Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Happy Transition Tuesday!

The General Services Administration has informed President-elect Joe Biden that the Trump administration is ready to begin the formal...

The end of the Trump presidency: Not with a bang but with a desperate attempt at a prosecution avoiding whimper. - Rob Reiner


The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

The five stages of grief: Denial, Boasting, Anger, Tantrum, Attempted Coup. - Tea Party Cat


Roger Stone Wants Republicans To Lose Georgia Senate Seats. What Planet Am I On?
Conservative operatives and a super PAC with ties to infamous GOP dirty trickster Roger Stone are calling for Trump supporters to punish Republicans by sitting out Georgia’s crucial Senate runoffs or writing in Trump’s name instead. And though their efforts remain on the party’s fringes, the trajectory of the movement has Republicans fearful that it could cost the GOP control of the Senate.

Republican Shenanigans

"Trump in 2024" is another way of saying "Believe it or not, Republicans don't have anyone better." - Middle Age Riot


The Republican Party “put a Grubhub order in for chaos, and that’s exactly what they got delivered.” 

Do Trump supporters who donate to  his “legal” fund, ever question why a “billionaire” needs help paying for lawyers??? - Irishrygirl



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Man, I hope Barack Obama wears a tan suit to Joe Biden’s inauguration. - jojofromjerz tweet


Rock The Voter News

Trump Determined To Leave A Legacy Of Cruelty
President Trump is making sure to wreak as much havoc on Social Security as he can in the final months of his term. In August, he unilaterally deferred workers’ share of payroll taxes, pledging to “terminate” Social Security’s main funding source if re-elected. Now, in the wake of Joe Biden’s victory, the Trump administration is trying to make it harder for workers with disabilities to collect Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI).  

Biden Sends Trump 2nd Place Trophy.  - Andy Borowitz 


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Biden, Blinken, Yellen — what is this, a gerundocracy? - AJBauer tweet

Business/Tech News

McDonalds Rejects Kushner’s Job Application. - Andy Borowitz

Secret Service To Transfer Agents To Florida

I don't know about you guys, but I don't want to "unite" with the people who kidnap and jail children, ban Muslims, discriminate against transgender troops, and are committing criminally negligent homicide--or their supporters. I want them held accountable. That would unite us. - Mary L. Trump




Monday, November 23, 2020

The President Is Hosting A Super Spreader Event Thanksgiving Day

The White House plans to hold an indoor holiday reception next week just days after Thanksgiving despite ongoing COVID-19 outbreaks at the compound, and against the advice of

Time to play America's favorite game, What Stupid Bullsh*t Are These Morons Going To Try Today. - Jeff Tiedrich


The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

If you think this is all insane, just remember it's only going to get worse.  Because he's going to get worse.  He can't change the result, but he's going to get wilder as he becomes increasingly more desperate. - George Conway


My Gawd, Imagine Breathing In This Guy's Spittle!
A man seen forcefully exhaling on two women outside President Donald Trump's Virginia golf course has been charged with assault.

You eat sausages your whole life but you refuse vaccine because you don’t know what’s in it. - Julian Popov


Republican Shenanigans

The masked shall inherit the earth. - TheTweetOfGod


Guys, trump supporters are threatening to not vote in the Senate runoffs in Georgia because it is rigged.

I don't know about you but I would feel totally owned if they do that. - Covie tweet



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You'd think right-wing Christians would notice if a plague affected both Trump & Giuliani's first-born sons. - John Fugelsang


The work we began with the Paris Agreement is far from done. I'm returning to government to get America back on track to address the biggest challenge of this generation and those that will follow. The climate crisis demands nothing less than all hands on deck. - John Kerry


Where In The World Does Trump Get These Cheesy Attorneys?
The attorney leading President Donald Trump’s recount effort in Wisconsin voted illegally according to his own legal argument that in-person absentee ballots should be thrown out. So did his wife.

I'm not worried about a second lockdown, because I already know all the best places in my house to cry. - Conan O'Brien



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Remember a few weeks ago when we were like oh my God how can so many people vote for Trump, and now we’re like oh my God how can so many people threaten to burn this country down for Trump. - Sarah Cooper


Business/Tech News

I support a peaceful transition to prison. - Andy Borowitz


At The Rate The U.S. Is Going, We're Diving Into The Great Virus Abyss.

Soon we’ll have a real president who cares that over 250k Americans have died and over 12 million have been infected by the coronavirus. Not only care, but actually put in place a national strategy to save lives rather than engage in what amounts to negligent homicide. - Steven Beschloss 



Where were you when President Kennedy was assassinated?

I'll go first.

I was 14 and in the ninth grade in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, headed to my Latin class when a student ran by shouting that the president was shot and is dead. He just kept repeating that over and over. I ran to my Latin class and my teacher, Sister Anne, looked at me directly in the eyes and nodded yes. Her eyes were filled with tears. I sat down at the nearest desk, crumbled is more descriptive. The principal came over the loudspeaker and we listened to a radio report for several minutes. We said a prayer and were told to go home. 

My father died the year before. I felt so lost.

But they both inspired my politics to this very day.



Friday, November 20, 2020

Ivanka Trump Lashes Out at Reports of NY Fraud Investigation: 'This is Harassment Pure and Simple'

Ivanka Trump Lashes Out at Reports of NY Fraud Investigation: 'This is Harassment Pure and Simple'
Ivanka Trump has found herself in the middle of two possible New York State fraud investigations, and unlike the several allegations that have come before, she has taken the time to respond to these.

I wonder if her orange jumpsuit complete with inmate number will be a best-selling Halloween costume. - B2 tweet

The Gang That Couldn’t Coup Straight. - Edel Rodriguez



The Conspiracy Theories Are Morphing Into Further Absurdity, If That Is Possible?
White House trade advisor Peter Navarro went full tinfoil hat in an interview on Eric Bolling’s show, America This Week, making several bizarre, baseless accusations, among them that China had sent “hundreds of thousands of Chinese nationals” around the world to “seed” the virus into a pandemic.

‘Your Honor, I’m Ready To Present,’ Says Giuliani Pulling Rotted Melon, Stray Cat Out Of Old Burlap Sack. - The Onion


Republican Shenanigans

I’m not thanking Republicans for sh*t at this point. I’m done praising them for doing the bare f*cking minimum after what they’ve put us through. - Sarah Cooper



Reporters Furious At Pence Coronavirus Briefing

When they go low, they go really freaking low. - JRehling



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The definition of insanity is counting the same votes over and over and expecting a different result. - Middle Age Riot


Rock The Voter News

Giuliani Shipped To Madame Tussaud’s For Repainting. - Andy Borowitz


Happy Birthday, Joe, AND MANY MORE
Joe Biden is celebrating his 78th birthday on Friday, making him the oldest president-elect in U.S. history.


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Joe Biden every time he wins Georgia

FDA Delays Emergency Vaccine Approval Until They Finish Evaluating New Bagged Salad Kit. - The Onion

The polite tradition of not prosecuting ex-Presidents has outlived its usefulness. - Andy Borowitz