Monday, December 14, 2020

White House recommended tighter restrictions in Florida: report
The White House coronavirus taskforce recommended that Florida take stricter coronavirus measures earlier this month as cases in the state and across the country climbed, according to a report obtained by the Center for Public Integrity. 

Iraqis Perplexed To See Americans Protest Against Democracy. - Andy Borowitz


The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

While out for my morning walk, a guy flashed by on his bike and yelled: "Trump, Trump! Trump! Get ready for civil war!" Then he swung back to add, "Go back to Maine, you piece of sh*t!" This is political discourse in Trump's America. - Stephen King


Putin Protects Himself From COVID, Unlike Trump.


Well, we did our part, you? - Willie Garson 

Republican Shenanigans

It seems an odd choice to criticize the future First Lady for using her degree when the current First Lady lied about having one. - Mrs. Betty Bowers


Her name is Dr. Jill Biden. Get used to it. - Hillary Clinton



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At what point do we as a society begin to consider the GOP as a national security threat? - Russell the Texan tweet


Rock The Voter News

If we had known how many times Biden would win this election we could have made it a drinking game. - Asha Rangappa


DeSantis Needs To Be Dethroned
Pointing to what they called “baseless” legal arguments, lawyers for Gov. Ron DeSantis have urged an appeals court to sanction a Northwest Florida attorney who filed a lawsuit to try to force DeSantis to close beaches to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

I didn't vote for a Democrat over a Republican this year, or for a liberal over a conservative.

I voted for an empath over a psychopath. - George Conway



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Business/Tech News

Meanwhile, the coup coup clock in the White House keeps on ticking. - Dan Rather


Naw, I'll Pass On The Holiday Raw Meat, Thank You Very Much.


It is AHNC's 20th Birthday

Twenty years ago today I was watching C-SPAN, whose guest was former Texas Governor Ann Richards. She was asked to describe George W. Bush. Her response named my website the instant I heard her utter: Why, he's All Hat No Cattle.

I literally ran to my computer to see if the domain name was available. was taken but  dot net was available. I now own both domains.

And here we are twenty years later with another election screwed with by the Republicans.

Lest we never forget the great 40,000 voter purge of mostly Black Floridians by Jeb Bush prior to the 2000 election. Thousands were turned away at the polls.

And never forget how Jeb broke his oath as governor to uphold the laws of the great state of Florida and went to the Supreme Court of the United States, to stop the vote recount the Florida court ordered. States' rights, my foot.

Jeb paved the way for Trump by validating the crazy Christian right and supporting their quest for control of Florida politics. Well, how did that work out? Current Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is a mini-Trump causing thousands of Floridians and countless tourists to die.

I love Florida, I grew up in Fort Lauderdale and was educated in a beautiful environment we respected. And now it is a cesspool of crazy conservatives spreading a deadly virus.

Hold every damn one of them accountable. There are Federal and State laws against endangering the public. It's called negligent homicide

They just need to be enforced.

Enter stage left: Joe Biden.

Exit stage right: Every Republican who did not follow the CDC's virus guidelines in handcuffs.

It's really that easy.

Thank you for the past twenty years, I could not have done it without you.

Peace and love and thank you for a fabulous twenty years.

Friday, December 11, 2020

106 House Republicans back Texas challenge of election results at Supreme Court

106 House Republicans back Texas challenge of election results at Supreme Court
A Republican congressional ally of President Trump solicited more than 100 of his fellow GOP lawmakers to sign on to a brief with the Supreme Court in support of a long-shot lawsuit filed by Texas seeking to delay certification of presidential electors in four battleground states won by President-elect Joe Biden.

Trump Seeks To Influence Brett Kavanaugh’s Vote By Sending Him Keg. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Just a thought but if your brand is being “pro-life” you should probably stop executing people. - OhNoSheTwitnt


I Hope We Hear The Click Of Handcuffs Soon
While most of the last month has centered on President Donald Trump’s legal challenges of the 2020 election, the New York Times reported Friday on Trump’s potential legal jeopardy. The Manhattan District Attorney’s Office is reportedly “significantly escalating” its criminal investigation into the president and his private business, having recently interviewed both Deutsche Bank employees and employees with insurance broker Aon.

