Thursday, January 28, 2021

Matt Gaetz to rally Trump faithful to boost MAGA backlash in Liz Cheney's backyard

Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida will rally the Trump faithful in Wyoming on Thursday, hoping to bring a MAGA backlash to GOP Rep. Liz Cheney's backyard after she voted to impeach the former President for his role in inciting the riot at the Capitol.

Why hasn’t Biden had a public tirade about toilet flushing yet? Is he even a real president? - Preet Bharara


The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Republicans: "It's time to move on."

Also Republicans: "Here's Nancy Pelosi's office, wink, wink." - Middle Age Riot


Meanwhile, China Flexes Its Muscle
China ratcheted up its rhetoric toward Taiwan as it increases its military activities near the self-governing island.

I like to think Ted Cruz is growing that beard because he can’t bear to look himself in the face. - Sarah Cooper


Republican Shenanigans

President Biden announced a dramatic new change to America's Covid plan:  there is one. - Stephen Colbert


McCarthy Visits Trump at Mar-a-Lago

I love the stock market because when it goes up we get nothing but when it goes down we all lose our jobs. Except during a pandemic when it goes up and we still lose our jobs. - yeoldedad tweet



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Rock The Voter News

Biden Authorizes U.S. Military To Shoot Down Any Harmful Greenhouse Gases That Enter Nation’s Airspace. - The Onion


Speaker Pelosi Calls Out Cowardly Republicans 
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi tore into House Republican leadership for elevating QAnon Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, in light of recently-revealed posts endorsing assassinations and trashing victims and survivors of mass shootings.

We have to make it harder to become a police officer and easier to be a black man. - Randi Mayem Singer


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Dear Historians Of The Future:

America’s about to transition from Trump getting credit for economic trends that began under Obama


Biden getting blamed for economic trends that began under Trump. - John Fugelsang

Business/Tech News

Tell me the difference between congress members owning stock then having the power to regulate the stock market and sports referees betting on games then having the power to dictate how that game turns out? Interesting that only one is illegal. - Justin Jackson tweet

Biden Puts Saudi Arabia and UAE At Arm's Length

Dolly Parton wrote “Jolene” and “I Will Always Love You” on the same day and I’ve been “getting ready to vacuum” for the past two weeks. - Abby Heugel


The moon photographed over 28 days at the same place and at the same time.


Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Homeland Security issues bulletin over heightened threat environment following inauguration

The Department of Homeland Security on Wednesday issued a threat bulletin due to the potential for violence from extremists that object to the presidential transition, hold anti-government views or are motivated by other false narratives.

Feels like Rupert Murdoch and family pose a far greater threat to our country than Kim Jong-un and his family. Coincidentally, both write big beautiful love letters to Trump. - Jeremy Newberger


The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Fox News and elected Republicans are radicalizing new white supremacist domestic terrorists every day. - Matt Murphy



Who At The Pentagon Did This?
The commander of the D.C. National Guard said the Pentagon restricted his authority ahead of the riot at the U.S. Capitol, requiring higher level sign-off to respond that cost time as the events that day spiraled out of control.

9,944 Arizona Republicans have changed their party registration since the assault on the U.S. Capitol on January 6th. Please, fellow Republicans, we cannot continue to excuse former President Trump's behavior and promote falsehoods about the election. - Jeff Flake


Republican Shenanigans

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene should be on a watch list. Not in Congress. - Hillary Clinton


My, My, My, What A Splendid Dry Sense Of Humor Biden Has. 
It may be too early to call this definitively, but the White House Press Corps’ breakout star under the week-old Biden Administration appears to be Fox News’ Peter Doocy....As Biden left the dais, Doocy shouted a question, “What did you talk to Vladimir Putin about?”

 Mar-a-Lago members are quitting in droves. Turns out, it’s just not the same if you can't hear the launch codes being shouted over the shrimp buffet. - Stephen Colbert


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Republicans Say It Is Unconstitutional to Hold Officials Accountable Unless They Are Hillary. - Andy Borowitz

Republicans Against Impeachment Propose “Three Coup Attempts, You’re Out” Law. - Andy Borowitz


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Business/Tech News

I'm pitching NPR my new Bible game show "Wait Wait Don't Smite Me." - John Fugelsang


Funny, Joe Scarborough Didn't Mind White, Christian Anti-Abortion Terrorists When He Was Running For Congress. He Even Offered His Services As A Lawyer To Defend One Who Gunned Down An Abortion Doctor. (click here for that 1994 AP article)

Something to look forward to in the coming years: seeing weird billionaires f up space.- Conan O'Brien

The Bernie Mittens Memes Have Come To A Sad End




Tuesday, January 26, 2021

McConnell backs off Senate filibuster fight with Schumer

Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell backed off his demand that Senate Democrats preserve the procedural tool known as the filibuster, easing a standoff with new Majority Leader Chuck Schumer as the two negotiated a power-sharing agreement in the closely divided chamber.

McConnell is suffering from Senate Leadership Withdrawal.

Being in Congress must be the only job in the world where you can encourage a mob to kill your coworkers, in the building where you work, and then just show up to work later that day and act like nothing happened. - Ted tweet


The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Georgia electing Ossoff & Warnock was like watching Atlanta burn down the Confederacy. - John Fugelsang


What Is Going On With Kellyanne Conway and Her Daughter? Geez Louise.

I want Democrats to ram the COVID Relief Bill through like its name was "Amy Coney Barrett" - Dara tweet


Republican Shenanigans

Having Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley on the Senate jury for Trump's impeachment trial is like having the lookout guy and the getaway driver on the jury for the bank robber. - Randi Mayem Singer


Republican Infighting Alert!

Matt Gaetz is what would happen if someone tried to make stupid from concentrate, but forgot to add water. - Middle Age Riot


Biden’s Coronavirus Plan Calls for Americans to Stay Home and Watch Impeachment. - Andy Borowitz


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Business/Tech News

Banks collected more than $30 BILLION in overdraft fees in 2020. Tell me again how the US doesn’t prey on the people who live paycheck to paycheck again. - Kat tweet


Biden Thrills Mother Nature

Noses are red
Fingers are blue
Snow is so deep
I just lost my shoe. - Meanwhile in Canada tweet




Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
A frozen forest in the Finnish lapland. I see snow people dancing.
