Wednesday, October 13, 2021

US Marshals may be called to round up former Trump aides who disobey Jan. 6 subpoenas: House investigator

A member of the U.S. House select committee explained how Donald Trump's allies might be rounded up and arrested if they continued to defy congressional...

Can we please all agree that a subpoena with no penalty for ignoring it isn’t a subpoena? That’s basic Latin. 
Sub: under
Poena: penalty 
As Meadows, Patel, Scavino, and Bannon flipped their middle fingers at subpoenas they asked “what’s the penalty?” 

It’s time to show them. - Andrea Junker

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

If every American was responsible enough to get the #COVID19 vaccine, we wouldn't need a vaccine mandate. - David Weissman

Manchin & Sinema Perform Their Daily Kabuki Dance

Polio, Mumps, Measles, and Chickenpox wait eagerly to see if Republican governors are going to ban mandates for their vaccines too. - Middle Age Riot

Republican Shenanigans

Trump To Replace Pence With Jon Gruden As 2024 Running Mate. - Andy Borowitz

Georgia Judge Outrages Georgia Congresswoman. Good.
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) expressed outrage on Wednesday after a Georgia judge shot down the prospect of an audit of the 2020 election in Fulton County.

245 years of the American experiment and all it took was one "billionaire" man-child's temper tantrum to jeopardize all of it. - Meidas Touch tweet


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Rock The Voter News

To keep things in perspective, Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger both voted against raising the debt ceiling. I’m thrilled they draw the line at insurrection but they’re perfectly willing to destroy the U.S. economy just to keep their party—which has rejected them—in power. - Mary L. Trump

Biden Decides To Go After Employers Of Unauthorized Immigrants & Not Immigrants. It About Damn Time.

Gerrymandering= cheating
Using stolen emails= cheating
Blocking Garland vote for a year= cheating
7% of Kavanaugh's records = cheating
Vote ID laws= cheating
Slaveowners demand electoral college= cheating
Kemp keeps 53k (70% black) Georgians from voting  =  weapons-grade cheating. - John Fugelsang


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Business/Tech News

Social Security checks for retirees and senior citizens will increase by 5.9% in 2022 which is the highest increase in decades. Thanks to President Biden.

Facebook To Protect Journalists & Activists. LOL. Sure They Will.
Facebook Inc(FB.O) will now count activists and journalists as "involuntary" public figures and so increase protections against harassment and bullying targeted at these groups, its global safety chief said in an interview this week.

The worst sin toward our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them: that's the essence of inhumanity. - George Bernard Shaw

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Florida fines county $3.5 million for violating vaccine mandate ban

A Florida county government was reportedly fined $3.5 million by the state for violating a ban on COVID-19 vaccine passports and for firing workers who did not get vaccinated.
The state health department issued the fine for Leon County, which it says broke a state law banning governments and businesses from requiring proof of vaccination

This is madness. We can’t afford to have a pro-polio, pro-disease party in this country. The human cost would be horrific. COVID like waves of illness every year. U.S. would become a no go zone for foreign travel. And the economy would be in tatters. - Robert Shrum

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Gov. Greg Abbot signed a law making Texas women essentially property of the state.

This ain't about freedom. 

This is what happens when you put fascist religious nuts in charge. They end up killing you. Every time. - Stonekettle

 Matt Gaetz Reminds Me Of A General Custer Type of Guy
Rep. Adam Schiff called GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz a '"congressbro" and said it was "like spring break in there" when Gaetz and a group of his Republican colleagues stormed a secure bunker used to handle classified information in the fall of 2019.

holy f*cking sh*t, vaccine mandates are causing teachers who don't believe in science to quit, nurses who don't believe in medicine to quit, and cops who don't believe in public safety to quit. I'm failing to see the downside to this. - Jeff Tiedrich

Republican Shenanigans

Trump to Skip 2024 Campaign and Go Straight to Claiming He Won. - Andy Borowitz

UH, I Think This High School Is Breaking a Couple of Amendments
Several Black students at the Coosa High School in Rome, Georgia say they've been suspended simply for planning a protest against the Confederate flag.

My former political party is now the party of big government telling the private sector what it can and cannot do.  - Joe Walsh


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Rock The Voter News

Adam Schiff would make a great Attorney General.

Shooting The Messenger?
CNN head of strategic communications Matt Dornic dodged gunfire in Washington, D.C., on Monday night, according to a video he posted on Twitter on Tuesday.

Donald Trump has never stopped figuratively shooting people on 5th Avenue. Unsurprising, because that’s who & what Donald Trump is. What is entirely inexplicable is the steadfast refusal of good people in government to take the gun from Donald Trump’s hand. - Glenn Kirschner

$11.2 trillion is held in offshore accounts, double the rate from two years prior.

I don't have an economics degree, but it might be time to consider the possibility that maybe giving money to the wealthy to skip taxes and hoard it might not be the best stimulus. Just maybe. - Dan Price

Washington Post Goes After Its Owner. I Wonder How That'll Work Out.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A Valais Black Nose Sheep smiling back at you.


Monday, October 11, 2021

These states are ditching Columbus Day to observe Indigenous Peoples' Day instead

Here's a list of states that have chosen to change Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples' Day, as well as some places that don't observe the...

I didn't know Columbus Day was here already.

So I've decided I discovered it. - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

If you want Trump’s people to come to the Capitol, don’t send them subpoenas. Tell them they’re invited to an insurrection. - Andy Borowitz

The Enemy Within

Reminder: The only people with reason to complain about "immigration" to this country are Native Americans. - Robert Reich

Republican Shenanigans

The World Bank? I wouldn't even let Ivanka Trump be the banker in Monopoly. - Jeremy Newberger

I want to thank the right wing Christians for proving it's so much easier to worship Jesus than to follow His inconveniently liberal teachings. - John Fugelsang

LOL. Saudi Royals Gave Trump Fake Fur


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Rock The Voter News

Holy f*cking sh*t, the real culprits in all of this are the producers of The Apprentice, who took a bankrupt imbecile with no impulse control and the attention span of a coked-up squirrel and peddled him to millions of gullible dopes as ThE sMaRtEsT bUsInEsSmAn In ThE uNiVeRsE. - Jeff Tiedrich


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Business/Tech News

Taking Merck's animal dewormer Ivermectin instead of Merck's antiviral COVID-19 treatment will be a great way to own the Libs. People who do this will be called Merck-Offs. - Jeremy Newberger

Facebook Better Change Its Ways Or This Senator Will Do It For Them
Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) said Facebook is "proffering more talk & crocodile tears about protecting children" following appearances by a Facebook executive on several Sunday shows.

You're free to celebrate #ColumbusDay 

But try not to get lost & lose one of your ships.

Also, try not to kill, mutilate, rape, steal from & enslave thousands of people - while pretending that it's Christian.

Happy #IndigenousPeoplesDay. - John Fugelsang



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
‘Butterfly Nebula’ as captured by Hubble. Whenever I see a photo of deep space it makes me realize how microscopic we are.
