Thursday, October 17, 2019

You'll all be under arrest soon, fellas!

Pelosi has last laugh after Trump posts pics of contentious meeting
President Donald Trump went on a Twitter tirade late Wednesday, tweeting photos of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that were taken during a contentious White House meeting that saw top Democrats eventually walk out on the president

What I noticed about that conference table pic? Only one woman in the room, and not a single person of color. If I want to look at an old white guy, I’ll use the bathroom mirror. - Stephen King

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

The ceasefire deal "sounds like very good news for President Erdogan," veteran British peace negotiator Jonathan Powell tells me.
"What the Americans have actually done is facilitated the surrender of the allies, the Kurds."
"It does sound a pretty one-sided agreement.” - Christiane Amanpour

Vice President Putz just announced the biggest load of bullsh-t I’ve ever heard.
Claims Turkey agreed to a ceasefire.
Then explains it is an 120-hour break to allow Kurdish forces to flee the area Turkey just invaded.
This is a f-cking joke. - The Hoarse Whisperer

Putin Is Laughing and Laughing and...
The Kremlin twists the knife on collapse of US/Turkey relationship, mocks Trump/Erdogan "letter".
Kremlin spokesman Peskov:  “You don’t often encounter such language in correspondence between heads of state. It’s a highly unusual letter,”

On Nightline, a heartbroken and betrayed Kurdish soldier said...Forever, we will never forgive the USA.  He said their children will learn, and their grandchildren will be taught...the USA cannot be trusted.

Republican Shenanigans

So does the G7 meeting in 2020 still have to be held at a Trump property if Trump is behind bars? - George Takei

Here's a link for G7 members 👉 15 Closest Hotels to Trump National Doral Golf Course 

"Leningrad" Lindsey Graham is currently reaping what he sowed.- Stephen King

Another Shady Con Man Appointed
President Trump’s new pick for the Commission on Presidential Scholars "is a prolific author of self-help Illuminati books whose education company has been accused of handing out certificates to undeserving applicants.”

Mick Mulvaney is going to be quite the hoofer on Dancing with the Stars next year. -  - Roland Scahill

The Nationals better get Nancy Pelosi to throw out the first pitch at the World Series. - Roland Scahill


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Donald Trump, you want to talk about corruption? I’ve released 21 years of my tax returns — release yours or shut up. - Joe Biden

Rock The Voter News

"So-called military genius Jim Mattis went to Vietnam and almost got his ass shot off," Trump said. "I used my brilliant military strategy and stayed on Long Island." - Andy Borowitz

RIP Rep. Elijah E. Cummings
Maryland Rep. Elijah E. Cummings, a sharecropper's son who rose to become a civil rights champion and the chairman of one of the U.S. House committees leading an impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump, died Thursday of complications from longstanding health problems. He was 68.


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Business/Tech News

Trump foreign policy will be known in the future as the Asshole Doctrine. - Stephen King

And He Said This With a Straight Face
The Trump Organization has been criticized for stiffing contractors. Contractors have filed hundreds of complaints, which date back to the 1980s, alleging that the real estate company did not pay them.
“We believe in paying people when they do great jobs. And we get people paid incredibly quickly. And we pay contractors,” said Eric Trump, executive vice president of The Trump Organization at Yahoo Finance’s All Market Summit, adding that the organization only refuses to pay contractors who fail to complete a job.

"Most people who are hating on you, they are not worried about where you are. They're worried about where you're going." - Elijah Cummings


Is anyone out there?


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Mr. Frog says, "Don't turn on the windshield wipers."


Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Pompeo and Pence will meet with Erdogan after Turkish leader backs off refusal

Pompeo and Pence will meet with Erdogan after Turkish leader backs off refusal
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Wednesday that he and Vice President Mike Pence will meet with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Ankara despite the foreign leader earlier saying he would not attend.
“At this point, the vice president and I are planning to take off later this afternoon,” Pompeo said. “And we have every expectation that we will meet with President Erdogan.

Mike Pence: “I’m here for my meeting with President Erdogan.”

Receptionist: “I don’t see anything on his calendar.”

Pence: “Did you check ‘Pounce’. It might be under ‘Mike Pounce’.”

Receptionist: “I’m sorry, Mr. Pants. I don’t see anything.” - The Hoarse Whisperer

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

It's absurd. This president is caging kids at the border and letting ISIS terrorists run free. - Julian Castro

More Obstruction of Justice! I Hope the Sergeant-at-arms Has Plenty of Handcuffs!
Defense Sec. Esper will not comply with a subpoena from House Democrats related to their impeachment inquiry, according to a letter sent Tuesday from the Department of Defense.

𝅘𝅥𝅮 Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
When they come for you 

At some point, Mike Pence is going to split open and nothing but a stack of old bibles will spill out. - The Hoarse Whisperer

Republican Shenanigans

Trump's daughter works at the WH
Her husband works at the WH
Rudy's son works at the WH
Barr's son in law works at the WH
Barr's daughter works at Treasury
Trumps sons do foreign business
His daughter is getting Chinese patents and Saudi grants
But sure let's talk about Biden -
Barbara Marshall

Lay Low or You'll Swim With The Fishes
State Department official George Kent told lawmakers in a closed-door deposition Tuesday that acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney appointed three other Trump administration officials to spearhead the president's efforts in Ukraine...Kent also testified that after the May 23 meeting, he was told to “lay low” by a superior when he raised concerns about Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, who was working to pressure the Ukrainian government to investigate Hunter Biden, the son of former Vice President Joe Biden.

