Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Happy Impeachment Trial Day

Senate impeachment trial kicks off with revised rules giving three days to each side for opening arguments
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell changed the resolution laying out the rules of President Donald Trump's impeachment trial shortly before it began on Tuesday amid concerns from some key Senate Republicans and an uproar from Democrats.
The new resolution will give the House impeachment managers and the President's team three days each to make their 24 hours of trial arguments, instead of two as McConnell had initially proposed.

McConnell Approves Plan To Send John Bolton on Carnival Cruise. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

GOP: investigate it for a hundred years!
GOP: hearings until we’re dead!
GOP: wrap it up I have a tee time. - Jake Maccoby

More Cyber Intrigue
Documents suggest Trump's pick for Navy Secretary, Ambassador Kenneth Braithwaite, may have had an undisclosed business relationship with Cambridge Analytica before his 2017 Senate confirmation.

Republican Shenanigans

do fair trials generally take place in the middle of the night?do innocent people generally block every witness from testifying?asking for 65 million friends. - Jeff Tiedrich

Let Us Bow Our Heads In Prayer For The Departure of the Rule of Law
U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials at Logan International Airport denied entry to an Iranian national who was set to study economics this spring at Northeastern University. Despite a federal court order to delay the man's removal, CBP placed him on a plane Monday night.

Call your Senator, they said.
Moscow Marco or Soviet Scott? I asked.
Life in Occupied Florida. - Leslie tweet

Thousands of armed white men took to the streets on a holiday commemorating a black civil rights leader who championed nonviolent protest because that's how racism works. - Middle Age Riot


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The rules Sen. McConnell has proposed for the president's impeachment trial are the equivalent of a head juror colluding with the defendant to cover up a crime.
Call your senators and urge them to push for witnesses and evidence, not a cover-up. - Hillary Clinton

Rock The Voter News

Sanders Apologizes to Biden. But Not To Warren, Harris or Hillary.
Senator Bernie Sanders apologized to former Vice President Joe Biden on Monday for an op-ed written by one of his campaign surrogates that claimed Biden has a "big corruption problem."
"It is absolutely not my view that Joe is corrupt in any way. And I'm sorry that that op-ed appeared," Sanders told CBS News.

You might be a Republican if the thing you're most afraid of is a fair trial. - Middle Age Riot


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Business/Tech News

Susan Collins Takes Hours to Decide on Lunch Before Ordering Exactly What Mitch McConnell Is Having. - Andy Borowitz

Treasury Threatens Tariffs!
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin warned the United Kingdom and Italy that they will face tariffs if they move forward with digital taxes, The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday. 

If a 747 can carry the space shuttle. 
I’m calling bs on overweight luggage fees


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Odd News

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'I don't use drugs, my dreams are frightening enough.'
- M.C. Escher (1898-1972)


Monday, January 20, 2020

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day and Happy Impeachment Trial Eve!

Sides agree on high stakes of Trump impeachment
Warnings of danger abound in Washington as the nation prepares for the first impeachment trial since the one Bill Clinton faced — and survived — 21 years ago.

Are we watching The Apprentice or The Sopranos? 
It’s getting harder to tell lately. - Elle DeSylva

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Kellyanne Conway observed MLK Day by claiming that Martin Luther King Jr. would have opposed impeaching Donald Trump.
In case there was any doubt, shamelessness is the first and only qualification for working in the Trump administration. - Middle Age Riot

I Don't Want To See The Nude Kompromat of Dershowitz That Putin Must Have On This Putz
Harvard law professor and newly-minted member of the Trump legal defense team was making a notably different argument about impeachment and abuse of power during the last impeachment of a president.
According to CNN archival video unearthed by investigative reporter Andrew Kaczynski, Dershowitz told then-host Larry King that impeachment “certainly doesn’t have to be a crime if you have somebody who completely corrupts the office of president and who abuses trust and who poses great danger to our liberty, you don’t need a technical crime.”

Vladimir Putin Added To Trump Defense Team. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Never forget, 4 years ago today Donald Trump spoke at Liberty University, founded by a segregationist who built whites-only schools and who defended apartheid. - John Fugelsang

‘Pretty nervy of you!’: Trump’s Palm Beach billionaire spat
Whether in the privacy of his clubs or out on the campaign trail, the president can’t help but hold onto a grudge.

