Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Stephen Colbert Singles Out ‘Coward’ GOP Senators Who Did Not Watch Capitol Footage

Stephen Colbert Singles Out ‘Coward’ GOP Senators Who Did Not Watch Capitol Footage: ‘See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Makes You Seem Really Evil’
Stephen Colbert singled out the Republican Senators who reportedly looked away while House Democrats presented a stunning video montage of footage from the Jan. 6 Capitol attack, quipping that, “See no evil, hear no evil, makes you seem really evil.”

Trump Replaces Legal Team with Eric and Don, Jr. - Andy Borowitz


The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Trump’s Lawyers Stun Senate by Claiming Jared Made Him Do It. - Andy Borowitz


Another Trump Insurrectionist Turns On Trump
One of the Proud Boys arrested for participating in the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol told a court Wednesday that he was duped by President Donald Trump's "deception" and "acted out of the delusional belief" that he was responding patriotically to the commander in chief.

I love the fact that, while this trial is going on, trump is being eviscerated and he can't tweet about it.

Can't even Pinterest about it.  - Brooklyn Dad tweet



Trump’s lawyers remind me of me in middle school when I hadn’t done the reading. - Andy Borowitz


Gov. Kristi Noem of South Dakota Throws Out The Will of the Voters
A South Dakota judge overturned a voter-approved constitutional amendment to legalize marijuana on Monday.

I like that the only way to currently see Trump's tweets is to watch them being used against him in a trial. - John Fugelsang



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Trump Attorneys Argue He Spoke Metaphorically Of Ripping Chamber Doors Off Hinges, Crushing Pelosi’s Skull. - The Onion

Rock The Voter News

Majority of Americans Say This Is Their Favorite Impeachment of Trump. - Andy Borowitz

Sane Politicians Would Be Concerned About Losing Voters


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We’re finally saying “Merry Impeachment” again! - Stephen Colbert

Business/Tech News

Twitter has been more effective at punishing Trump than Senate Republicans. - The Lincoln Project


Surprise, Surprise! Few People Want To Travel During A Pandemic. Finally!
Only 16 percent of Americans say they have a future vacation on the books as people are still hesitant to travel during the coronavirus pandemic, according to a Harris Poll survey released on Wednesday.

Today in COVID history:

“A lot of people think that goes away in April with the heat … We’re in great shape, though.”

Trump on February 10, 2020





Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Boat-billed Heron. It looks as though its bite would hurt.


Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Majority says they favor conviction as Trump impeachment trial begins: poll

A majority of Americans favor convicting former President Trump in his second impeachment trial this week, according to a CBS-YouGov poll released Tuesday.

Seriously, why the f*ck are co-conspirators Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz allowed be jurors in the trial of their mobster overlord? asking for 81 million friends. - Jeff Tiedrich


The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Biden’s Coronavirus Plan Calls for Americans to Stay Home and Watch Impeachment. - Andy Borowitz


Hacker Tried To Poison Florida City's Water. Russia or Q?

GOP Senators Argue It’s Unconstitutional To Be Forced To Work On A Tuesday. - The Onion

Republican Shenanigans

Trump’s Lawyers Call for Dismissal of Trial on the Ground That They Will Never Collect Fees. -  Andy Borowitz

Trump Being Investigated By Georgia. ROFLOL.
President Donald Trump’s efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election in Georgia are now being investigated.

Jason Miller claims Trump is happier now that he is off social media.  That makes seven billion of us. - Stephen Colbert


Giuliani to Be First Guest of Lou Dobbs Total Landscaping. - Andy Borowitz

South Dakota Republican Intent On Killing More South Dakotans
A state representative in South Dakota wants a new law giving the state the power to nullify executive orders from the Biden administration it deems unconstitutional, heightening the chances of a conflict with the White House in a state that has already vowed not to enforce any potential federal mask mandate.


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Republicans had no problems stealing 2 Supreme Court seats, trying to overturn election for 2 months, introducing 165 new voter suppression laws in 33 states, but holding ex-president accountable for inciting violent coup is a bridge too far. - Ari Berman

Business/Tech News

Trump's Next Court Appearance: 
The Food Court

New York Is Accelerating The Investigation of Trump. RUN, DONALD, RUN!!!
As former U.S. President Donald Trump goes to trial this week in the Senate on charges of inciting the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection, criminal and civil investigations into his businesses are accelerating in New York.

Imagining Trump yelling at the TV in Florida right now. - Schooley tweet




Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Some of the first park rangers in America weren’t rangers at all. Known as the Buffalo Soldiers, roughly 500 African American men were assigned by the U.S. Army to protect national parks in the west before the National Park Service was created. The wildlife you see today in parks like Yellowstone National Park is in part due to their efforts to fight against poaching. Text and photo from the Department of the Interior.


Monday, February 8, 2021

Trump Hiding Behind His Own Political Theater

Read: Former President Donald Trump's defense team's legal brief
In a pretrial brief ahead of former President Donald Trump's impeachment trial in the Senate, Trump's legal team accused House Democrats of engaging in "political theater" and argued that the upcoming trial is unconstitutional because Trump is no longer president.

Trump should represent himself at his trial like only sane and innocent people do. - Conan O'Brien


The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans
Ivanka Says She Should Be Allowed To Continue Reading Intelligence Briefings To Her Dad. - Andy Borowitz


Trump Is Going To Be In Court The Rest Of His Life.
An Illinois judge has ruled that the Trump International Hotel and Tower in Chicago is liable for violating two state environmental laws by sucking up millions of gallons of water daily from the Chicago River without a valid permit...Total fines for the violations could be as much as $12 million.

I was not prepared for how many people are willing to let others die rather than suffer even a moment's inconvenience. - Joseph Brassey tweet


Republican Shenanigans

Lou Dobbs Launches New Venture of Standing On Sidewalk Shouting At People. - Andy Borowitz


Geez Louise
A former Republican Senate staffer has been arrested and faces child pornography charges in Washington, D.C. 

The Republicans know that if Trump is convicted, it will open the door to their convictions.
You can’t punish the King without punishing his court.
They are protecting themselves, not America. - Woman in the Moon tweet



Want unity? Convict the leader who divides us. - The Lincoln Project




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"I hate America, 
I honor treason 
& I like being racially insensitive" just too wordy for a bumper sticker; 
that's why we have confederate flag decals. - John Fugelsang


Rock The Voter News

Republicans Blast Biden’s Divisive Position That People Should Have Food. - Andy Borowitz


The Next Episode of the Stormy Daniels Telenovela Brought To You by Michael Cohen
When he was Donald Trump’s attorney, Michael Cohen was hellbent on silencing Stormy Daniels, even arranging a hush-money payment to the porn actress that landed him in federal prison.


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Trump should not receive intelligence reports unless he is banned from eBay. - Andy Borowitz


Surprise. Surprise. Reagan's Trickle Down Economics Was All A Ploy By The GOP.

Before anyone gives Tom Brady a trophy, don’t forget that the Chiefs have the right to exhaust every legal avenue to challenge the result. It would be irresponsible to congratulate the Buccaneers so early. Many many fans are upset. Wouldn’t want them to lose trust. - Abraham Gutman


I love football but I thought this meme was hysterical!
