Tuesday, December 29, 2020

McConnell blocks Schumer’s bid to unanimously pass $2,000 stimulus checks

...President Trump has pushed for larger stimulus checks after threatening to veto the year-end coronavirus relief and government funding legislation.

We pay Mitch McConnell $16,000 a MONTH.

That's 8 x $2000 a month.....to vote against helping the most needy Americans.


The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Washington caught smallpox as a teen in the house of a wealthy trader in Barbados and it scared him enough to inoculate his entire army.

Since the Brits had more herd immunity, George's faith in science is a big reason we don't have to sing God Save the Queen at ballgames. - Bill Weir, CNN


Vaccine War Brewing?



In 22 days the law applies to the Trump family again. - Bill Maxwell


Republican Shenanigans

All these headlines about how Trump broke Obama's 12-year run as most admired man.

So when you read it was actually only 18% who admired Trump the most, it's more like watching him lose the popular vote for a 3rd time. - John Fugelsang



Judge Reinstates 4,000 Georgia Voters

Trump Accidentally Signs Stimulus Bill After Thinking He Was Pardoning A Serial Killer. - Andy Borowitz



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Nancy Pelosi, who many wanted to be replaced, put the Senate Republicans in a bind. With the Georgia runoff next week, the GOP is up against it.

Well played, Speaker. - T. Biggs tweet

Rock The Voter News
Science has never made me doubt the existence of a loving God, but some Christians have. - John Fugelsang

Lawyers Have Started Their Engines

CDC Reclassifies Majority Of Covid-19 Deaths To Being Personally Murdered By Barack Obama. - The Onion


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Business/Tech News

Worst prediction of 2020: 

Elon Musk: There will be "close to zero" new cases of covid by the end of April. 

Billionaires aren't the answer. - Robert Reich

Boeing Allowed To Fly 737 Max Again. Fingers Crossed.
The first U.S. commercial flight on Boeing's troubled 737 Max jet left Miami for New York's LaGuardia Airport on Tuesday morning, almost two years after the aircraft was grounded worldwide.

I never thought I would see the day when Kentucky was killing Americans and only Georgia could save us. - Mrs. Betty Bowers



Internet problems have not been repaired and my cell phone said it doesn't have a sim card. It does.
Thoughts & Prayers greatly appreciated to help me through these troubled times.

Peace and Holiday Love.

Monday, December 28, 2020

Trump signs COVID-19 relief bill, avoids government shutdown after nearly weeklong delay

Trump signs COVID-19 relief bill, avoids government shutdown after nearly weeklong delay
President Donald Trump has signed a $900 billion pandemic relief package, ending days of drama over his refusal to accept the bipartisan deal that will deliver long-sought cash to businesses and individuals and avert a federal government shutdown.

Mike Pence’s ski passes in Vail, Colorado were more than $600 COVID-19 relief check. - Daniel Uhlfelder


The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Strange how they told us to be afraid of caravans, Muslims, and people of color, but the people doing the most killing and destruction are White extremists. - mmpadellan tweet



Americans Keep Spreading The Virus
Nearly 1.3 million people traveled through American airports Sunday, setting a new pandemic travel record  – despite warnings from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to stay at home to quell coronavirus cases.

During this holiday, I didn't get to visit my folks in Montana like I usually do, or go golfing in Florida, or skiing in Colorado or relax at a resort home in Mexico. But I helped pay for Trump, Pence, and Mnuchin to do so. And it really pisses me off. They couldn't wait 3 weeks? - Michael McFaul


Republican Shenanigans

I know some of you are hurting, in desperate economic straits, suffering from COVID, etc, but no matter how bad it is for you personally, it's  important to remember Melania Trump isn't getting the recognition she deserves from fashion magazines. - Stonekettle


The Danger Of Being A White House Reporter

America is a place where people are infinitely more suspicious about what the $1 they gave to an unhoused person will be used for than they are about the trillion dollars we give to "defense spending" every year. - Maximilian Alverez



2016: Trump cheated and won.
2020: Trump cheated and lost.

Trump's Lack of Empathy Is Still Stunning To This Day


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Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Pelosi on Trump's call to increase stimulus payments: "Let's do it!"

Pelosi on Trump's call to increase stimulus payments: "Let's do it!"
House Democrats responded to President Trump's call to increase stimulus payments to $2,000 per adult by saying they're ready to bring the measure to the floor by "unanimous consent" this week.

That $2,000 won't disappear into thin air.
It will get be put right back into the economy, enabling businesses to stay open and keep their people employed.

Don't Republicans understand how the economy works? - Alex Cole


The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Blackwater "contractors" who murdered 17 Iraqi civilians were pardoned by Trump because of the fact that the far right family of Betsy DeVos is the money behind the founding of this blighted group of killers-for-hire. Disgusting. - Frank Schaeffer 

In 2004, I was decorated for saving the lives of innocent Iraqi civilians. That's right, I put my own career at risk to save Iraqis. Because either we're the good guys or we're not. 

Trump pardoning a bunch of mercenary criminals who murdered civilians is f*cking PERSONAL to me. - Stonekettle

Ooooo, Putin Is Publically Making Trump Very Jealous
President Vladimir Putin signed laws on Tuesday granting former Russian presidents expanded immunity from prosecution and allowing them to become senators for life in the upper house of parliament once they leave the Kremlin.

Donald Trump is set to pardon Betsy DeVos for stealing all those Dalmatians. - Tony Posnanski

Trump & Melania will get on AF1 and head to Mar A Lago today where they will be joined by paying guests and family. We will cover their travel & security costs as they spend a sunny holiday sans masks and oblivious to the suffering of millions. Fleece Navidad. - Noel Casler

When All Is Said And Done, I Hope Every Governor That Encouraged Spreading The Virus Is Brought Up On Criminal Charges

Trump Attempts To Write $400 Million Stimulus Check To Himself. - Andy Borowitz



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Rock The Voter News

Kamala tweeted this last May

Over the next 28 days, Trump is going to do the most perverse things we can't even begin to imagine. - Christopher Bouzy 


Texan Tried To Mess With COVID Relief Because It Expanded Voting
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton asked the Trump administration in the spring to revoke millions of dollars in COVID-19 relief for Harris County, which includes Houston, because the funds were earmarked to expand mail-in voting in the 2020 election.

Florida: Mandatory $500 fine for anyone caught trying to figure out state’s actual death toll numbers.  - The Onion


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Pro tip: the guy who stole money from a charity for children with cancer doesn't give a chicken-fried f*ck if you get a $2,000 check or not. he just likes to blow sh*t up. - Jeff Tiedrich

Trump Kicks Restaurant Servers In Ass One Last Time
One of the final pieces of legislation rolled out by the Trump administration will reportedly allow restaurant bosses to save money by taking tips away from serving staff to help pay cooks and dishwashers in the back. According to Business Insider, the new rule was published Tuesday by the Department of Labor. It would reportedly allow restaurants to pay backroom staff using tips given to front-of-house staff—effectively taking that expense away from business owners and placing it on workers.


Best wishes to all for a joyful and peaceful Christmas.