Rare Photo Emerges of Trump Without Lev Parnas. - Andy Borowitz


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Rock The Voter News

Trump Rounds Out Jeffrey Epstein Legal Team By Naming Prince Andrew as Character Witness. - Andy Borowitz


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Business/Tech News

The 26 richest people on Earth now own as much as the 3.8 billion who form the poorer *half* of the planet’s population.
Again, 26 people own as much as 3.8 billion people. 
26 v. 3,800,000,00 - Robert Reich

Don't worry, we're your friends.

Artificial Intelligence Needs Regulation. Duh.
Alphabet and Google CEO Sundar Pichai called today for artificial intelligence to be regulated.
"There is no question in my mind that artificial intelligence needs to be regulated. The question is how best to approach this," the tech giant's chief executive said at a conference in Brussels.



Odd News

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Pure love captured on film.


Friday, January 17, 2020

Parnas claims ex-Trump attorney visited him in jail, asked him to sacrifice himself for president

Parnas claims ex-Trump attorney visited him in jail, asked him to sacrifice himself for president
Lev Parnas claimed in a new interview Thursday that he was visited in jail by a former attorney for President Trump who told him to cooperate and sacrifice himself for the president.

Parnas worked for Fred Trump in the 1980s'---IMPOTUS knows him very well

Lev Parnas is spilling his guts on national TV because he doesn’t want to be “Jeffrey Epsteined” in his prison cell one night. - Jon Cooper

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Attorney General Barr must testify before Congress about what he knew and when he knew it. Under oath. - Sen. Kamala Harris

One Day Some General Is Going To Sucker Punch Trump
'Dopes and babies!’ Trump unleashes expletive-filled rant at military leaders after growing bored in Pentagon meeting: report

I’ve seen more pictures of Trump & Parnas together than I’ve seen with Trump & Tiffany together. - The USA Singers tweet

Republican Shenanigans

Speaker Pelosi just one-upped Watergate: “This is all the president’s henchmen . . . “ - Glenn Kirschner 

80% of Black Americans Think Trump Is A Racist
More than 8 in 10 black Americans believe President Trump is a racist and say the president has made racism a bigger issue in the country, according to a new Washington Post–Ipsos poll published Friday.

Holy crap. Literally EVERYONE is implicated. Lindsey Graham, Rick Perry, Donald Trump, Rudy, Kevin McCarthy, Devin Nunes, Jay Sekulow, Mike Pence, Bill Barr. The list just keeps growing. Please oh please, do Mitch McConnell next!!  - Lisa Marie Akin


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Rock The Voter News

If they could lie and "Swiftboat" Kerry, why don't we have a PAC running commercials featuring contractors, most demographically similar to Trump's base, honestly detailing the hardships they went through when Trump stiffed them?

Are we just not as good at politics? - Fred Harding tweet

Ken Starr and Alan Dershowitz were members of the Epstein defense team. Trump just hired them.
President Trump’s impeachment defense team for his upcoming Senate trial will include Alan Dershowitz and Ken Starr, sources confirmed to The Hill on Friday.
Starr worked as independent counsel investigating former President Bill Clinton on allegations that ultimately led to his impeachment. Dershowitz, a Harvard law professor who opposed Clinton’s impeachment, has defended clients such as Jeffrey Epstein and O.J. Simpson.

Trump's Legal "Dream Team"
Bondi - took an illegal bribe from Trump
Starr - resigned from Baylor in disgrace after a sexual abuse cover-up
Dershowitz - accused sexual predator and child molester
Sekulow - Conspired with Cohen to lie to Congress and stole from his charity. - Wil Donnelly


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Business/Tech News

Dear #MAGA Supporters,
FUN FACT: The 'stock market' is not the same as the 'economy,' and it's only going up because your wages aren't.
— Everyone

The mouse has officially killed the fox.
In a move at once unsurprising and highly symbolic, the Walt Disney Company is dropping the “Fox” brand from the 21st Century Fox assets it acquired last March, Variety has learned. The 20th Century Fox film studio will become 20th Century Studios, and Fox Searchlight Pictures will become simply Searchlight Pictures.

“Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.” - Benjamin Franklin, born on this day in 1706


I need to put food on my family.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Just minding your business taking a selfie when you get photobombed by a Kea Parrot in New Zealand.