President Email Lady wouldn't be putting America through any of this bullsh*t, just saying. - Jeff Tiedrich


Republican Shenanigans

I don’t want retribution. I don’t hunger for blood. I want the corrupt and criminal to be held accountable. I yearn for justice. - Steven Beschloss


Republican 2Fer: Racism & Misogyny 
Sen. Mike Lee blocked bipartisan legislation Thursday that would establish national museums dedicated to the histories of Latino Americans and American women, arguing the museums would create further division.

Wonder how many prisoners he's going to have to execute to make himself feel better about that Time Magazine cover? - Stonekettle tweet



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The "you lost, get over it" crowd from 2016 is teaching a master class in losing and not getting over it. - Jeff Tiedrich

Rock The Voter News

Melania Thrilled This Is Last Time She Has To Do Damn Tree. - Andy Borowitz

49% of The USA Is Nuts
President Trump's job approval is holding steady at 49 percent, a new Hill-HarrisX poll finds.


The Democrats should impeach him again as a going away/Christmas present. - Hamish Mitchell


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You’ve heard of the elf on the shelf, now get ready for goose on the moose.

Peace and love.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Starbucks joins McDonald's and Walmart in calling for Congress to pass stimulus package

Starbucks joins McDonald's and Walmart in calling for Congress to pass stimulus package
Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson is calling for a new stimulus package to save small businesses - including independent coffee shops across America. 
"We need Congress to take action," Johnson said at Starbucks' investor day on Wednesday. 

In four years, in the 2024 campaign, Republicans will be blaming Joe Biden for the money it cost to fix Trump's recession. - JRehling

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

South Dakota Unveils New ‘Come Die Here’ Tourism Campaign. - The Onion

Where's Melania's #BeBest Anti-Bullying Campaign When It's Needed?
President Donald Trump warned Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr not to rally other Republican officials against a long-shot Texas lawsuit...

Republican Shenanigans

Bill Barr’s daughter works at Treasury to protect Trump’s tax returns, and loans at Deutsche Bank.

Rudy Giuliani’s son gets $90,700 to be WH sports liaison with no experience.

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner used the WH as $413 million bonanza.

It was never about Hunter Biden. - Andrea Junker


Please, NO MORE Dr. Birx! Please!
Like her coronavirus task force colleague Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Deborah Birx wants to continue fighting the pandemic after President-elect Joe Biden is sworn into office in January. But unlike Fauci, Birx has not yet been offered a spot in the next administration, and it’s unclear that she ever will be.

It’s impossible to escape the fact the GOP no longer supports democracy. At every level they are supporting nullifying a free and fair election. They are not sliding toward fascism, they’re already there. - Joe Lockhart


Apparently no one in Trump's orbit is willing to tell him he lost to his face. I will do it for free. Hell I will pay to do it. - Sarah Cooper


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Rock The Voter News

I see your Hunter and raise you Ivanka and Jared. - Andy Borowitz


This Sounds Serious. Maybe A Family Intervention Is Needed?
Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s (D-CA) memory is reportedly slipping, with one former Senate aide calling it a “disaster.”

We've recounted Presidential votes a bunch of times.  I'd like to see a recount of Senate votes in Kentucky & South Carolina. - Steve Hertzfeld 



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Facebook Announces Plan To Break Up U.S. Government Before It Becomes Too Powerful. - The Onion


Business/Tech News


Gosh, Trump didn’t make this much of a fuss the six times he declared bankruptcy. - Andy Borowitz



Republicans have never cared about states' rights for elections. In 2000 Jeb Bush stepped over his own Florida Supreme Court and went straight to the US Supreme Court to stop the vote counting. 

It was a power grab then and it is a power grab now.

That's why I started AllHatNoCattle on December 14, 2000, because I wanted every vote to be counted.

And here we are back at square one almost 20 years later.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
The world's tallest palm trees are in the Valle de Cocora, near Salento, in Colombia. I'd definitely watch out for falling coconuts.
