Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Lara Trump has her "let them eat cake" moment

Lara Trump Defends Trump on Syria By Claiming ‘The Average American’ Doesn’t Even Know Who the Kurds Are
First Daughter-in-Law and senior Trump campaign adviser Lara Trump added another offensive defense of President Donald Trump’s decision to abandon the United States’ Kurdish allies in Syria to the pile by claiming that the “average American” doesn’t even know who they are.

Donald Trump screaming and crying and swearing while being dragged out the White House by federal agents will make an awesome ringtone. - Middle Age Riot

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Democrats: "Who's the lawbreaker?"

Republicans: "Who's the tattletale?" - Middle Age Riot

How Many More Dots Need To Be Connected Before the Handcuffs are Clicked Closed?
President Donald Trump’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, was paid $500,000 for work he did for a company co-founded by the Ukrainian-American businessman arrested last week on campaign finance charges, Giuliani told Reuters on Monday.

Let’s keep it simple: 

The president’s personal lawyer was paid by crooked businessmen from a foreign country, and then the president gave him authority over American policy toward that country.

This is precisely what the founders meant by “high crimes and misdemeanors.” - Christian Vanderbrouk

At this very moment Russian soldiers are occupying an American base in Syria that Trump abandoned. Don’t ever say again that Republicans won the Cold War. - TDP tweet

Republican Shenanigans

Pompeo believes in the rapture. Can I have his stuff when he's raptured?
A recent speech about “Being a Christian Leader” by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was promoted on the State Department’s homepage Monday, and has been met with criticism that it potentially violates the principle of separation of church and state enshrined in the Establishment Clause of the Constitution.

Let’s not forget that Attorney General Bob Barr went on a Christian warrior rant this weekend that absolutely should have ended his career on the spot. - John R. Stanton


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Where are they now?

Saw the ugly video of Trump, made by his fans. But really? Nobody believes Trump could take down a church full of people when we’ve all seen him physically & mentally defeated by a single umbrella. - Bette Midler

I think that's a guy.

Rock The Voter News

Hey guys remember when our president dragged his failed-handbag-plagiarizing bubblehead daughter to the G20 summit and world leaders were smirking and rolling their eyes as she yammered away about sh-t she knew nothing about? yeah now tell me more about Hunter Biden and nepotism. - Jeff Tiedrich

I Would Have Cried.
"I don’t know why, but I want to cry,” whispers one of the photographer’s assistants as Hillary Clinton and Chelsea Clinton leave the studio after having their portraits taken. “That – she – is what we could have had.”

John Bolton: “I am not part of whatever drug deal Giuliani and Mulvaney are cooking up.”

Whatever is going on, I bet George Soros and Hillary are involved. - Steve Redmond

The World Has Gone Macabre Crazy
When 69-year-old Marietta Jinde died in September 2016, police had already been called to her home several times because of reports of possible abuse. A detective described conditions at the woman’s home in Gardena as “horrendous.”
She was so emaciated and frail that the hospital asked Los Angeles County adult protective services officials to look into her death.
Yet by the time a coroner’s investigator was able to examine Jinde’s 70-pound body, the bones from her legs and arms were gone. Also missing were large patches of skin from her back. With permission from county officials and saying they did not know of the abuse allegations, employees from OneLegacy, a Southern California human tissue procurement company, had gained access to the body, taking parts that could have provided crucial evidence.

The fact that the Democrats aren't on the air and in digital hammering the living f-ck out of Donald Trump right now with paid advertising boggles my goddamn mind. - Rick Wilson


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Business/Tech News

Encouraged Marine Biologists Project Oceans Will Be Nice, Simmering Seafood Bisque By 2040. - The Onion

VW Rethinking Turkey Plant
Volkswagen has paused a planned $1.4 billion investment in Turkey as a result of the country's military offensive in Syria.
The world's largest carmaker, which operates 122 production plants around the world, had been preparing to take a final decision on a factory planned for Turkey's western Manisa province.

