Monday, November 29, 2021

The Ahmaud Arbery case and Linda Dunikoski’s victory

When on Thanksgiving eve the three white men accused of murdering Ahmaud Arbery as he ran through their Georgia neighborhood were found guilty,...

If America really meant "All Lives Matter" we wouldn't need A Black Lives Matter movement. - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

After 4 years of the complete sh*tshow that was the trump admin, the job the media is doing reporting on the Biden admin successes is horrendous. - Brooklyn Dad tweet

Another Subpoena Shunner...
A House committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection will vote Wednesday to hold a former Justice Department official in contempt, seeking criminal charges against a defiant witness for a second time after holding former White House aide Steve Bannon in contempt last month.

Republican Shenanigans

Could one of the disease-ridden South Africans currently streaming across the Texas border please bring Greg Abbott a geography book. or maybe even a f*cking map. - Jeff Tiedrich

Will Ghislaine Maxwell Go Quietly Into The Night? LOL.
A jury was selected on Monday morning in the sex-abuse trial of Ghislaine Maxwell, who is accused of recruiting and grooming underage girls for late financier Jeffrey Epstein to abuse.
U.S. prosecutors have said that between 1994 and 2004, Maxwell - a former employee and romantic partner of Epstein's - gained the girls' trust by taking them to movies, sending them gifts such as lingerie and discussing sexual topics, according to a 2021 indictment.

Chris Christie’s new book sold just 2,289 copies during its first week of release, making it one of the biggest flops in history despite nonstop coverage on every cable news network. Have a nice Monday! - Meidas Touch tweet


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Social Security recipients get a 5.9% RAISE. Medicare goes up over 14% and is taken out of our checks. That's how Seniors get screwed. - Sharon Brooks

You know what? If anything, Hillary Clinton UNDERESTIMATED just how DEPLORABLE the “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic and Islamophobic” Republicans are.  - Jon Cooper


Beto O'Rouke Proclaims: Alright, Alright, Alright!

Howard Stern says if Trump runs in 2024 he will have to run against him and he will put all unvaccinated people in a leper colony. - Tim Hannan

Pretty certain Le Crueset is having a bang up sales surge thanks to faux Republican outrage. - Barbara Malmet

It's OK - Monday hates you, too. - John Fugelsang

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Kyle Rittenhouse Met With Trump at Mar-a-Lago After His Not Guilty Verdict

Kyle Rittenhouse Met With Trump at Mar-a-Lago After His Not Guilty Verdict
Former President Donald Trump said he met with Kyle Rittenhouse at Mar-a-Lago in an interview with Fox News' Sean Hannity that aired on Tuesday. 

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Patience is NOT a virtue during forest fires, heart attacks or coups

Russel Honoré Connects The Dots For The Department of Justice
Retired Lt. Gen. Russel Honoré, who was tasked by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi with conducting a review of the US Capitol's security after January 6, on Tuesday said President Donald Trump's White House was complicit in orchestrating the insurrection.

The “lock her up” crowd has gotten awfully quiet on the subject of locking people up. - Middle Age Riot

Republican Shenanigans

Whenever you’re feeling sad, just remind yourself that you’re not Rudy Giuliani, and you’ll instantly feel better.

I promise. - TheUSASingers tweet

Two Items Not On My Bingo Card, Eric Trump & Burner Phone.

Burner phones: when you absolutely positively aren’t planning an insurrection ahead of time.- Middle Age Riot


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Rock The Voter News

Vice President Kamala Harris purchased a $375 cooking pot in Paris.
Unlike the Trumps, who would just swipe it or charge the US taxpayer, she used her own money.
How horrifying. - Woman In The Moon tweet

Trump Makes Sure He Burned Down The Facebook Bridge
In a meandering interview with Fox News opinion host Sean Hannity on Tuesday night, former President Donald Trump mocked Facebook founder and Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

For f*ck’s sake. Socialism is NOT Communism. 

Capitalism - anybody can be rich. 
Communism - nobody can be rich. 
Socialism - anybody can be rich but nobody should be poor. - Simon Donald


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Business/Tech News

Last year, there were 21 million unemployment insurance claims before the Thanksgiving holiday. Today, there were 2.4 million.
It’s historic progress. Let’s keep it going with my Build Back Better Act. - President Biden

The Pentagon Is Investigating UAP, Formerly Known As UFOs.

Safe travels, everyone, and stay away from medics defending themselves. - Andy Borowitz



Yesterday, I posted this quote: The UK banned Fox News because they saw it as propaganda for right-wing extremism. It’s about damn time we give Fox News the same treatment. - Andrea Junker

The UK didn't ban FoxNews, they fined FoxNews.



Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Rittenhouse says Biden defamed his character

Rittenhouse says Biden defamed his character
Kyle Rittenhouse, the teen who was acquitted of murder last week after a jury found he acted in self-defense when he shot and killed two people and injured a third during civil unrest in Kenosha, Wis., last summer, accused President Biden of defaming him. 

The UK banned Fox News because they saw it as propaganda for right-wing extremism. It’s about damn time we give Fox News the same treatment. - Andrea Junker

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

OK, cards on the table. I'm not a legal expert, so I can't tell you whether or not Kyle Rittenhouse broke the law. But I can tell you this. If he didn't break the law, we should change the law. - Stephen Colbert

Watching CNN's footage of Trump insurrectionists forcing their way through a security garage at the Capitol, with bats and Trump flags, hurling chairs and trash bins at Cops, it is beyond understanding why it is nearly a year later and Trump, and his henchmen, aren't behind bars. - Jeremy Newberger

In My Humble Opinion 28% of U.S. Adults Are Paranoid
The results of a new poll shared exclusively with Yahoo News finds that 28 percent of U.S. adults believe without evidence that the “truth about the harmful effects of vaccines” is being deliberately hidden from the public.

I created COVID as a physical illness but it took people to make it a mental one. - TheTweetOfGod

Republican Shenanigans

Joe Biden temporarily transferred power to Kamala Harris while undergoing a colonoscopy, making Harris the first woman to assume presidential power. Yes, 100 years after women got the right to vote, we finally got the first female president on a technicality - Stephen Colbert

The Girlfriend Of Trump Jr., Kimberly Guilfoyle Admitted to Funding Jan.6 

I wouldn’t watch Fox News for all the rubles in the world. - Rosanna Arquette


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Rock The Voter News

President Barack Obama has been nominated for his third Grammy. The sound you hear is the tantrum of a toddler at Mar-a-Lago. - Andrea Junker

Guys there's this new app that tells you which of your friends & relatives are racist.  It's called facebook. - John Fugelsang

Russia Is Angry U.S. Tech Isn't Making It Easy To Spy On Them
Russia has demanded that 13 foreign and mostly U.S. technology companies be officially represented on Russian soil by the end of 2021 or face possible restrictions or outright bans.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Neptune's Grotto is a stalactite cave near the town of Alghero on the island of Sardinia, Italy. OK, Mother Nature is just showing off here.
