Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Taliban say they won't allow Afghans to leave country, reject evacuation extension

The Taliban said Tuesday that they would not allow Afghans to leave the country and warned that the US must stick to next week's deadline to pull out, as a frantic Western evacuation operation at Kabul airport picked up the pace

Taliban Name Sean Spicer Press Secretary. - Andy Borowitz

The month after 9-11, I did this meme

Update: Between 3AM ET on 8/23 and 3AM ET on 8/24, a total of approximately 21,600 people were evacuated from Kabul. 37 US military flights carried approximately 12,700 evacuees, and 57 coalition flights carried 8,900 people.
Since August 14, the U.S. has evacuated and facilitated the evacuation of approximately 58,700 people. Since the end of July, we have re-located approximately 63,900 people. - The White House posted on Facebook

Taliban To Sell US Data?
As the Taliban settles in to its revived rule in Afghanistan, the group could soon try to strengthen its ties with international powers like Pakistan and China, Politico reports. One way they might go about a friendship offering? Selling data that's been left behind during the United States' evacuation.

CIA Begrudgingly Impressed By How Well They Trained Future Taliban Members In 1980s. - The Onion

We didn't "lose" Afghanistan so much as Donald Trump gave it to the Taliban, all wrapped up in a nice big f*cking bow. - Jeff Tiedrich

Republican Shenanigans

The Sturgis Motorcycle Rally did not interrupt even one Mensa gathering. - Kona Lowell


FDA Approval of Pfizer Vaccine Convinces 19 Year Old

The way Kristi Noem is running South Dakota we’re going to end up with just one Dakota. - Mayo tweet

Florida's Kindergarteners Offer To Explain Mask Issue to DeSantis. - Andy Borowitz 


Click here to meet C.W.


Rock The Voter News

Hillary Clinton is currently chartering flights to evacuate vulnerable families and women from Afghanistan. 
But you didn’t know that cause the media is too busy letting Mike Pompeo blame Biden for the deal he negotiated. - Santiago Mayer

I Hope VP Harris Won't Get Zapped By The Havana Syndrome

If Stacey Abrams was in charge of getting people vaccinated we’d have full herd immunity within weeks. - John Fugelsang

Just Pass The Infrastructure Bill, Already!
House Democrats advanced an agreement Tuesday to move forward with infrastructure and budget bills on separate tracks, solving an impasse with centrists including Rep. Jared Golden of Maine who rebelled against a plan to link votes on the two measures.

We’re all sick of Donald Trump. But ignoring him won’t make him go away. Ignoring him will make our democracy go away. - Glenn Kirschner


Monday, August 23, 2021

Friday, August 20, 2021

Florida Board of Education orders Broward, Alachua counties to allow mask opt-out in 48 hours or start losing funding

The Florida State Board of Education has sent an order to Broward and Alachua counties' school board officials stating that they have 48 hours to comply with the state's wishes to allow an opt-out option for masks or the state will begin withholding funds, according to copies of the orders shown to CNN.

It’s starting. Restrictions on gatherings at work, including outside. Fall conferences going virtual. I can’t believe the unvaccinated bozos are making us go through all of this again. - Asha Rangappa

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

I keep hearing people say Afghanistan was the longest war in US history. The longest war in US history was the war between the United States and the Indigenous nations of the Great Plains which lasted for 60 years. - Chris Bigeagle tweet

TERRIFYIN' FACT:  Yesterday's bomb scare suspect was a Trump supporter and recently attended a MAGA rally.  Trump's rallies are radicalizin' domestic terrorists. - Tea Pain tweet

From The Halls Of Montezuma, To The Tarmac of Kabul...

Colin Powell to GWB: “You break it, you own it.” Speaking of Iraq rather than Afghanistan. The real rule: “You break it, you own it, you pay for it.” Biden didn’t break it; he was just the one who had to pay the price. - Stephen King

Republican Shenanigans

Greg Abbott should offer the same expensive antibody treatment he’s getting  to every Texan who becomes sick because of his actions. - Andy Borowitz

Capitol Police Officer Cleared Of Shooting Domestic Terrorist


I'm old enough to remember when "Patriot" meant something besides "I don't give a crap if you get sick." - John Fugelsang

Nobody threatened to blow up a truck after the email lady lost, just saying. - Jeff Tiedrich

Record Setting Evacuation

There’s a passenger wearing an “Adiós Trump” t-shirt and I swear to God he just got 25 fist bumps walking down the aisle of the plane to his seat. - Rep.  Eric Swalwell 

Paging LaVar Burton!
Mike Richards, the executive producer of "Jeopardy!" who was tapped to succeed Alex Trebek as host of the venerable game show franchise, announced Friday he is stepping aside amid recent scrutiny on his past.

Mike Richards Steps Down As Host Of ‘Jeopardy!’ Into Reduced Role As Buzzer. - The Onion

Nobody tell Franklin Graham that Jesus is probably the most famous liberal of all time - but only if you believe what's actually in the Bible. - John Fugelsang



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Machu Picchu in Peru. I've posted this photo before as it captures so much, including the butterflies in my stomach.
