message back. - saguinescu tweet


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Senator Susan Collins says she favors passing legislation to enshrine the protections of Roe v. Wade into law. 

Does anyone else think we WOULDN’T be in this mess if she didn’t help the GOP steal a Supreme Court seat? - Chip Franklin

Business/Tech News

THROWBACK THURSDAY from my archives

Why is Fox News the only network (besides CSPAN) carrying the daily White House briefings?

Trump was on TV almost every day. Just constant.

During this pivotal time why wouldn't CNN & MSNBC want to run daily White House briefings and let the press secretary inform the American people? - Don Winslow

Fox News Pulled Out Of The UK Due To Low Ratings But They are #1 In The USA!

The Omicron variant of COVID-19 has arrived in the United States just in time for Republicans to invite it over for Christmas. - Middle Age Riot


Twelve Days Until AHNC Turns 21

Thank you for the birthday wishes!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The Maned Wolf is the largest canine of South America. Its markings resemble those of foxes, but it is neither a fox nor a wolf. It is the only species in the genus Chrysocyon. It weighs between 20–30 kg and up to 90 cm at the withers. Those long legs!