So sick of the "Who wore it best?" feature in women's magazines. Stop pitting us against each other! If you didn't put it on backwards & your tit didn't pop out, you wore it just fine. - Bette Midler



Odd News

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You're never too young to learn.


Monday, October 14, 2019

Kurds look to Syria for protection after U.S. pullout

Kurds look to Syria for protection after U.S. pullout
Syria’s Kurds said Syrian government forces agreed Sunday to help them fend off Turkey’s invasion — a major shift in alliances that came after President Donald Trump ordered all U.S. troops withdrawn from the northern border area amid the rapidly deepening chaos.

In one swift move Donald Trump has just un-defeated ISIS. - Ed Solomon

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Turks blew up a nine year old girl, blowing off her legs. Trump gave the green light for this.
67% of evangelicals support him. 
Seriously, you sons of bitches? Hating gays is worth the murder of children?
We are all learning where we would have lined up in Nazi Germany. - Kurt Eichenwald 

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin on Turkey: "We've put them on warning. The president has authorized me to effectively shut down the entire Turkey economy and we can do that at a moments notice on his command" 

Australia Points Finger at Turkey
Australia’s foreign minister says Turkey is solely responsible for the escape of Islamic State group fighters from custody in Syria.
Foreign Minister Marise Payne was commenting in the Australian Senate after hundreds of Islamic State families and supporters escaped from a holding camp on Sunday amid fighting between Turkish forces and the Kurds.

Kurdish forces just called for Syrian army to take control of Turkish border.  Looks like the end of the Kurds mini-state protected by the United States. - Richard Engel, NBC News

Republican Shenanigans

America 2019: traitors writing foreign policy, racists writing immigration policy, thieves writing economic policy, polluters writing environmental policy, ignoramuses writing science policy, a hired goon heading the department of justice and One F-cking Moron to Rule Them All. - Jeff Tiedrich

Hey, Nancy Pelosi, Have You Seen This?
Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritsch, the two former journalists who founded the open-source intel firm Fusion GPS, announced they are publishing a book detailing President Donald Trump’s ties to Russia.
Most notably, the upcoming work, which is being published by Penguin Books, goes into how Simpson and Fritsch hired ex-MI6 agent Christopher Steele to create an opposition research file on Trump in the lead-up to the 2016 election; parts of the Steele dossier — first picked up by a conservative news outlet investigating Trump and later by the Clinton campaign — were cited by FBI investigators looking into the president and his allies’ connections with the Russian government and Kremlin-tied individuals. The president has dubbed the document the “PHONEY Steele Dossier,” but the new book’s authors argue that their research has been proven to be largely correct.

Shep Smith was a thin lay of icing on the Fox News seven-layer b-llshit-racist-arsenic cake. - driftglass


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When Michelle said “When they go low, we go high” - I don’t think anyone knew or understood how low they could actually go. - Ida Skibenes

Rock The Voter News

Remember the good old days, when Sarah Palin was the standard for batsh*t crazy? - Hoodlum tweet

Approving a trillion dollar military budget but not healthcare/education for all is a lot like a family foregoing groceries and school books so they can buy a Viking sword. - Justin Horowitz


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Business/Tech News

I have never seen an American president take such glee in personally attacking American citizens. - Dan Rather

Take A Deep Breath. NO, WAIT!
Fired EPA scientists to release air pollution report they say agency unqualified to issue.  “In the history of the agency this has never happened. The new panel is unqualified and the new panel has said they were unqualified,” said a former EPA official.

Nation’s Indigenous People Confirm They Don’t Need Special Holiday, Just Large Swaths Of Land Returned Immediately - The Onion

Me after watching 15 minutes of Masterchef



Odd News

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European Alpine Ibex warming up on a chimney. You gotta do what you gotta do! 


