Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Trump Rages That ‘Lowlife’ Schiff Should Be Charged With Treason: He Couldn’t Carry Pompeo’s ‘Blank Strap’

Trump Rages That ‘Lowlife’ Schiff Should Be Charged With Treason: He Couldn’t Carry Pompeo’s ‘Blank Strap’
President Donald Trump continued his offensive against Adam Schiff (D-CA) by telling reporters in the Oval Office that the House Intelligence Committee chairman isn’t fit to carry Mike Pompeo’s “blank strap” and that — absurdly — he should be charged with treason.

I hope someone apologized to the president of Finland who had to endure Trump's rant.

I can’t wait for the Trump campaign to start selling Mike Pompeo Jockstraps. - Roland Scahill

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

A year after the death of Jamal Khashoggi, we are sharing nuclear secrets with Saudi, selling them weapons, sending troops to help defend their oil, and Ivanka is getting a 100M donation. - Woman In The Moon

Wow. People are Fleeing the Sinking Ship.
The website of the consulting firm that forged business contacts for Rudy Giuliani in Ukraine and Russia for more than a decade vanished suddenly after his communications were subpoenaed.

If Bill Clinton lost his law license for lying about one thing, Rudy Giuliani should be catapulted into the sun. - The Hoarse Whisperer

Republican Shenanigans

Pompeo, who accuses lawmakers who want answers of bullying, had fits of “anger” while at CIA, former Sr intelligence officials say. Often, an official said, it would happen if analysis didn’t match the political theme of the day. Lots of slammed phones + demands for polygraphs. - Richard Engel

Even the Flies on the White House Walls Are Scared
CNN political Analyst Gloria Borger observed on Wednesday that President Donald Trump seems to be “in a tailspin.” “I was communicating yesterday with somebody very close to the White House who said, ‘Look, it’s chaos inside the White House. There is nobody there who can say no to him. There’s nobody blocking the door to his office.'”

Poor Donald Trump.
Democrats aren't nearly as mean to him as history's going to be. - Middle Age Riot


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Our president is a banana republican. - Molly Jong-Fast

Rock The Voter News

"Evangelicals for Trump" sounds considerably better than "Christians for Caligula." - John Fugelsang

Pelosi Came Out Swinging
Pelosi fiercely defends impeachment inquiry as Trump blows up. The president lashed out at Democrats for investigating his efforts to pressure Ukraine.


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Business/Tech News

Fox News: Liz Warren wants to take money from the rich and give it to the poor!
Me: Cool cool.
Mark Zuckerberg: Liz Warren is an existential threat to my business!
Me: Guys, I already like her ok, you don’t have to sell her this hard.  - OhNoSheTwitnt

Meanwhile, the Grownups are Taking Care of Business
The IRS needs to examine whether the National Rifle Association should lose its tax-exempt status, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Finance Committee ranking member Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) said today.

I’ve seen a lot in my lifetime. But I’ve never seen anything like this. - Dan Rather

Eric Trump Accuses Don, Jr., of Being Whistle-Blower in Bid to Get Him Cut Out of Will. - Andy Borowitz


Hey folks, I hope you can chip in a dollar or two for my
Fall Fundraiser

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Odd News

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Cayo Largo del Sur , Cuba where you can swim with the dolphins.


Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Kamala Harris says Trump's Twitter account should be suspended

Kamala Harris says Trump's Twitter account should be suspended
Sen. Kamala Harris said on Monday that President Donald Trump's Twitter account should be suspended following his tweets about the whistleblower whose complaint is at the center of the Ukraine scandal.

Americans Shocked That Trump Was Aware of So Many Foreign Countries. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

One thing is for sure, if there was another Civil War, Ivanka, Don Jr., and Eric would suddenly develop bone spurs. - Devin Duke

Seriously, Trump?
Trump Drags Australia Into His Coverup
President Donald Trump pushed the Australian prime minister during a recent telephone call to help Attorney General William Barr gather information for a Justice Department inquiry that Trump hopes will discredit the Mueller investigation, according to two American officials with knowledge of the call.

Back before he was mayor, Rudy Giuliani used to prosecute the most notorious mobsters in America. Who knew he was just holding out to work for the very biggest? - Bette Midler

Republican Shenanigans

Somewhere Jeff Sessions is smoking a joint with other kebbler elves laughing at Barr...irishrygirl wee

Why Isn't Flynn In Prison?
Michael Flynn's defense team is entirely dismissing admissions he made as part of his guilty plea two years ago that he provided false information to the Justice Department

Trump Orders All Phones Covered in Tin-Foil. - Andy Borowitz


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Rock The Voter News

The evidence concerning Ukraine is so dramatic, and irrefutable—because it came right out of the White House. - Hillary Clinton

Pompeo and Gorka to Visit Vatican
Former White House aide Sebastian Gorka is traveling with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on his trip to Europe.
Gorka, a contributor for Sinclair TV who has been named as the host of a talk show with the Salem Radio Network Platform, tweeted about his participation on the trip, and NBC News reported that he's a part of the media pool traveling with Pompeo.


