Thursday, May 13, 2021

A Hummer with 5-gallon cans of gas in the back caught fire in Florida, injuring 1

A Hummer with 5-gallon cans of gas in the back caught fire in Florida, injuring 1
One person was injured when a Hummer carrying five-gallon cans of gas caught fire in Florida on Wednesday, fire officials said.
The fire happened as people across the East Coast scrambled to fill their gas tanks this week after a cyberattack shut down the Colonial Pipeline, a major US gas provider.

May 12, 1846 - The Donner Party embarks on a journey that leads to tragedy, ruin, and cannibalizing each other.

May 12, 2021 - The Donald Party embarks on pretty much the same. - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

The GOP's new slogan is: "Be thankful for the crumbs that we give you." - Aaron Parnas


Matt Gaetz Might Want To Take A Vacation To A Country That Won't Extradite Him. Russia Is Nice This Time Of Year.
A federal court has scheduled a change of plea hearing for Joel Greenberg, the Florida official and accused sex trafficker at the center of the legal investigation into Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), indicating he'll likely enter a plea agreement with federal prosecutors.

Bad time for the Feds to be closing in on Matt Gaetz. No gas for his white bronco chase. - Scott Linnen


Poor Liz Cheney, doomed to wake up every morning into a world she helped create. - Jeff Tiedrich


Get Vaccinated & Receive A Lottery Ticket. Huh?

Thanks to Marjorie Taylor Greene, in addition to metal detectors, the Capitol will now also need straight jackets and frontal lobotomies. - Jeremy Newberger



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If Biden offered a free bag of gas and a set of truck nuts with every vaccination, the pandemic would be over by the end of the month. - Hamish Mitchell




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Jeff Bezos is having a $1.2 billion yacht made with a smaller yacht to hold the helicopter to ride alongside. He paid no federal taxes and has made almost double what he made in 2020, pandemic and all. How's that $1400 holding up? - Erin Rogers

Business/Tech News

Elon Musk Unveils New Clean Energy Luxury Car Pulled By 8 Tesla Employees. - The Onion


Kudos To The Secret Service!
The Secret Service on Wednesday said it had helped in recovering around $2 billion in fraudulently obtained COVID-19 relief funds.

Have you ever run out of gas because your plastic bag busted? - Mayo tweet 



Time To Deflate Photo
A snapping turtle just after emerging from brumation (hibernation for cold-blooded animals is called brumation) buried in the mud. Mother Nature has a great sense of humor.


Wednesday, May 12, 2021

The vote to oust Liz Cheney took only 16 minutes.

The vote to oust Liz Cheney took only 16 minutes
Before the House Republican Conference met Wednesday morning to oust the Wyoming congresswoman from her position as the third-ranking Republican member in Congress, sources told CNN they expected it to be quick.

Kevin McCarthy after ousting Cheney: 'I don’t think anybody is questioning the legitimacy of the presidential election'

We are all Liz Cheney today. 
We are also living in the upside down.

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Even I'm uncomfortable with what Israel is doing, and I'm Jewish. - TheTweetOfGod

What A Load of BS From Trump's Defense Secretary!

New Program Encourages Americans To Get Vaccine To Prevent It From Going To Foreigners. - The Onion



The Republican Party is Donald Trump’s new casino. - Tim Hannan

Republican Shenanigans

Dick Cheney killed a million people bc he lied & Liz Cheney just killed her career bc she wouldn’t. - John Fugelsang

What's Next? Shoot The Fact Checkers?
A Trump-loving Michigan Republican is declaring war on the people who tell him when he's wrong.
The Detroit News reports that Michigan Rep. Matt Maddock has filed a new bill called the "Fact Checker Registration Act" that would force fact checkers to register with the state and would subject them to $1,000 daily fines if they are found to have made mistakes.

Cheney, Romney, Sasse, Toomey, Collins, Murkowski, and those republicans who "oppose" Trump? They fully embrace and advance their party's toxic platform of nationalism, exclusion, and obstruction. They embrace all of Trump's policies. 

They just don't like TRUMP. - Stonekettle


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Rock The Voter News

Pregnancy rights mean abortion to them and I really don’t understand that because that’s not pregnancy. - Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA)

Old School Republicans Want To Start A New Party. Democrats Are Ecstatic.

When Liz Cheney stands up and denounces the policies of the Bush Administration and the lies her father told, AND IS STILL TELLING, lies that sent people like me to war and killed half a million Iraqis, THEN you can call her a hero

Until then, she's just another Republican. - Stonekettle


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Elon Musk Does Not Approve

Personal news: I got my first haircut in over 7 months. I no longer look like a bass guitarist in a grunge band. Thank you, @pfizer - Windsor Mann tweet




Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
La Venta, Mexico 1947: Archaeologists studying one of the gigantic Olmec statue heads. 


Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Ransomware gang threatens release of DC police records

A Russian-speaking ransomware syndicate that stole data from the Washington, D.C., police department says negotiations over payment have broken down, with it rejecting a $100,000 payment, and it will release sensitive information that could put lives at risk if more money is not offered.

DAILY REMINDER: Donald Trump killed over a half-million Americans and led an armed attack against our nation's capitol. - Tea Pain


The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

I wonder if the GOP is having a civil war just so they can put up statues of the losers. - Stephen Colbert



Dear God, Don Jr.'s Wife & Sister Were Hitting On Secret Service Agents.
Two Trump family members got “inappropriately – and perhaps dangerously – close” to agents protecting them while Donald Trump was president, according to a new book on the US Secret Service.

Looks like Don Junior's wife was bein' serviced secretly. - Tea Pain



So China couldn't keep a rocket from falling aimlessly back to Earth, but they were able to sneak 40,000 secret undetectable bamboo ballots into Arizona to tip the election for Joe Biden. Got it. - Jeremy Newberger

Republican Shenanigans

Kevin McCarthy Forced To Fly To Mar-a-Lago To Sit And Listen To Things Trump Would Have Posted On Facebook. - Andy Borowitz

I Liked Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's Jewish Laser Conspiracy Better Than This.
QAnon-loving Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) on Tuesday unleashed an insane conspiracy theory about Dr. Anthony Fauci paying to create the novel coronavirus.

Breaking: Dr. Fauci announces Rand Paul in hypocritical condition. - Grae Hall


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Rock The Voter News

Tucker Carlson Claims Hunter Biden Downloaded Music To Laptop. - Andy Borowitz

Dear God, Florida Is Sweeping Jeffrey Epstein's Sweet Deal Under The Rug. Paging Merrick Garland.
A state investigation has cleared two officials with the State's Attorney's Office of Palm Beach County as well as the county's sheriff's department of wrongdoing regarding their involvement in accused sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein's 2008 prosecution and imprisonment.

Trump, a guy who's never won the popular vote, twice impeached, rated the worst president ever, serially corrupt, a traitor, rapist, racist, gave the GOP a perfect out on Jan 6. They could've easily just turned the page. But instead they said, "Nope, we'll stick with him." - David Rothkopf 



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Business/Tech News

You know what is a hoax? Trickle down economics. - ThePubliusUSA tweet

PayPal Is Getting Competition

I'm not sure why Biden's America is trending, but Biden's America is a pretty big improvement. I don't wake up worried we will nuke Switzerland. - Jeremy Newberger tweet