Friday, October 11, 2019

Ex-Ukraine ambassador suggests Giuliani associates played role in her ouster

Ex-Ukraine ambassador suggests Giuliani associates played role in her ouster
The former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine abruptly recalled from her post by President Trump earlier this year told Congress that she suspects Rudy Giuliani pushed for her ouster on behalf of two of his associates who were arrested this week for an alleged foreign influence scheme.

Is there anything more joyful than the sound of many whistles blowin'? - Tea Pain

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Trump announces he will send more troops to Saudi Arabia than will be withdrawn from Syria to protect the Kurds, proving his only real reason for sending troops is their ability of other countries to pad his pockets. - Justin Horowitz

Ukraine President Holds Longest Press Conference Ever.
Volodymyr Zelensky, a popular comedian before he was elected president of Ukraine this spring, promised to bring a fresh kind of politics to the ex-Soviet nation.
And on Thursday, he did what no politician had done before -- a more than 12-hour press conference that Ukraine's National Records Agency declared the longest in world history.

Christian Fundamentalists: If Trump was a Democrat, you’d be screaming that he was the antichrist. - Stephen King

Republican Shenanigans

If you're feeling down, ask yourself what's going to be more enjoyable:Trump and Giuliani publicly turning on each other, orTrump and Lindsey Graham publicly turning on each other.

Because both will happen. -   John Fugelsang

Nothing To See Here, Move Along
Attorney General Bill Barr privately met with Fox Corporation Chairman Rupert Murdoch at Murdoch’s home in New York, according to a new report.
The New York Times reported that Barr met with Murdoch on Wednesday evening:
“The meeting was held at Mr. Murdoch’s home in New York, according to someone familiar with it. It was unclear if anyone else attended or what was discussed. Aides to both Mr. Murdoch and Mr. Barr declined requests for comment on the meeting.”

Trump's hit on Biden as an ass-kisser while a dreamy-eyed Mike Pence swooned stage right also exhausted a massive amount of our national irony supply. - Rick Wilson

All the President's Consiglieres 
The president’s decision to bulk up his legal team with former South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy amid a widening impeachment inquiry is drawing criticism from one of his high-profile supporters...“Trey Gowdy doesn’t know s***,”...


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Rock The Voter News

A man asked Liz Warren “What would you say to someone who said ‘I believe a marriage is between one man and one woman.’?

Warren: “I’d tell them to just marry one woman... if they can find one.”

Roody Colludy Is Knee Deep In Ukraine Henchmen
It was at the Trump International Hotel.
That's where Rudy Giuliani, the president's personal lawyer, huddled Wednesday with two foreign contacts who had been central to a campaign urging Ukrainian authorities to open an investigation into President Donald Trump’s Democratic rival Joe Biden.
By dinner time, Giuliani’s Ukrainian lunch partners, Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, were placed under arrest by FBI agents at Dulles International Airport, as they clutched one-way tickets to Frankfurt, Germany.
What has since spilled from federal authorities and court documents are details of a tangled criminal inquiry highlighting the efforts of Parnas and Fruman to funnel huge caches of foreign money to U.S. political campaigns – a troubling narrative that now intersects with Congress’ fast-moving inquiry into the impeachment of the president.

Trump Furious After Nobel Committee Gives Him Participation Trophy. - Andy Borowitz


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Business/Tech News

STUDY: Millions Could Be Saved by Impeaching Pence at the Same Time. - Andy Borowitz

Listeria Alert!
Do you store chicken in your freezer? You might want to take a look at the label.
In late September, Tip Top Poultry, Inc. issued a voluntary recall of all "cooked, hot deboned fowl meat" due to possible Listeria contamination. On Tuesday, Tip Top expanded it to include additional products and retailers.

Someone just said to me that Mike Pence looks like an unflavored gummy bear and that couldn't be more perfect. - Roland Scahill



Pretty please with sprinkles on top?


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Actual men's shoes worn by Allied spies during World War II to steer the adversaries in the opposite direction. I wonder if they made women's high heels.