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Business/Tech News

hey, it's just Mark Zuckerberg, the guy who controls exactly which stories hundreds of millions of people see every day, coming out against Elizabeth Warren. nothing scary or alarming about that so move along, nothing to see here. - Jeff Tiedrich

What Was the DEA Thinking About? Breaking Bad?
The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) allowed drug makers to increase production of opioids even as overdose deaths were skyrocketing, according to a government watchdog’s scathing report released Tuesday. 

In other news: A mouse literally fell out of the ceiling in our White House booth and landed on my lap. - Peter Alexander, NBC News


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Odd News

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Skiing the sand dunes on Namibia's Skeleton Coast.


Monday, September 30, 2019

I wonder whether Trump will be handcuffed or put in a straight jacket when he's arrested

Whistleblower Reportedly Seeking Federal Protection, Lawyers Allege 'Certain Individuals' Have Offered $50,000 'Bounty'
CBS reported a new update on the anonymous whistleblower: they are seeking further federal protection “because he or she fears for their safety.”
60 Minutes reported Sunday night that a letter from the whistleblower’s attorney Andrew Bakaj alleges “certain individuals have issued a $50,000 ‘bounty’ for ‘any information’ relating to our client’s identity.” The letter includes Trump’s leaked comments from earlier this week, saying they indicated a threat of violence against the whistleblower.

Crazy how not one person implicated in this growing scandal is an immigrant. - Andy Lassner

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Trump just wants another Civil War because he knows we put up statues of the losers. - Jess Dweck

Trump demands to know the name of the whistleblower AND suggests his political enemies be arrested for "treason." 
I don't care if you're right or left, the hair should be standing up on the back of your neck right now, America. This is wrong, and you know it. - Stonekettle

Republican Thinks Trump Is Repugnant 
Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger (Ill.) on Sunday criticized President Trump for quoting a pastor saying impeachment could trigger a "Civil War like fracture" in the country.
"I have visited nations ravaged by civil war," Kinzinger tweeted.
"I have never imagined such a quote to be repeated by a President. This is beyond repugnant."

“If we are to have another contest in the near future of our national existence, I predict that the dividing line will not be Mason’s & Dixon’s, but between patriotism and intelligence on one side, & superstition, ambition, & ignorance on the other.” - President Ulysses S. Grant 1876

Trump Says If There Is Another Civil War He Will Get a New Note from Podiatrist. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

If AOC, Ilhan Omar, or Rashida Tlaib screamed and acted like Jim Jordan, Lindsey Graham, or Devin Nunes, we’d be hearing from the GOP that women are too emotional to serve in Congress. Ever wondered what Republican whiny male privilege is? This is it. - Andrea Junker

Russians Receive "Country Club Fine" From Treasury Dept.
The Treasury Department on Monday sanctioned multiple Russian individuals for their efforts to interfere in the 2018 U.S. midterm elections.
The individuals included Yevgeniy Prigozhin, the main financier behind the Russian Internet Research Agency (IRA), a group that former special counsel Robert Mueller found to have launched a sustained disinformation campaign “designed to provoke and amplify political and social discord in the United States” ahead of the 2016 elections. Prigozhin has been dubbed by the Russian media as Putin's "chef" due to his catering company being used by the Kremlin on multiple occasions, and is considered part of Putin's inner circle, according to CNN

Trump’s worst fear is to be laughed at and seen for a fool.
Grant him his nightmare. - The Hoarse Whisperer


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The president is a corrupt human tornado. - Hillary Clinton

Rock The Voter News

FYI people I understand the jokes about the next civil war, but I’m in God Bless Texas & Guns surrounded by neighbors that will now gladly shoot me because I’m a Democrat. Pardon me if I’m not laughing. - Beyond Blonde tweet

Let the Whistles Blow and Subpoenas Flow
The House Intelligence Committee slapped a congressional subpoena on Rudy Giuliani, President Donald Trump’s personal attorney, as part of the House Democrats’ rapidly accelerating impeachment inquiry.
The subpoena, which was issued in consultation with the House Foreign Affairs and Oversight panels, seeks documents related to Trump’s efforts to pressure Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate 2020 contender and former Vice President Joe Biden.


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Business/Tech News

You know what is going to piss Trump off the most?
The Whistleblower will be named Time Person of The Year. - YS tweet

Does This Mean We Should Stock Up On Ammo & Guns?
After President Donald Trump posted a quote on Sunday which claimed Democrats would cause a civil war if the President were impeached, several civil war-related hashtags began to explode on social media. One hashtag, #CivilWarSignup, became the number one trending topic on Twitter, Monday, and a wave of political and media figures made both serious and humorous comments in response.

A whistleblower and a handful of journalists are saving the United States of America. 
This is what patriotism looks like. - Andy Lassner



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Sunset at the Sandy Layers of Oaxaca, Mexico. A picnic basket, a bottle of wine and I'm all good.