Trump Picks El Chapo to Run the D.E.A. - Andy Borowitz

Trump: “our relationship with Italy goes back thousands of years”. (yes he said that)


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Rock The Voter News

Debate: What debate? After 3 years of Trump's cruelty, crudity, stupidity, and schoolyard taunts, any one of these intelligent, caring people would be like aloe vera on a bad sunburn. - Stephen King

Donald Dons Tin Foil Distraction Hat
Donald Trump on Wednesday accused Barack Obama of interfering in the 2016 election as he demanded to see the Democrats' hacked email server and claimed this is what Rudy Giuliani was working on with the Ukraine.

Amazing. Trump is now using the playbook he uses when one of his sexual assault victims comes forward. - Josh Marshall


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Trump Supporter Comes Away From Democratic Debate With Pretty Clear Idea Of Which Candidate He’s Going To Kill. - The Onion

Business/Tech News

Imagine a White House so toxic and out of control that blood-spattered lunatic John Bolton is the adult in the room. we are so fuuuuuuucked. - Jeff Tiedrich

Trump Takes Out Anger On Alaska's Protected Trees
The Trump administration on Tuesday took a significant step toward opening the world’s largest intact temperate rainforest to logging and other potential extractive development.
The U.S. Forest Service issued a draft environmental impact statement aimed at cementing President Donald Trump’s push to exempt Alaska’s Tongass National Forest from the so-called “roadless rule.” Signed in 2001 by President Bill Clinton, the conservation rule prohibits building roads and harvesting timber on 58.5 million acres of national forest lands, including 9.2 million acres of Tongass.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The skeleton of a stingray. It looks like a hat to me.


Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Lara Trump has her "let them eat cake" moment

Lara Trump Defends Trump on Syria By Claiming ‘The Average American’ Doesn’t Even Know Who the Kurds Are
First Daughter-in-Law and senior Trump campaign adviser Lara Trump added another offensive defense of President Donald Trump’s decision to abandon the United States’ Kurdish allies in Syria to the pile by claiming that the “average American” doesn’t even know who they are.

Donald Trump screaming and crying and swearing while being dragged out the White House by federal agents will make an awesome ringtone. - Middle Age Riot

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Democrats: "Who's the lawbreaker?"

Republicans: "Who's the tattletale?" - Middle Age Riot

How Many More Dots Need To Be Connected Before the Handcuffs are Clicked Closed?
President Donald Trump’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, was paid $500,000 for work he did for a company co-founded by the Ukrainian-American businessman arrested last week on campaign finance charges, Giuliani told Reuters on Monday.

Let’s keep it simple: 

The president’s personal lawyer was paid by crooked businessmen from a foreign country, and then the president gave him authority over American policy toward that country.

This is precisely what the founders meant by “high crimes and misdemeanors.” - Christian Vanderbrouk

At this very moment Russian soldiers are occupying an American base in Syria that Trump abandoned. Don’t ever say again that Republicans won the Cold War. - TDP tweet

Republican Shenanigans

Pompeo believes in the rapture. Can I have his stuff when he's raptured?
A recent speech about “Being a Christian Leader” by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was promoted on the State Department’s homepage Monday, and has been met with criticism that it potentially violates the principle of separation of church and state enshrined in the Establishment Clause of the Constitution.

Let’s not forget that Attorney General Bob Barr went on a Christian warrior rant this weekend that absolutely should have ended his career on the spot. - John R. Stanton


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Where are they now?

Saw the ugly video of Trump, made by his fans. But really? Nobody believes Trump could take down a church full of people when we’ve all seen him physically & mentally defeated by a single umbrella. - Bette Midler

I think that's a guy.

Rock The Voter News

Hey guys remember when our president dragged his failed-handbag-plagiarizing bubblehead daughter to the G20 summit and world leaders were smirking and rolling their eyes as she yammered away about sh-t she knew nothing about? yeah now tell me more about Hunter Biden and nepotism. - Jeff Tiedrich

I Would Have Cried.
"I don’t know why, but I want to cry,” whispers one of the photographer’s assistants as Hillary Clinton and Chelsea Clinton leave the studio after having their portraits taken. “That – she – is what we could have had.”

John Bolton: “I am not part of whatever drug deal Giuliani and Mulvaney are cooking up.”

Whatever is going on, I bet George Soros and Hillary are involved. - Steve Redmond

The World Has Gone Macabre Crazy
When 69-year-old Marietta Jinde died in September 2016, police had already been called to her home several times because of reports of possible abuse. A detective described conditions at the woman’s home in Gardena as “horrendous.”
She was so emaciated and frail that the hospital asked Los Angeles County adult protective services officials to look into her death.
Yet by the time a coroner’s investigator was able to examine Jinde’s 70-pound body, the bones from her legs and arms were gone. Also missing were large patches of skin from her back. With permission from county officials and saying they did not know of the abuse allegations, employees from OneLegacy, a Southern California human tissue procurement company, had gained access to the body, taking parts that could have provided crucial evidence.

The fact that the Democrats aren't on the air and in digital hammering the living f-ck out of Donald Trump right now with paid advertising boggles my goddamn mind. - Rick Wilson


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Business/Tech News

Encouraged Marine Biologists Project Oceans Will Be Nice, Simmering Seafood Bisque By 2040. - The Onion

VW Rethinking Turkey Plant
Volkswagen has paused a planned $1.4 billion investment in Turkey as a result of the country's military offensive in Syria.
The world's largest carmaker, which operates 122 production plants around the world, had been preparing to take a final decision on a factory planned for Turkey's western Manisa province.

So sick of the "Who wore it best?" feature in women's magazines. Stop pitting us against each other! If you didn't put it on backwards & your tit didn't pop out, you wore it just fine. - Bette Midler



Odd News

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You're never too young to learn.
